Take out a $100,000 loan

>take out a $100,000 loan
>use it to buy stocks worth $0.01
>wait until it reaches $0.02
>sell and double your money
>pay back loan
>live off the 100K for that year
>do this once every year

Why aren't people doing this? It's so fucking easy.

yeah bro! so easy and works! thats why everyone does it!

>put down house as collateral for 100k loan
>buy literal penny stock
>goes from $0.01 to $0.00
>lose house
>be homeless

you're fucking einstein

>stocks worth $0.01

I live with my parents, so I'd have to use their house as collateral, so if I lost the house they'd be homeless, not me.

And I don't really care if they're homeless, fuck them.

>Why aren't people doing this?
The problem is that they won't let you do it if you use Robin Hood.
And I'm not fucking paying commissions.


you're just a tenant, not the property owner

if you aren't the property owner you can't use the property as collateral since it's not yours to spend

>I live with my parents
>so if I lost the house they'd be homeless

with this kind of recknless abandon you will go far kid

had a giggle m8

OP, you pansy. You're supposed to take a billion loan and then invest. Then you'd swimming in $1B pool instead of a 100k shitpile

>loans of six digits with somehow guaranteed 100% return
>not investing in real estate to create a cash drip AND doing the meme you described every year
This shit post isn't even well thought out.

>take out a $100,000 loan
>buy $MORL
>Make $17,000 after interest
>live off $17,000 a year

implying that market has a potential buying/selling volume in the billions.

A jump from 0.01 to 0.02 is pretty large, tends to be increments of 0.001 at that scale.

Still, everyone will be selling at 0.02 in your example, and your 100k will be enough to drive the price back down.

Essentially, it doesn't work like you think. Time to realise you're an average intellect at best.

>>use it to buy stocks worth $0.01

if it's worth 0.01 it's not a stock, even if it may be listed...

Also, unless you're a hardcore Hedge Fund predator with 15+ yrs track record, do not invest borrowed money. EVER. It's one of the main reasons some poor folks are still paying their debts of the Tech-bubble crash back in '

You may be to young to remember, but it was a time when internet stocks was the "next hot shit" that "could not go wrong".

Protip: If fucking Cosmopolitan writes about stock picks instead of fucking nail polish, it's about time to get prepared for a crash.

Source: job as trader in various banks since '99

Shit you are retarded

They're called junk bonds for a reason.

I knew a guy who tried your idea.... his wife died and he got 250k on her life insurance policy.
He bought 250k worth of a FOR SURE winner.... and the comapny went bankrupt. He lost all his money.

Whats an MORL... is that what "rich dad poor dad" talks about?

>take out a $100,000 loan
>use it to buy stocks worth $0.01
>wait until it reaches $0.02
>stock never reaches $0.02
>stock goes to $0.00
>stock gets delisted
>lose everything
>have to pay back $100,000 plus interest

>if it's worth 0.01 it's not a stock, even if it may be listed...

So you've been working as a trader since 1999 and don't know what OTC is...?

>i live with my parents
>i'd have to use their house as collateral
>live with my parents
>if i lost the house they'd be homeless, not me


Here's your (You). Quality shitpost after a weak start.

Hope you're trolling.

>"not a stock" as not something you'd throw in a 100k you don't actually have.

That's simple...

Thats dumb as fuck lol. Never go all in ever.

With 200k he could have put half of it in realestate and the other half in utility stocks.

But instead he went for the quick buck.

When does something just become worth nothing though?

Shoulda got in on that skln .08 to .25



>a board for business and finance

>users can't tell the difference between a dollar and a fucking cent!!!

You should all seriously seriously consider killing yourselves

>take out a $200,000 loan
>buy BRK.A
>potentially make hundreds every minute just by buying dips

>take out $100,000 loan
>use $50,000 of loan for collateral for another $100,000 loan
>over and over again
>now you have $18 billion and owe $18 billion+interest
>hide some cash
>launder some cryptos
>bury some gold
>go bankrupt
>"I don't know where all da money went boss"
>you win

I love shitposting. I love Veeky Forums.

Lol. The law would assrape any poor fool who tried to pull this.

>tfw 18billion in debt and being investigated by every government agency known to man.

>take out $1000000 loan
>don't pay it back

>take out small loan of $6 million from my father
>know put it in some ETFs
>make a 10% return
>$600k profit
>pay back the $6 million
>reborrow and do it again
>now I'm a millionaire

>made over 100% return on one of my marijuana stocks this year
>tfw if I took out a loan of one million dollars, I would have fucking doubled my money

laughed hard

>take out $100,000 loan
>put it on ShadowCoin last week.
>Cash it in this week and make $480,000.
>pay back loan
>live off the $380,000 for that year
>do this every year

Why aren't people doing this? It's so fucking easy.

I actually leled

You never would have gone that balls deep because you didn't know it was going to go up. Next time you should do your dd and KNOW that it is going to go up, then you can use all the leverage you want. No guts no glory.


kek you animal

>use $50,000 of loan for collateral for another $100,000 loan
The second bank already knows about your first loan and stops you in your tracks.

Leave this fucking board.

This is good Veeky Forums bait

Congrats OP you invented roulette

Fun fact, my dad did something like this sometime between 40-50 years ago. He said he took out a loan of $5000, went to the next bank and used that as collateral and took out a loan of $10000. Stopped at a third bank and took out a loan of $20000. At the 4th bank, they got suspicious and took the time to call other banks. He was told what he was doing is "very" illegal, and was told to return the money to each bank and pay the fees and got off with that as a slap on the wrist.

>100k loan
>penny stocks
What could go wrong

>you will never live in the paper system when it was so easy to scam people and get away with it and become some Lord who now owns billions in real estate

it just isnt fair tbqh

my ancestors were being denied education working farms and shit until the last few generations

we be proles n shit