Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2232 - Overpriced Waifu Edition
Last thread: YGOPro (Windows): drive.google.com
YGOPro (Mac): mega.nz
● DN was a browser-based, manual simulator.
● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
Useful Links:
The Official /dng/ ruling test can be found here:
Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Invasion of Venom (July 9th)
●OCG: 20th Rival Collection (July 21st)
●OCG: Booster SP: Destiny Soldiers (August 6th)
●OCG: Extra Pack 2016 (September 10, 2016)
●TCG: Rise of the True Dragons Structure Deck (July 8th)
●TCG: Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (July 22nd)
●TCG: The Dark Illusion (August 5th)
●TCG: Dragons of Legend: Unleashed (August 19th)
BEFORE asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Read the cards please.
● Google your Deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.
● Remember to playtest and try suggestions before you trash them, even if someone recommends a weird tech choice. You don't know everything.