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weekend edition

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Legio XVI Coruscantia - Tomb of Freedon Nadd (Imperial)

- Ebon Hawk (Imperial/RP/Memes)


Not even a kolto tank can save this thread.

How's that Dark vs Light progress coming? I'm finishing flashpoints for Champion tier and waiting for the last chapter, then have to level an Empire character.

bacta infusion

so are we just going to bump 750 times or are we going to have a thread? Wildstar has a fucking thread, we have no excuse.

I'm gonna try to make money via prostitution.

Which species makes the most money whoring themselves?

good luck user. Not that you need it, SWTOR players be thirsty af


Do you think Arcann and Vaylin ever?

I'd like to think the reason Vaylin is the way she is, is due to brain damage. Brain damage she received due to oxygen deprivation while Arcann's cock was firmly lodged in her throat.

what can I spend common crystals on? I can't buy the gear on fleet because I'm not level 65 yet and I'm almost capped on them.

the only kinds of brain damage you get ex-vitro are the kinds that make you a literal drooling retard

Valk probably experimented one too many times with Force Choke in the bedroom

>the only kinds of brain damage you get ex-vitro are the kinds that make you a literal drooling retard

is that not the kind Vaylin has?

nah she's an edgy retard that doesn't give a shit about the consequences of her actions but she's still more or less physically capable

rank 5 comp gifts (blues are 5 crystals, purps are 10) or Rakata-themed decorations

ok then thanks for shattering my headcanon fgt

Get it? HEADcanon?

I think twi'leks on imp wide. I got 250k (poor fuck nutted early and refused to pay the other half) as a green chick though

I remember someone talking about this, top 3 are human, cyborg and chiss, I think

they also said twi'leks were pretty niche but nichefags always give the big payouts

I don't go around paying whores on SW but if I did my top 2 picks would be chiss and mirialan

Those would probably be pubside, I play pub races on imp and vice versa. I like being exotic.

That's the one I play.

Inquisitor or Warrior next?


I like how I keep going back to Zakuul for missions without being detected by the massive fleet.

I'd fuck a channer for free.


well then bby what are we waiting for

Well for one I'm at work.
You know it, I love it.

Are you leveling your crafting skills, user?

You know, I wouldn't mind doing the other stuff for Eternal level, but leveling all the crafting skills to max? No thank you.

I'm waiting for the rest of Korriban to load so I can punch Baras' smug face in

I understand, user.

I'm leveling mine while playing DnD on roll20 so I can kill time waiting for my turn in combat.

Take pictures.

She died for a lost cause

sup Baras

Is it just me or is ebon hawk laggy as hell tonight?

>tfw you whistle at Edgina and she threatens you

>tfw the two right at the end fucked up

oh well, the rest turned out gr8

I know that feel, I tried multiple times to get this one and Thanaton's lightning was in the way every time.

holy shit. Didn't even realize that was someone from the thread.

it almost looks like a lens flare in the thumbnail

JJ Abrams confirmed for lead writer on season 2

Thanaton's fight is superior visually desu





I expect this thread to live through the night. See you tomorrow.

Daily reminder that ponyfags have a more active Star Wars general than us.

because they're using it to write a circlejerk fanfiction

Please do not die.

>tfw still haven't played the new chapter

neither have I

and I don't really feel like logging in

Oh, hey, this place is back. How long was that hiatus?

>tfw got one DvL character to 65
>don't want to make a second one

Yeah, guess I'm never doing legendary tier

I suppose you have a while to find the motivation

>want to make pub character for DvL
>completion-autism compels me to do ilum before working on getting 5pc heirloom set

at least I'll get BoI and FE out of the way for the t4 achievement

Edgina is now online.

Skipped the last two chapters because I'm just waiting for KOTFE to wrap up. How were they? anything interesting happen lads?

14 - mando circlejerk, find out that SCORPIO and GEMINI were made by something called the luminous engine
15 - SCORPIO betrays you and takes control of the eternal throne

Is the Mando circlejerk at least fun or is it what you'd expect from Bioware? Does it reach the fun of Chapter 13 with Gault or is it just a disappointment?

>SCORPIO betrays you and takes control of the eternal throne

no its your typical WE WUZ WARRIORS AND SHIET


Sasuga Bioware.

who the fuck are you and why are you announcing this?

fuck off


yeah I bet she busts bunker

>two 65s done
>almost done with the third character
sometimes having no life is nice

>tfw no life
>tfw still no motivation to keep leveling alts for the event

i don't mind it for some reason
once legion drops tho, i'm outta here until season 2 is completely released

>tfw pre-patch soon


Wake up!

Take 5 steps and cutscene for the 1st 1/2, shitload of skytroopers the 2nd half, with a What A Twist story surprise. I"d give it about a D-.

I'm grinding, user.

I'm 4 levels away from the third 50 needed.

>still no vuffy gf

I've maxed out 2 (almost a 3rd) characters and all crew skills in the past two weeks
>tfw none of them have been on LvD event characters
For some reason though my BH completion didn't count to my legendary title, I thought they fixed this bug?

>I thought they fixed this bug?

>Doing the DvL just as an excuse to make money and send it all to my bank (main) to get something on the GTN
>Wonder if this stuff's also on the Hawk
>Make a char on the Hawk and lvl it until I can go to the fleet
>Check the GTN
>They have it
>It's cheaper
Well that just killed all motivation to play

Slut wear is fucking expensive on the hawk.

I'm ready to go this morning. How about you, thread?

Oh damn, I forgot Gemini was out. Time to be betrayed.

So the DvL boxes I've already opened didn't change to legacy bound. Nice patch Bioware.

>thread on page 9

I'd like to have the full set of XP armor before leveling again. When does the last chapter come out?

And, is there one chapter left? Can they wrap everything up in one episode?


Please put a bag over that head



Almost back up to 200m.

Haven't been Jewing much lately.

Has anyone been able to get Galatic Battlegrounds to work on Windows 7

You on Shadowlands now? Educating the fine players there the ways of operations.

>picking light side options for DvL
>they dont fit my character half the time

I'd rather have the Chiss companion but going out of my way to be nice bothers me.

Just making sacrifices on a throw away character for some sweet Chiss action in the future..... for the low price of 5000 CC since BioJoo will say the Zabnig won so they can make bank off virgins.

damnit they probably will do that

>Can they wrap everything up

there's plot threads from launch that still haven't been resolved

Senya kills Lana and joins her kids. Scorpio nukes Odessan, fade to black with you floating in space, all your allies from this expac dead and Daddy Valk sacrifices himself to keep you alive until your old crew finds you in 5 more years.

if that's your idea of "wrapping everything up" then you're retarded

Luckily that's not what I want

Everyone wants slut wear.