OT: Reminder to invade Evelynn!
Five days and 20 hours until the next aka6 stream for MF's contest pic
OT: Reminder to invade Evelynn!
Five days and 20 hours until the next aka6 stream for MF's contest pic
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Hey, they made it slightly less terrible!
Best girl.
Best legs.
Best wife.
>Healthy Enough
>Fucking Huni
Can someone tell me what's the gap between Koreans and the rest of the world? Cause I doubt it's individual skill after seeing that.
adrians my favorite player on imt and i feel so bad for him,
the other players always play too cocky and hes reduced to a healbot when his zyra was extremely good
is there a point where one becomes TOO healthy?
>5 days
but isn't his next stream on Sunday?
wow we've been BTFO stop the presses!!!!
Why isn't Taric being talked about more?
are you going to post this every thread user? you know that doesn't make you better than those you're trying to mock?
Because his awful lane phase is even worse in the ranged support meta.
Leagues largest bust
xth for the defender of tomorrow
can you elaborate on that
southern belles don't exist anymore
they tend to have better coaching, theyre harder working, and have better decision making. huni is just notorious for being dumb as rocks and relys heavily on outplaying people with mechanics.
His early laning phase is really lacking.
He's really great for fights around the map when he can proc his passive hits constantly.
The time period before his ult activates really screws with him too.
He's not bad but if you want a tank support play Braum.
>Seraph can't time his ult to clear the wave
I want to play a braindead jungler who can tank better than Warwick and isn't going to be banned out constantly. I am clinically retarded and cannot play complex champions. IP is not an issue
Who do you recommend?
Rek'sai or Gragas
>0 grievous wounds against soraka
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
shes just classy and pretty and proper but still knows how to meme ya know
gragas, just need to be smart with ult which isnt hard
cho is simple, what elo are you?
Mumu if your enemy is dumb enough to not counterjungle, Gragas, Heca and Rek if not banned
If youre braindead you're gonna have a hard time playing gragas and winning
Lets go over the facts.
>League has no comeback potential, all aspects of the game are geared toward an inherently broken gold system that means most games are decided within the first ten minutes-- whoever can secure the stats advantage has an overwhelming if not complete advantage against the other team. In extreme cases, even if the team currently losing gets an amazing set-up and teamfight they still cannot capitalize on it because the enemy tanks are too tanky and the enemy dps deal too much damage to simply come back from.
>Dota has comeback potential in the form of hero design, due to the fact that heroes always have their sixth, no matter how far behind they get they have something they excel so well at a certain thing that if they get a good opportunity they can turn a fight and swing the game back in their favor, especially due to how enemies that are slain lose gold as well, meaning every mistake by the enemy is punished heavily
>Overwatch, the newest moba-like teamplay game on the block does not have much snowballing, the only thing coming close is how ultimates charge. This means that teams are on fairly equal footing all game and the only thing that makes a game overwhelmingly in favor of one is if somebody afks, trolls, or the entire team as a whole is decisively inferior to the other team. Lack of an economy that influences gameplay means that counter picks will always counter their intended targets, no matter what the situation of the game is. Team Fortress 2 can be argued similarly, with the exception of having no ultimate skills that can change a game, meaning that barring skill there is no inherent disparity between two equally equipped teams at any point of the match.
Why is it that Riot focuses so hard on "comeback potential" yet fails so spectacularly on seeing this simple game mechanic through to success? Teams that gain the early lead statistically have a great chance of following up with a win and comebacks are unicorns in the wild.
no, your argument is simply wrong and calling that facts is retarded
Looks like Gragas seems to be the most recommended - I think I have a skin for him too. Cask Breaker or something.
Unranked atm, trying to find a workable pool of dumb-dumbs champions to get to grips with. Basically so I can mostly work on where to go and why for most parts of the game instead of complex abilities and kit.
What's the hardest part about him?
Holy shit these teamfights are great
how do you even define classy
what makes smochi classy
If LOD wasn't such a total whiter NV would actually be leading right now
its okay to feel insulted about your unbalanced game, shill, but in order to gain credibility you have to actually refute the argument
the basics of the champ are not difficult but he has a high skillcap. His early ganks are very strong.
Things like e-q and e-q and ulting people into your q/e are more advanced tactics. And once lategame comes if you cant land good ults you will have trouble.
Hes worth putting effort into learning though, he's not that hard
Hakuho's Braum ults are horrid
man this may be messy as fuck but at least stuff is happening
>team gets early lead
>won ct be rewarded for it
Why the fuck should that happen?
You've clearly never played enough if you think League of throws doesn't exist.
And never compare a MOBA to an FPS ever again, kill yourself if you do.
>implying CS:GO doesn't punish mistakes and isn't immensely popular
the taliyah pick is genius, all she has to do is cut off the team since karma, jhin, and rumble cannot navigate around it easily
bronze riven chases
no matter how good a champion is, if it gets behind it becomes useless and the only way it can get back into the game is if the enemy team fucks up which rarely happens even in low elo.
You have some OK points, albeit dodo is pretty exaggerated in your post. Snowballed instawins are plenty in pro games.
If it wasnt for the simple truth that dota just is not fucking fun at all I would play it. I really like some of the characters. Then again I like some HotS characters and that game is unfun as well.
I see. I'll give him a try. He's only 3150IP IIRC
>/lolg/ thought Taliyah was fundamentally useless
every champ release
Xth for Katarina
the best and only girl
me first, haha too slow kid....
>His waifu isn't blue
taliyah was genuinely shit at release and a lot of people are still skeptical about her
doesn't help that she's not that likable in either design, character or playstyle to most people
>everyone thought Taliyah was fundamentally useless
No one knew how to play her early game, the Q max basically tanked her win rate hard.
Why did he do that?
if you hit accidentally someone with your car for playing pokemon go
are you at fault?
you are one creepy fuck get over ur boner for grandma she will be dead soon anyway
You're at fault for not paying proper attention to the road, especially given how they'd probably be moving slowly while gawking at their fucking phone
They're also at fault for gawking at their fucking phone, not looking both ways for crossing the street and being a gigantic cockbollocking manchild
rate lolg grills fuccboi
>gigantic cockbollocking manchild
Damn I have to use that sometime.
neck yourself you thirsty cringe
i actually liked her design and got her right away with ip, but dislike her playstyle and ended up not playing her ever
what is wrong with you
No, it's simple darwinism, getting two birds with one stone is doing god's work.
OUR GUY is literally getting married.
How do I beat Vel'koz as Aurelion Sol? He pokes me down and waveclears as well as I do not to mention his all in if he hits his E fucks me
Is it just a losing matchup? I've never had this much trouble against a champ. I do better against assassins
>inherently broken gold system
dotas gold system is far more punishing, you lose gold setting you behind much further.
top lel
and spoiler: You're literally pulling shit out of your ass and dragging overwatch into it is just ridiculous. They're a different fucking genre even if they have a few common elements.
But the core point of your argument is about snowballing. Let's see snowballing is when it's easier to win once you get ahead, i. e. get ahead in the first 5 minutes and now it's easier to get further ahead, potentially leading to a win.
If you remove this the first x minute simply don't matter at all (which is obviously terrible game design). So yeah snowballing isn't even a bad game mechanic, most games have some form of it.
8/10, you certainly got me
xth for Veeky Forums girls.
I want you by my siiiiiiiiideee so that I'll never feel alone again
>almost got a penta
>last two get away with sub 200 hp
Playing ADC in 2016 is so fucking suffering. Literally everything in this game is geared to 1shotting you. AP supports 1 shot you. The fucking full tank top 1 shot you. Mid one shots you. Riot is removing the only defenses we have to surviving because of the most bullshit reasons possible.
Half the time you can't even carry because the moment you go in you get ass blasted 3000 damage in 1.71 seconds unless youre MASSIVELY fed before hand. You're totally reliant on your team for everything. Farming, protection, initiation. I just played a game where the SUPPORT KARMA, 1v1d me with only that AP ghost item for AP. Her empowered Q was doing near half my HP every time it hit. The midlane bursters need to get the fuck out of bot lane.
uh,. hey Riot? where's my octopus champion? Hello? He would shoot blinding ink? he'd camouflage? he'd grab people with his 8 tendrills? no? And he could latch to up to 8 target? no?
Shyvanna pham
You just farm autistically don't even bother ganking because she sucks, you will be 2 or 3 times above the other jg's cs since you will be taking his cs everytime you see he is gankin, once you group you will be so ahead that you can dive the carry.
You either need to git gud or shut the fuck up
Garbage ass LeBlanc wouldn't stop trying to fucking fight me early even though she lost every fucking trade. She could've gotten more items through CS but no I have to fucking fight every time my W is up ecks dee. Even with Abyssal she was unable to kill me and come out ahead.
Absolutely ruined my KDA and my CS. I hope this bitch gets 20 AFKs in a row. She better pray she never gets me on her team because I will make sure she loses.
they're okay
good meme, but I'm not talking about the enemy team getting a lead I'm talking about the lack of being able to make a comeback.
Meta where bot doesn't decide who wins when?
topkek m8, come back when you make worlds, we don't need that nooblord shit here
>hehehehehe I posted a game where I did good hehe that means he's wrong!
I can post the 16/2/5 game I had as twitch but that doesn't mean what I've said it wrong you fucking mongoloid.
when bot stops being a 5v5 shitfest
>Release update to fix ADC items and old ADCS
>Reworked ADC are fucking busted.
>They get nerfed
>They're still broken with the reworked items
>The reworked items get gutted
>ADC is just as shitty a role as it was pre rework
The point about everyone wanting to murder your ass is irrelevant.
The meta has always boiled down to.
>The ADC
>What's the strongest thing to shutdown the enemy ADC
Sometimes it's tanks, sometimes it's assassins, sometimes it's mages.
ADC are super squishy because they shit damage and scale so hard into the late game.
But if you're getting deleted as the ADC in every single teamfight you play clearly you have shitty positioning.
ADC is a difficult role.
You just need to git gud.
>person who doesnt play adc got a lucky game vs a shitty bot lane and got super fed
not that guy but adc is in a horrible state right now, if you played only adc for a week you would see
Build a defensive item instead of full ad
Says the goyim stuck in Bronze
Yes it does you monkey, your whole post is crying about how everything one shots ADCs, and I have provided proof that, obviously, you are wrong
Pro tip, dumbass: move OUT of her empowered Q before you eat the 2nd damage dipshit
There is nothing moba-like about Overwatch, shut the fuck up.
>You just farm autistically don't even bother ganking
That's not true at all.
>what is throwing
A team ahead should be rewarded for being able to do so, and a team behind should be punished for allowing themselves to mess up.
Comebacks happen a lot, I don't know why you complain?
Now, my bunch of negroid scumfuck, why oh why would I even bother ganking anything else than bot when I can rack up two easy kills? It's twice the reward to fucking gank your pathetic, no peel, low-mobility adcuck, and oh boy, you better be sure that I'm gonna take the most cancerous jungler out there. Nothing personnal,bot babbies
Sona is the most beautiful in all of Runeterra!
tbqh familia everything viable in every single meta has been critizied untill it got gutted/untill something even stronger came out
i don't really think it's his fault, ultimately i think the problem resides in the game itself and it's players
>nv unbenching kench
what's lolg's opinion on this
You are aware that karma has 2 slows and a snare, yes? Your anecdotal evidence proves nothing. ADCs have been getting fucked over beyond belief for a while now. The biggest "fuck you" was the straight up nerf to QSS and buff to 2 of the biggest ADC assassins in the game.
My problem is that Riot is actively removing options for the ADC to defend himself. Yes it's a team game, but to deny a role the ability to even defend itself from 100-0 deaths that happen in less than 1-3 seconds is beyond retarded.
Congrats to him, I guess.
positioning doesnt matter that much when the tank ekko, fizz, vlad, irelia, etc. just jumps past the front line to eat your ass. also why are tanks able to shit damage while also being unkillable but adcs cant
>C9 lose again
>can't even say it was a close match because they got 2-0d
fucking kill my shit up
>Says the goyim stuck in Bronze
Stuck in bronze? in bronze? bitch, I'll let you know that I have over 1800 confirmed elo, I know every counter and cancerpick in the league, they call me the champ, the genius, the one that put faker in the bin, whenever I login, you bet your ass that I,m gonna give you a spankin'. You're fucking dead, kiddo