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>Community & Fanart
>Character Planner
>Community & Fanart
Why is Gascoigne wearing the firekeeper robes?
why the fuck do u persist in changing the op
honestly lucy and his fuckbois
That's his coat.
OK, everyone's complained a lot about DS3 and everyone knows it's far from perfect.
Now, lets flip that around: tell me which PvE area in DS3 is the best designed and most engaging.
Still no sliders?
Actually the Firekeeper is wearing his coat.
This OP has everything the last one does except the DSCM and DS3 auto-summon links, which are outdated/unnecessary by now.
The last OP is also missing the Bloodborne pastebin (deliberately, since it was made bye the anti-bloodborne shitposter who has been doing this for months).
If there's some thing that needs adding to the OP let me known and I can update it.
>new video on vitality and with the right armor you can actually reduce a substantial amount of damage
>suddenly tons of copy cats using the exact same armor and build in the video
Has From announced anything about the bug autosummoning covenants? Are they even trying to fix it?
I like Lothric's areas the best, even though some places have too many bonfires/shortcuts for my taste.
Jailers were by far the best/worst experience I've had in PvE. Those fucks were really frustrating before I understood what they actually did.
they've tried a few times, some fixes help people while it makes it worse for others
Undead Settlement. It rapidly starts to deteriorate after that.
which video are you talking about
It's in there:
>Community & Fanart
I put it in a pastebin since it was taking up a lot of space.
>the anti-bloodborne shitposter
that game has it's own general, you're the autistic one for creating a redundancy
it either needs to stay out of the OP or that general needs to stop being made if they no longer have a population
suitable for low level invasion fuckery?
You go pyro with black flame and dark serpent ;^)
if BB didnt have its own fucking general by all means add it in, this shit was and has always been demon's/dark souls general(hence /_____d_____sg/), you faggots forcing your op and pretending its always been that way is starting to get real fuckin old
Hi, shitposter-kun.
Beast weapon for a pyro onebro? There's only like 13 in total I can use worth anything. I'm torn between the Pickaxe (wish I could use the Warpick) for damage and the Hand Axe for agility. All weapons chaos, except the Giant Blacksmith's Hammer which I can two hand and is surprisingly fucking great when lightning does more damage.
No reinforced club or morning star. Don't like clubs and I've never understood the appeal of the effectively redundant bleed.
Undead Settlement. the initial area where the dogs get loosed is interesting and sets the mood nicely. then there's the big enemy filled area with all the worshiping and multiple directions to take. lots of new npcs to meet, lots of loot everywhere and in hidden little spots. lots of side areas like the fire demon area and the cliff underside. and lastly an easy but pretty cool boss
that area as a whole is one of my favorite in the series
Thinking about the whole talking bosses thing more and I think that if a boss talks, it should be handled like the twin princes where they only talk during a cutscenrle and not a whole lot then either.
There could be room for a humanlike boss talking to you, but I wish it was then setting appropriate instead of genre-conscious trash. I like fights having the same level of gravity as in when Guts fights Griffit in Berserk. The kind of "no words, the swords do the talking". Artorias was a top tier boss because of how the fight was flowing, and how him giving you short breathers by slow walking inbetween aggressive spurts made it look cinematic AND feel challenging as a result.
would anyone be willing to trade me a Mirrah set
nothnin' personnell edition
Signs go on the hill pictured here!
did Eygon genuinely love her?
>you faggots forcing your op and pretending its always been that way is starting to get real fuckin old
It's been that way since before DaS3 release, back when people were calling it Soulsborne General.
how do i go about making a warrior faith build
How do I make gravelord greatsword dance not so worthless? I've been told I can get some damage out of it by using velka's talisman, is that true?
the dark miracles and sorceries are really that bad?
on my way
if on pc then yes, where at?
it will always be worthless user
the only thing you can do it is to use it for twinking
holy shit, time to level up vitality l guess
Very much so, but those dark pyromancies are fucking amazing. Black Serpent has amazing tracking right now and Black Flame is an amazing wake-up attack, really worth checking out.
the shield's moan is a magical recording of her real voice
you use it the same way you would use surprise buttsex chaos firestorm
Sorry I should have mentioned I was on xbone but thanks for the kind consideration friend
they are still shit
lifehunt needs to be reworked from a ground to act like flashsword to be useful
gnaw will never hit anyone
great deep soul is KINDA useful but only because it's a soul arrow, and normal great soul arrow is still better
dark edge desperately needs a fucking hyperarmor to hit someone, it would actually be pretty decent if you could use it for trading
suscribed, is the channel yours?
It'll let you guys know when I post them on the sheet later, I haven't forgotten.
I still don't fully understand how the fuck they work. All I know is if you get near them when their lantern is red your HP is fucked and torches do something to it since someone left a message about them.
summon pls
I'd prefer if it were faster though it would be trickier to balance it that way
is Deep Protection at least decent?
>not even testing against a partner with consistent damage
>acting like this proves anything
If you want to use Wolnir's Sword:
If you want to use Morne's Greathammer:
50str/30fth or 34str/30fth(2H only)
If you want to focus on using weapon buffs and offensive miracles:
the sound shield makes sounds like anything but sound of love
won't be surprised if some part of her is there, inside the shield
It's good in PvE.
Don't, it's a waste of time. I checked it earlier today. You shave off 30 to 60 points of damage at best.
I think Lothric Castle/High Wall is the best. Very Boletarian Palace-y, there's a good mix of enemies with different weapons, the knights are challenging and fun to fight, overall there's a lot of care put into enemy encounters and the's a lot of elevation differences and phtsical shortcuts. I agree that there are one or two bonfires too many, but otherwise that area is great.
Oh, I was talking about Irina, not the shield
Piss off, you retards have been doing this shit since Bloodborne came out and vaati came up with "Soulsborne".
It's unclear, but he's very committed to his vow, and how upset he gets about you teaching her dark miracles shows that he's at least professionally concerned about her not becoming corrupted by Londor/Deep shit.
Maybe derision and indifference is how people from Carim behave towards their loved ones.
The Jailers reduce your hp by vision after their lantern lights up. That whole area was great, it was so much 3-1.
>those jailers
>that asshole Hollow that pushes you off the walkway the first time
>those prisoners
>those fucking screaming corpses
I only wish the area was longer to properly frustrate people.
>washing pole's hitbox stats from 3/4 of the length of that thing now and if you touch someone with tip it won't do damage
Well i guess that thing needed a nerf but it kinda makes dark WP less useful against turtles.
Why does this stupid fucking game pander to stupid fucking shitters and let them summon THREE stupid fucking phantoms and all while the stupid fucking host has twice as much stupid fucking estus as I do
god fucking damn
because you have an unlimited invasion orb and losing a few times per session is not a tragedy
>60 damage
>not a huge fucking deal
Because it's the worst game in the series.
It wasn't in das2, it will not be in das3.
git gud :^)
How much endurance do you have? ls 30/40 a must?
30 to 60 damage is a HUGE advantage against any spammy weapon that relies on r1 mashing
Also, this is the first DS game where I've learned to fucking hate blue guys. They were kind of fun or honorable before, but now they just assist gankers by design.
Phantoms have an unlimited summon item and hosts have an unlimited game launch button :^)
At this point, I'm keen to agree. I put over 1500 hours into DS1 combined on console and PC but I can't imagine putting anywhere near that amount of time into this. Bringing poise back would make it better for me though.
How so? You'll survive another combo? Now that estoc is not dealing 240 damage per R1, it's dealing 210. Big fucking deal.
ls the bonus cast speed from dexterity noticable? Should l go all the way up to 40?
In DaS3, just use the Sages Ring.
+2 gives an enormous speed boost
>ds1 baby AND poiseshitter
Well this explains everything.
why the fuck are people so scared of Humanity, again? the Abyss is honestly not that bad, once you get used to it
How about sages ring + 40 dex? Wouldn't that be op?
almost forgot that if the attack is within 45 miles of you you need to roll it and can't just be out of visual range
>what are diminishing returns
its like you dont even rpg bro
You may have discovered a new meta, user.
No, it caps out so I don't think it would make any difference. I hear 18 dex + ring is the cap, though that may not be 100% correct.
18 dex + Sage Ring +0 hits the cap, Sage Ring +2 hits the cap regardless of dex.
>runs up
>perfect time to r1 or some shit right after u roll r1
>killing retarded players and laggers
>something to be proud of enough to post
With the +2 ring you don't even need to put a point into DEX, as far as I recall. It's something like 8 to reach the cap.
Salty idiot.
my sides
>he can't win a simple 1v4
your mad
>bragging about winning invasions as a mage in rape cave
you're no better
>stand back and mash L1
>This guy slaps your girlfriend's ass
What do you do?
he's holding some shit weapons so turtle his ass out probably
Black Crystal his ass. What's he's gonna do now? He didn't win.
I'm not bragging nor am I saying I'm skilled.
parry his baby daggers and shove my dick into him
>shit weapons
>le parry banana
>le oneshot 2500 damage dagger
>implying you will meet anyone but retards while invading at pve levels
>implying you can't win 90% of your invasions easily
>good anymore
both are nerfed into oblivion so gg ez