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Maybe it's just the shit gear that DH start with. I went to Vel'Sharah and if I pulled too many, I'd die. Especially if they have more HP since they just slowly whittle me down.

I go from 100 -> 0 in a single enemy if they do a lot of damage or just live a long time, like the tree giants outside the temple of Elune.

I think it's just gear, but there's no self-heals for DH at all.

Best east coast PvP server?

Second for memes


what item level is a dh at 100?

This instance was too good to be in WoD

source of early demon hunter release faggots

Something like 680~. I have a number of pieces from Vel'Sharah and I'm at 700.

The nice thing is we have time to get Baleful, if not Ashran gear.

Big Belfs

So today someone walked up to my female worgen and said she is ugly. Is this true? Are female worgens ugly?

We've known since preorders were announced that people who pre-order Legion get early access to DH.

What is that, a trace with shit anime eyes?

When's prepatch?

>We've known since preorders were announced that people who pre-order Legion get early access to DH.


Why did the legion waste their time learning the common language? They're otherworldly creatures whose aim is to enter a world and destroy, it's not like they'd make good diplomats and discuss the terms of surrender or something.

Ok quick wowg, I have a 100 boost

Which do I boost for Legion PvP?

>Arms war
>Sub rogue
>BM monk

So, will I be able to get ashran 700s for my DH in the pre-launch patch?


Are you fucking stupid? It's even listed on the prepurchase page.

Can anyone help me with a Gnome warrior xmog? I wanna go for an engineer tinker sort of look, something that'll match the flying machine mount.


race change


how will getting ashran gear work? isn't honor removed? or will you have to rely solely on strongboxes?

thanks faggots


2/10 made me reply but really you're just as bad if you keep this up


>advocates pvp
>is a pedophile
I'm getting off the pvp ride

I'm trying to see what it costs, but... it's not letting me logout. What is this LH/SAO shit?

Legal in my country lad.

So, this game is super imbalanced and broken in many ways and is absolutely not a flawless perfect world. That's ok everybody knows this.

But WHY THE HELL is Blizzard so against 1v1 arenas?

And don't say "duels" because duels are retarded. There's hardly ever any pillars or LoS objects and the zone is pretty damn small, and your CDs don't get reset in between duels. It's garbage, and I'm sure everyone who actually thinks about it should agree that they would be a nice addition to the game whether they'd participate in them or not.

1v1 Arenas wouldn't need rating, and wouldn't need rewards. Just being able to queue up and do some 1v1s against tons of other players would be good for people practicing their 1v1 skills and is what people want.

If you think these would be horribly imbalanced, think about world pvp and ganking situations. When your counter class comes to gank you, it doesn't matter if you're good in 3s, you've only got yourself and have to out play them. 1v1s would let you practice your shit against plenty of opponents and expose you to a lot of 1v1 situations without relying on anybody but yourself.

It wouldn't need to be balanced. The entire game isn't.
Blizzard just won't deliver. Why?

I view this as something they're just holding out on, and will someday later release it as "something cool they just thought up of".

I'm actually annoyed that they don't exist. Just "Why the hell not?", as the guy from this topic says.

No argument against them is valid when you strip any rewards from it.


nice to know ahmed

Escape artist is a good racial for warriors

but she's 18?

>he cares about racials

because blizzard believes that achieving 1v1 balance would result in excessive homogenization
also how the fuck do you balance tanks and healers in 1v1
also also world pvp is imbalanced as shit, what're you talking about

Looks like they cost Marks of Honor. So no, I doubt we're going to be able to get PvP gear on our DH.

infiltration successful nobody knows im a banda :DDD

>He's not in the /v/ thread right now talking and adding the Legendary Frodobaggin

>people practicing their 1v1 skills



About to heal an ACTUAL (Not LFR) raid for the FIRST time
AMA me anything

How long is your girlcock

>also the world pvp is imbalanced as shit, what are you talking about
I'm talking about the fact that imbalanced 1v1 combat already exists in the game. Duh.

It happens when people don't want it, why not let them have it when they want it ON DEMAND like arenas?



Literally who are you and why would I ask you about something so normal.

Reminder: delete hunters

what happen to hippu?

Are you spooped?

What happened to Jocelyn? Lmao

What's the best DK PVP spec right now?
How about in Legion?


RUDE! I'm gonna be a good raider in Legion! Y-You just watch, guys!!!

I'm Mumi, duh.

Hippu ded but still live on in old screenshot folder, and in hearts

No not really. I think I'll do well!

What are some things I need to do before the Legion launch?

Why duh, That name means nothing to me.

He's right though. When tanks are having fun, no one else is.

god do I miss her..........

how did hippu died?

>about to sell some grey items
>press alt to view their TSM stats
>both sell for 500g each
Sure, okay

Get a gf.

I want to sexually abuse you.

Mumi I want to shove my thick veiny cock into your tight virgin boyhole and let you feel it as it throbs with pleasure

will you let me?

A goblin getting her thick butt filled.

if 1v1 is balanced 2v2 will never be balanced and healers wont exist

easy logic, if you can 1v1 a healer=he must be uselss in 2s

although im really in for balanced 1v1s, i also dont believe healers should be able to outheal 2 dpsers in any scenario.

i also support casters ooming because cata really ruined mana management and i need to try harder as a melee class :(

dont u fucking dare bully jocelyn okay kiddo i will hecking fin dyou and hurt u okay jocelyn did nothin to deserve rude bully like you so dont bullY OkAY?


I've been demoted to who status once again......

I had to leave xir



Oh yeah, I know who you are now, you're Icy's dumb failed M>F slut.

Probably because he thinks he's a celebrity now and everyone should know his name. It's annoying really, he used to be really cool and nice but this attitude really turned me off from talking to him.

Doesn't need 1v1 balance.

Keep everything the same.
Let people go into unbalanced 1v1 fights.

That's the point.
It would just literally be a BETTER way to Duel. Also not having to repeatedly duel the same people on your realm.

>no Draka if they make a sequel

; __;

just imagine, we could raid together, stroking each other to the edge during the raids, only to blow a load onto each other's chest after the raid and queue up for another

No, they arent letting people queue up against blood DKs and healers

the difference between arenas and duels is with duels you know what youre up against so you can decline the bullshit

>tfw no big butt female bear to sit on your face

>goblin porn doesn't have their giant monster claw hands

Nothing stops a Blood DK from ganking you out in the world.

delet this mumi is pure not a slut okay pure PURE

well im not really butthurt about not being able to 1v1 because thats really minor, i know against a pvp dps spec i have a 50/50 chance and thats all the matters and i enjoy 1v1 duels anyhow even when its a tank


>used to be really cool and nice
literally haven't changed lmbo

this is very no

Why the fuck are you bothering to raid this close to a new expansion?

>Blood DKs
>killing anything

nah, you just go on forever, which is why people decline duels with them

>literally haven't changed lmbo
Keep telling yourself that

>no femOrc smothering you with her butt

>BM monk
most memetastic spec in the game, throwing barrels of ale that appear out of nowhere to aggro enemies, fucking stupid

its really sad because mumi was a cool chill person a couple months back now its "i miss icy :((((( ;____;" "hippu" "this is very no"

girls are so random xDD

I'm just trying to get the moose, really. And the experience will be fun to get.

I absolutely will

Official Rankings of cute girls on the general:

1. Jocelyn
2. Nuzzle
3. Mumi
4. Pizzacat
5. Vjera
6. Nizbun

this is objective. do not argue

>he hasn't played Legion beta

Where the FUCK is Lynris??????

Lynris is not on the list because she died in a car crash on her way to the hospital to pick up Icy after his accident

Our prayers go out to her ;_;

Wait then what happened to Icy? Is he okay? I don't know if I could go on living without my darling Prince

>tauren tabard

your mog is shit stop posting pictures of it

would look good on a tauren though

Uncensored or gtfo

every time the client pretends it's patching I get my hopes up

Is it gay to play a fem b'elf DH as long as I'm not a DPS?

Why would I want to queue for Mr. Bones "FOTM PvP Class Kills Me Every Time" Wild Ride?

>The Legion pre-expansion patch is coming soon, and we wanted to give you a heads up about what to expect—and when you can expect it.
>and when you can expect it.
>does not tell us when we can expect it

ohai wowg

what am i doing?

just stealing this tiny horse!

please respond