gotta ketch em all
walk around and ketch pokemon
use a lure to ketch moar
>tfw no kpop idol catching AR game
why even live
old thread with decent op
gotta ketch em all
walk around and ketch pokemon
use a lure to ketch moar
>tfw no kpop idol catching AR game
why even live
old thread with decent op
Other urls found in this thread:
First for gyms are unusable
>tfw the checks I'm getting from my current job are bouncing because we're getting no business
Shit tier OP by the way, apply yourself. At least just copy paste the old one
How hard can it be to just copy the OP from the previous thread?
Will I find a qt gf this way?
it's possible dont give up
i didn't see anyone tho but it's not even live here
OP is shit and a faggot
So can anyone explain how gyms work to me? like i got some around my area that are taken and sometimes it asks me to field one mon sometimes a whole team. also once enemy was stuck at 1 hp until timer ran out, halp pls?
Who driving to avoid rapists and drug dealers here?
There's an abra near me (3 pokemon paws), but it's fucking 11pm and I live on the edge of town in some woods, some nights I hear coyotes. Do I go hunting?
Also, I heard that Zapdos makes hatching eggs easier. Is team yellow the best?
Are lures only available by pay to win?
The only other players I've seen were two skinny sweaty nerd boys.
Three if you count myself.
I don't think the odds are in your favor, gf-seeking user.
>Neighbor is a licensed sex offender who sits on his porch all day
Yea im not walking ever
So when the app crashes, is it crashing because my phone is shit or because the servers are shit?
There's some chick named LdyLnk on blue team who has dominated like 10 gyms around me, and I'm not strong enough to defeat any of them
I'm coming for you, whoever you are.
2nd for this.. yeah I'm still mad BabyRage
>hit lvl5
>put all my dust and candies into my Pidgeot
>drive to the only gym my Pidgeot can solo
>only a Venonath and machop defending
>have type advantage against both
>at 1hp nothing I can do can end the battle.
>as I decide to go home another car parks next to me
>2 asian kids on their phones playing the game
>go to catch Abra
>find it
>suddenly coyotes everywhere
>biting at you and clawing at you
>Abra uses Teleport
I'm not because I don't live in a city :^)
I also can't catch jack shit or find any pokespots without walking really far out of my way
Where are your local gyms located? I haven't found any in my town yet.
yeah I don't get it
How is my one going to beat someone else's six unless mine is ridiculously overpowered? Especially since the challenger can spam attack and the gym leader can't? Aren't the odds massively in favor of the challenger?
Closest for me is a park right next to the elementary school down the street. Likely any place kids will be playing really.
>Only one location near me.
>Hang out farming it for pokeballs and Ingres hacks around 6PM because why not I'm already here.
>See two dudes in a PoS car drive up both on smartphones part for ~30 sec then peace out.
>Walk back around midnight to farm it some more.
>They same PoS card pulls up again
>Check out Ingress map
>Nearly every node in 20 miles is controlled by the same 3 people.
I'm completely fucked if I don't join them aren't I?
this should have been the OP sorry guys
>About the game
gotta ketch em all
>What is it?
walk around and ketch pokemon
>Some questions answered
use a lure to ketch moar
am i doing it right
church, parks mostly, also monuments or sculptures. same as PokeStops
I want to drive into town, but there are only 3 gyms owned by other teams and they are stacked with high level CP mons.
What do?
Im watching the OoT run and a Magmar appeared near my house (3 footsteps)
What do I do? I dont want to miss the run but I dont want to miss a rare Pokemon either. I popped an incense cause my GPS is glitching out and Im running all over the place.
>the Pokemon you currently own are meant to protect you from the dangers of wild Pokemon until you find more that you actually want to catch
>battling domesticated Pokemon with each other is a complete bastardization of the reasons for owning a Pokemon in the first place
I have yet to meet another person while playing this game
Mine is literally about 10 steps outside my apartment. I just have to walk to the parking lot.
>mfw as I'm typing this I see it get taken over by someone.
Fuck man, Abra's my favorite pokemon. If I caught one, I wouldn't even want to evolve it.
I've seen two so far, both of them while driving slowly in my neighborhood.
Both times they disappeared for no reason after they were 2 steps away.
I don't understand it. It's the only pokemon I've seen on the "nearby" screen that just disappears for no reason.
Is it ACTUALLY using fucking teleport??
I love this game, but it's objectively shitty.
for me it's 2 churches, a library and a sign, and a few i haven't made the walk to the other side of town for
>public library
>in a greenspace between lanes of traffic in front of the courthouse
>in a greenspace between lanes of traffic at another location downtown
>at a Jewish temple across the street from the gas station
>probably more, but haven't gotten the chance to venture out further yet
Any portal node listed here will either be a pokestop or a gym.
Defenders. Other people of your team can contribute one Pokemon each, up to I think a team of six. It's the main function of teams.
For example, a gym down the street got taken over by a yellow, but he was alone. So I took him down by just throwing a bunch of weak guys at him, put my strongest in the gym, and now I've got two teammates backing me up with their strongest.
Yeah it's pretty shit, but i can't stop playing it.
Level up the gym and pray there are more people on your team nearby to put their mons in. The higher level your gym is, the more pokemon can be in there, so I would think you could have 6 at max rank. Maybe.
>Lure supposed to attract pokemon
>Thought I could use it to attract different mons than the trash I'm getting
>3 pidgeys, 2 rattattas, a sparrow, and an eevee
How do I leave route 1?
It's meant to be that way so there's always an exchange and people can be forced to contest the point. It's a concept that works better in theory
Increase your trainer level or move to a big city
>mfw it's just the same two guys but now they have way stronger pokemon
I-I didn't want that gym anyway
From Reddit:
>When battling a gym Pokemon of an opposing team it can sometimes be impossible to beat. When you close down and reopen game all your Pokemon are revived and returned to full health.
Ah shit yeah. We exploitation now?
Increase it how, just keep catching trash over and over? Or is there a better way?
I posted in the last thread but no one talked to me about a similar issue.
I have a two foot node I can't track at all either in my neighborhood and the weird thing is going north makes it two feet till is disappears, NE up the street is two feet, NW up the street is two feet going south into my house makes it 3 feet, going further south into my back yard makes it two feet again, SE and SW are also two feet. I don't get it.
What exactly is there to exploit? You can't beat them, it glitches out.
Its about 2 blocks away from me
I have no idea whats there because I never left my house since I got the game
That still doesn't solve the problem of control vs. no control.
you can get xp from visiting pokestops and catching pokemon, i think you get a chunk of xp from evolving but it might've just been a medal
Up that autism boy and grind. Don't sleep until you lock down that gym
Right at this apperantly famous place called the steinbeck house. A block away from my house but I still can't take it over.
Awful servers, bugs out the ass, amateurish UI, ugly visuals, half-finished sound, scant features, unrewarding gameplay, unoptimized as shit.
And yet here I am.
Mine's an old shaker village
I was the first to find it, I hope to keep it as it's quite pretty and seems out of the way
nobody can see that without an account you shitfuck
Then make one you shitfuck it takes like 2 min.
Niantic doesn't see it as a problem so don't expect it to change. This is basically the same as contesting portals in Ingress except they added pokemons as a gimmick
>cant spoof it
Shit game
The empty grave of Captain Nathan Hale, hanged by the British in New York
All the gyms I have fought against were fine.
>No pokemon near me
>Walk for about 10m, still no pokemon
>It's fucking midnight
>Drive down to the shopping plaza and get some chicken nuggets
>Find a bunch of pokestops and shit
Isn't this game supposed to be a kind of fitness app? Instead im buying fucking chicken nuggets and collecting pokemon as i go since nothing is in walking distance
I almost crashed my car because I was trying to catch a Magikarp while driving.
I don't think I should play this game.
>use incense
>game crashes
>incense runs out by the time I get back in the game
I just started
So we're all just still speculating about this XS/XL shit aren't we?
Higher HP for XL, faster dodge speed for XS?
Anything else would be fucking stupid, right?
>Playing while driving
Just fucking park the car somewhere nice and walk around.
>using incense before you are level 7 minimum
You wasted it either way.
>evolve my ratata
>It gets fucking hyper beam
o shit
It's much more likely that it's XL = nothing. XS = nothing. and they're just cosmetic but might as well wait for Niantic to say something about it. i.e. never
Dodges are pointless and don't work
XL is stringer, XS is weaker. simple as that
>tfw south side of Chicago
>why does this game keep shoving chicken nuggets in my mouth? GODDAMN YOU NINTENDO
>for some reason I started with only 1 incense
>all of my friends started with 2
Why the fuck did it have to happen to me?
I am afraid to use because of shitty servers might go down.
>in game my neighborhood is infested with weedles
>in reality my neighborhood is infested with bees
Fuck off...
>You find good mons after level 7
fuck off, Level 10 and I'm still only finding trash. What kind of stuff am I supposed to start seeing after level 7
>tfw just got payed
>tfw gonna be at my local pokestop using lures all day
higher cp trash
How did I do
Why not just use incenses in the comfort of your own home?
One at the library and another at the country club. Both are within a couple blocks from me
Don't incenses require you to move?
And then I disconnected.
>go outside
>there's a bunch of people standing around actively fighting over the gym
>I just quietly add my pokemon to the 3rd level of the red gym and run away
Nice variety but they're pretty trash
Lures are just public incense that just 25% more, unless you have friends going with you are people willing to pitch in lures too why bother?
how do I find cool Pokémon?
twitch tv/soloparker
gps spoofing on stream
Nice dude
i would kill myself on the spot if i was you famalam
I am fucking enjoying the shit out of this game. I know that you guys like to shit on everything and yeah this game doesn't have much depth but it has got me off my NEET ass and actually going outside and getting exercise again.
Not true, Incense works much better if you're moving, lures work better if you're in one spot (obviously)
Supposedly he lives near hills and the servers lagging and that coupled with the spotty signal make the game think hes moving.
>Drive to local firehouse, know its a gym
>been in control for a few days, just lost control so gotta get it back
>Arrive, see 10 college age kids actively shit talking each other as they fight over the gym.
>Drive right past and go back home
Fucking hell
WTF happened to Veeky Forums?
You faggots so casual you actually go outside and play this game? Where is the repository for hacks and GPS spoofing? Fucking normies man.
God dammit, I had so many pokeballs and now I'm running so low
They go away so quickly
Why is there no battling (practicing at the very least) with friends directly if you're near them?
Why is there no trading in any form?
They need to capitalize on this hype before it falls off inevitably in a few weeks, it would add serious depth to the game.
Even when the servers aren't taking a shit, there's nothing to do in this game.
I knew this was going to be barebones but I didn't think it would be so unfun.
Anyone figured out poke balls? Seems random, when I try to capture a rare/high cp Pokemon the balls fly all over the place but straight.
Can you even spoof with rooted stock ROM?