Thinking about minimizing expenses to save on monthly finances.
Any tips on frugal living to save money?
Thinking about minimizing expenses to save on monthly finances.
Any tips on frugal living to save money?
shit in a can, add to left over food scraps to compost and make your own food via a garden
I record all of my transactions, regardless of their minor magnitude. Basically I balance an excel finance report, complete with all of my income/expenses, so that I can see exactly what I'm spending money unnecessarily/necessarily on. Right now, I'm realizing that obtaining better deals on college books could save me from spending $700/semester. This has to be my worst semester by far. McGayHill/Pearson Assholes are screwing the etext game over pretty good.
I realized that when balancing my finances daily I hardly spend anything in hopes of seeing numbers grow. It also minimizes the amount of transactions I log, which conserves a minor amount of my time.
I'd definitely advise at least balancing a checkbook. Becoming aware and drifting away from comfortable transactions will likely be the single greatest effort you can put forth to reducing expenses.
i recommend using "gnucash"
its a great free and open source accounting software
focus on increasing your income instead of trying to live like a pleb
WHATEVER you do when showering. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT. Have it running the ENTIRE time. Run yourself down with a cold damping, which should be good enough to soap yourself down. Even if your hair drys, lather up with shampoo to maximize time. And finally, damp down with cold water, and clean up any excess left with a towel, squeeze into a cup. and use to wash hair. Rinse, repeat. you just save hundreds on utilities
Why not both?
Ultimate wealth.
Plan a diet and buy all the ingredients to feed you the entire week. Everything else you buy should be un-expirable/have a high shelf life.
Reduce your monthly student loan bill if you have a low interest rate.
Pay off all debt over 5% interest ASAP from highest to lowest rates.
Use apps for coupons & credit cards with rewards to build credit and save on expenses, auto pay off balance at the end of the month. I get 2-5% discounts on everything from CC companies, and coupon discounts sometimes too.
Get the cheapest healthcare plan and put the money you save in a health savings account, which is like a Roth IRA for healthcare expenses. It will ensure tax free growth, and help you when you're older.
Shit outside, saves money on water. Go to a buffet, steal some food while u eat so u can have more later, don't be a pussy about it though you should still have the balls to ask for a to go box just to see if they will. Take extra toilet paper from public restrooms lots of free condements from fast food joints to save a Lil more. Last but not least , get cheap knee pads or just make your own. Cheers m8
USE MINT! It's a website that lets you connect all your checking accounts, credit cards, savings accounts, etc and compiles them into one easy-to-use dashboard. See how much money you have, balances you owe, every transaction you make, and set budgets to keep track. Best way to save money is have more information.
Sell your retarded SUV/truck and get a smaller, used, reliable car. 2005-13 Civic, Corolla, Mazda 3, Scion xB, all good choices. Save money on gas, insurance, oil changes, tire changes, and maintenance in general, on the order of hundreds or thousands of dollars per year depending on how much you drive (especially if you commute).
Turn the air conditioning up or the heater down a few degrees. Better yet, get a programmable thermostat so you can shut it off while you're not home and take better advantage of any time-of-use plans your power company may have. Especially for the southwest, cooling is going to be like 40% of all your utility costs combined.
Cook more meals at home, eat out less, and go out less. Stop going to bars and clubs, they're trash. Better yet, stop drinking altogether because it is unequivocally bad for you.
Jesus guys just use Mint and stop spending hours each month manually figuring out how much you've spent. Here, I'll time myself going on mint and checking my spending for last month (that's an extra step past checking this month, btw)...
$604 for the month of August, which took me 37 seconds. You really shouldn't waste so much time doing it by hand. There is *literally* no benefit.
Technically okay but it's far easier to just get a low flow showerhead (2.0 gallons per minute, home depot has one for like $8 that I've been using for the last 3 years) and take shorter showers.
I agree but regarding coupons: most of those are going to be for groceries and for the bulk of your foods you should be buying at Costco. Especially dry goods like beans, rice, cereal.
Sleep with your daughter instead of paying money for hookers or dating after a divorce.
1. Peel toilet paper apart.
2. Wipe ass with hands.
3. Sell toilet paper as two rolls.
swallow when you suck dick.
you get paid and some proteins.
Don't bother. Focus on making more money instead.
You can only cut your expenditures so much; but you can increase your income by an unlimited amount. It's silly to focus on lowering your costs (and your living standards) when you can just earn more money.
This is the trap that normie housewives fall into.
because doing this creates mustard gas
> Buy 48 hour deodorant and shower every 2 days, or a work if they have showers.
> Try to take your shits at work.
> Ride Bicycle to work -> saves money on owning a car/ paying for gym.
> Bin dive at restaurants and grocery stores. -> Do this for a few items every month will save you hundreds.
> Mow people lawns every 2nd saturday for Beer money. -> this makes you less likely to drink beer since you have to work hard to get it.
> Suck dicks -> will keep you sane.
> Go vegetarian.
feces are considered 'hot compost' and need at least one year before they can be spread on your garden. unless you're a pajeet.
Instead of having a gf just hire a prostitute once a month.
Invest so u can wipe your ass with a frugal budget....
Interesting that the majority of people's ideas on how to save money just involves different ways to shit.
Get rid of smart phone if you have one, replace with flip phone and basic plan.
Shove pennies up your ass.
I find that the path to minimizing expenses is largely built by knowledge. Learn how to coupon well, and on top of that, learn how to cook with ingredients that do not cost much to minimize your food bills.
Learn how to work on your car yourself so that you can make it last and not have to pay for routine maintenance or minor repairs.
Learn basic plumbing and upkeep procedures so that if you're a homeowner you won't have to pay someone to do these things for you.
Also, embrace asceticism. Spending with discipline will allow you to build wealth, even on a modest salary.
Dont buy shampoo soap, only body wash. Also use body wash for hand washing, laundry cleaning dishes, your car, household appliances, ect. NOTE: buy economy sized bottles.
If you're going to go this route, at least suggest that he buy liquid castille soap so that it actually cleans shit
Income can only increase up to a certain ceiling, depending on the career and whether if it's self-employement or not.
Also, this will depend in where you live. In case you live in a country where there's a high taxation rate in incomes (e.g. most of EU), usually you get more bang for your buck by focusing on saving rather than trying to increase your income (a higher rate of taxes will eat up your potential gains).
Just muh 2 centz.
>USE MINT! It's a botnet that lets a company track all your checking accounts, credit cards, savings accounts, etc and compiles them into one easy-to-use dashboard. Let them see how much money you have, balances you owe, every transaction you make, and set budgets to keep track. Best way to save money is to give away all your information.
How do I do this as a busy medical student?
Should invest in URRE for more spending cash.
Ebay and other sites have "give away" categories where people will give you stuff for free they no longer need. Most of the time it's just small stuff people are to lazy to throw away but from time to time you can find some pretty cool stuff that you can either use yourself or sell it for some extra cash.
ITT people counting their peanuts instead of using the time to earn some real money
Protip: Stop being murrican and pay everythng with card.
Withdraw money on the 1st and only use that until the 31st.
It's that easy.
you think youre better than me?
This. Coupons and price matching can save you hundreds of dollars a month. If you feel embarassed doing so, just go to the store at night when there are few other customers.
I also sugguest a small garden, takes a little bit of knowledge but also saves you big on your grocery budget.
There are two kinds of people
those who solve their poorness by living frugally
and those who make a bunch of money
Prepaid cellphone plans are cheaper for individuals
Get a Triple A membership and buy cheap beater cars and drive them until the wheels fall off. You can get a 10+ year old jap econobox that'll last you a few more years for cheap. Car loans are for plebs.
Plan your meals out on a month-to-month basis. Only grocery shop once a month as well, and have discipline! If you ran out of X because you didn't plan well suck it up and eat the other random stuff in your pantry rather than going out and buying the item for convenience.
If you have extra rooms or space rent it out. Don't do a friends agreement, get an actual proper lease signed by the new tenants.
If you live in an Apartment, try to get one that is a few floors up. Typically the other tenants in the Winter will run their heat and heat travels upwards. It won't be super warm in your Apartment, but livable (50's or 60's). Just wear a sweatshirt and you won't spend any money on heat.
Alternatively you could just put your budget in your checking account, and transfer the rest into savings. Carrying 100's of dollars in cash on you is a bad idea especially if you live in an area with non-whites.
Don't spend as much on pic related. Bleach and ammonia are mad cheap and are 99% of all you'll never need for household cleaning.
Just don't mix the two or you'll be kill.
Not spending money is the same as earning it. Blowing away your money is a loser's mentality.
I make all of my purchases using a cash back credit card and then pay it off at the end of every month.
Seems kind of silly, but it's easier for me to track and I get cash back.