/lolg/ - League of Legends General

Freljord edition.


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Xth for leagues biggest set of anime tiddies


>Ashefag posts more than just eyosongive.us and picture of shitty lewds

Ashefag confirmed better than lissandrafag.


xth for crackwhore waifu

Xth for Katarina
best girl

everyone is better than lissfag, he wants lissandra to shit ice cream out of her breasts for christ's sake.

>play a game
>our yi starts flaming me to shit
>tell him I'll report him
>he starts freaking the fuck out and apologising because he's just come out of a ban so he'll get banned again
>spends the entire game begging me not to report
>tell him I won't if he gifts me a skin
>he only has 600RP but agrees and gifts me king trynd after we add eachother and wait
>ask him if he wants a game
>play one, he keeps acting nice to me
>report him after the game and say 'check the chat log from the game where' etc
>tell him he's reported, unfriend and block him

Should I feel bad because I don't know if I should piss myself for being /devilish/ or feel guilty

in /lolg/'s world if you're remotely good you are a tryhard cancer.

Why are they so saggy?

>massive milk bags
>cant speak
is she just a monstergirl in disguise? is she just a cow-lady?

is there a skin that attracts more shitters than bunny riven or dragonslayer vayne?

>linking boosting shit
>no opgg
>no champion gg
>site that has only has clown region
>20 posts early

>not using the better version

Yea she was actually a member of Alistars tribe but got her horns ground down when they took her to demaica

>150 bucks for placements
jesus christ what hte fuck

Reminder that Karma provides FREE sex ed at the Ionian Summer Camp


xth for kurwa



some people have money and can't git gud. other people don't have money but are gud.

post other snek

>post yfw
>Brew begs /lolg/

how do i tattle on these dumdum boosters? muh b-boosted monkey teammates holding me b-back!

>Esports threads on ribbit used to get 3000+ comments
>All sitting at 300- right now
fucking LUL

Never ever.

It's true that overall viewership has dropped, but only the important games ever got that much attention. Not fucking EU gutter H2K vs S04 or whatever

>Ashefag confirmed better than lissandrafag.
No need to confirm that, user. This is common knowledge.

xth for only BR on /lolg/

Also I want to hug Kami.

xth for autism

>get boosted mid laner that whines the moment he gets criticized for not leaving mid or taking tower and just feeding
>turns out he's a 1200 game welfare diamond hot can of garbage that abuses dynamo q and loses when he solos

do these kids have no humility or some shit really hot damn stop ruining my FUCKING games

Suu best girl!
Lala is also acceptable

>its a bot dies once a minute episode

>only BR on /lolg/

how fucking new

Jinx is so qt
but you are rude

>not knowing watsu
Your new is showing

Why tell on me when I can boost you too, user?

I think you are one of those people that should be shot in the face

because you don't boost plat to diamond, dummy

>but you are rude
Pls explain.

she is not a crackwhore user

I-i was just kidding haha

that wasn't him, that was me
pic related, i have access to their trips

I know this, user. But me saying that is basically a joke or a parody on the people that DO call her that. I don't mean anything by it. Fools call her that because they can't understand that someone as complex and as deep as her can be the way she is without drugs.

not using woad ashe kys faggot

>complex and deep

user plz, i just choked on my drink laughing

how do i make this game fun again

time machine

play taliyah

>trying shill lolgen for your boosting
>boosting at all
holy shit go to a community college and get a job

>Getting a Tahm Kench main in your queue
>He's chronically tilting and the match history is all Kench losses
There's no handicapped person that would stay crippled if given the chance. So why do League players choose to gimp themselves with crap like Kench?
(we successfully saved him from the imminent demotion to masters though)

Why do you purposely gimp yourself /lolg/?

do nothing but play rotating game modes on the weekend


tfw you go 10/0/3 in a diamond 2 game (EUW) and you pretty much solo carry the game



Enemy was an Irelia player, like every solo top past diamond 3. Because Irelia is the easy hero that is overpowered but also has the easiest kit out of any solo top. Her kit does not require any mechanics or fancy plays at all just knowing that you can beat the enemy laner with your numbers or not. Such a boring champion.

Doesn't help that the only counter for Irelia's bullshit is Darius. I still bann gangplank though since he has no counterplay, I can at least go Darius and rek an Irelia player but gangplank has no real counterplay.


>complex and deep

Getting a job in an urban area is much harder than I thought, user. They only give jobs to normies who have the hookup instead of people who are qualified for the job. That, or I'm just overqualified, which is why they don't want to hire me.

I already go to school so there's that.

stomp people in normals with your main

>Sona is more tits than torso

> challenger
> picking crap like Kench

Did he buy the account? I can't imagine getting through D3+ if you're playing total garbage champions.

but urf is boring now, everyone picks the same 20 champs because of the power creep that changed the game over the last 2 years. urf was amazing the first time it was introduced, now its kinda. it feels like the damage was amped up 3 times

did you just learn this now user?

did you somehow think that all those endless sona posts and fanarts were just memeing about her having big tits?

>trump poster is challenger


>play a normal
>we have a broze 3 jungler
>plat 5 support

Enemy team has all high golds and plats
how is normal matchmaking fair

he can't post proof, he's an infamous elobooster

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums live!

pre lcs edition

>giving a flying fuck about normals

normals have separate mmr from ranked. their normal mmr are fairly matched up. :^)

Who is best midriff girl?

normal mmr=/= ranked mmr

if you play enough normals your mmr reaches a point where most games will be evenly matched

t. normal only player at 3k games

tfw no darkstar thresh

It's bottom of the barrel Challenger. My decay set in and I don't want to fall in that Masters shithole.

any way to contact you trumpanon? would prefer it to not be public

I thought it was a bit of an exaggeration

But they take up have the vertical space of her torso, and are deeper than her chest cavity in the actual model

didn't think it was quite so absurd

So continuing on from the last thread; do I want to overheat as Rumble or is it situational? His cooldowns are extremely low and i'm finding it easy to stay above 50% heat but i'm still not sure about how I want to trade with others. Do I keep my distance and manage my cooldowns so I stay at 50% heat or do I just spam away so I can reach overheat and bonk them for the increased auto attack damage?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is going on

pre lcs edition you weebs join

>do well early on renekton because youre renekton
>build ghostblade
>fuck up, then fuck up again

do I switch to tank or still buy bruiser items? Which hydra is better on the Crock? I had more success with ravenous but maybe it was just luck

isn't watsu dead?

I don't even know why I play anymore. I just pick random champions, and the instant something goes wrong I lose the will to keep playing and just roam around

I'm glad I was able to bring you so close to death.

Trump voters are more likely to be the smart and rich because that's what the republican party appeals to more than the democrats do.

I can't stand the in game models. I mean far away they look okay but close up they look like shit. Most never even change their expression which is creepy as fuck.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums live, 7 spots left edition

pre lcs edition


Rush hydra and cleaver, then go full tank. Preferably with a sunfire and visage. Titanic has a better synergy with your items if you go full tank/hp items.

Renekton falls of so hard in the late mid/ late game that building damage becomes redundant.

>Trump voters are more likely to be the smart and rich because that's what the republican party appeals to more than the democrats do.

you don't need to make a post every fucking minute

No, saw him the other day when the karma drawing was getting streamed

You people don't have money though. But you can leave your skype and I'll be in touch. I have room in the first week of September so I'll be in touch later on.

That' the beauty of league user, the titty monsters are legitimate titty monsters. It's so rare to see something like that these days in vidya.

It's like watching the dunning-kruger effect in action.

pls respond

fucking hell why does nobody play rumble, after trying him for 2 matches he's kinda fun. vector casting takes a bit to get used to however


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is live

post bets, silver shitter edition

hows hernie sandberg doing? oh yeah lmao


You lost

Because tits don't defy the laws of physics.

how much you charge?