Fighting Games General /fgg/
When will broski stop dodging?
can someone explain to me how a bison player that does nothing but jump back random slide and random headstomp gets to gold, and how exactly I could lose to something as retarded as this, I am going to kill myself
which thread do i use
hey user you should play me!
What's your excuse for not playing nero in melty blood?
This one I guess
online bison is gay you need to be on point
The one that was created first.
he's unreadable. to defeat random you have to be random
who is this broski tripshit and why is he dodging that guy calling him out?
dumb neroposter
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
Reminder that SF5 is midget fighter 5.
Easy, I don't play Melty at all.
has metly blodd got decent netcode yet?
>July of 2016
>still no Monogatari fighting game
t. goober
full or crescent?
i feel like full moon nero is better but im so used to crescent from the other games
Morrigan one.
Sure thing. ST/A2/98/3S?
More like Dodgi haha
the fuck is monogatari and why would it fight
Play melty blood then.
nice doug post
c and f are both dumb top tier apes.
>If you don't play this anime kusoge, you must be a player of this other anime kusoge
doug why don't you learn A3?
doug you arent eu
stop pretending to be
Am I an honorary EU since I play you in umvc3?
F-Vakiha is more fun.
nights and luvcheez are honorary europeans
is hisako sniff material?
>SFV punishes DP hard with crush counter
>doug dropped SFV 2 days after people learned crush counter combos
hmmm what could this possibly mean?
real tekken player here. anyone ttt2 EU?
that user's not me. i don't like alpha3 as much as i like alpha2, but i'd play it more just to learn it with redblade, he's better than me in it
don't ever reply to me or my fake dougposters ever again
It has had good netcode for a long time now
If you mean the steam version not yet
I mostly play F, he's easier to play for sure but C is considered at least as good. C is more about setplay/not letting them play, but you need to know how to use him for that, F can just play the basics much more easily.
Kodansha Footsies Fighting Climax soon
>street fighter
>unique interesting characters
Kim wu is best ki.
have faith brother
Name 33 characters that play like Ryu
Name one other character like oro or hakan
You called?
Neither you ukek faggot lmao
this was the last match I played when I actually stopped playing sfv daily. think it was a month or more before I picked it up again just to fight people from here or the discord. sfv just hella sucks compared to other ones, and the busted ass netcode doesn't do it any favors
While he used to be the "grappler" of KI, he's more like a semigrapper
He kinda just plays like most semigrapplers in fighting games. His throws naturally tic after getting their respective strength blocked, so use that to your advantage
jesus christ
spotter the 016er
>don't ever reply to me or my fake dougposters ever again
chun li
Get on ppsspp and I'll play.
If SFV sucks just play SF4. It's not any of you are good enough to compete for big money anyway so why play a game you hate.
>fun loving, carefree
It's like he came off an assembly line.
Because it's fucken dead
name a better KI then
there are no real tekken players here
melee players at evo's throat AGAIN
>lose a match against a mika
>struggle to keep her out but win
I fucking hate Mika players.
what happened this time
Did you play the story mode? Because he is definitely not a one dimensional character and you can't reduce his gameplay to "yahoo" as you rarely use his flying vskill.
>Won 2 ranked games in a set against someone
>got so anxious I dropped the game for 2 days
desu rashid is way more interesting than youre average sf character
they're all freaking out about payouts and schedule or some shit, and talking about how evo needs to change to fit their needs
Mira is top undead waifu
remember where you are
>i-if I take these random tweets maybe fgc will be all sf again
Melee and smash community was pretty peacefull 2 days ago when talking with jebaily about scheduling of top 8s and how only showing the top6/4 would be. Even fucking Leffen the cunt talked normally.
>nobody wants to play broski
>broski can't connect the dots
but I'm here
i gained 2k points with my sub a month ago and havent played since in fear of losing them
Well people still play KI.
This is L I T E R A L L Y last weeks drama. Step up your game mang.
what? i should have said something something cammy?
Sadira and Mira are 2nd and 3rd best.
its not a big deal at the moment anyway, the matchmakings fixed so i only really fight plats and above now
its just nice to kick back with a set with fgg from time to time
KI is pretty fucken alive though. Under a minute for ranked even at weird hours.
You know you can't cash in your LP for prizes right user?
True and I agree, he's a pretty fun character in the story mode.
I just think his design is too safe, not really bland. His beard gives him a bit of character but overrall his design is just kind of ok.
Also a nitpick but white fireballs and white specials aren't all that amazing to look at.
Should I learn Chun or Vega in Alpha 3?
when the dots connect do they reveal a dodging shitter yuro /fgg/
no, last weeks was seeding, they've become unhinged again about other aspects of how their tourney is run
can you please reword this without projecting? i can't really tell who you're quoting desu senpai
If they're still REEEE-ing about it that says a lot about smash players.
t. goober
Is he trying to knee himself in the face?
How would you explain the games neutral to a shitter? Seems like you can only combo from openers so are your normals used purely for spacing and AA?
Chun is ez mode. Will likely give you very bad habits.
You will get your shit pushed in if you play vega as a beginner
Wowserz she is so cute. I wish sniffnuki was my girlfiend.
What do you guys think of RAAM in KI?
So a player that is actually good is picking up f hime
If american melty wasn't dead yet it certainly is now
what Vega is probably the fuckin easiest character in alpha 3. Literally just with an occasional st.hp all day and jump lk for antiair.
i like alpha 3 but gief is retarded in it, they should never make gief or a grappler this op
>jump lk for antiair
is there a single game where vegas has had an actual fucking grounded anti air
no because thats part of his design considering his ground game is always retarded
v trig :^)
Reminder that broski is a chornic dodger and capcom cocksucker that is not banned only because he is a mod.
tfw you don't really play C-Moon characters so you rarely ever get to experience the pleasure of having infinite meter
I'm pretty sure I'll do fine I was able to reach gold with him in SFV so that should be better than ebginner status in alpha 3