Why do people still act like $1m - or even $100m - is still a lot of money?

Why do people still act like $1m - or even $100m - is still a lot of money?

It isn't.

Real rich people make (and lose) more than that every day in stock fluctuations.

>Why do people still act like $1m - or even $100m - is still a lot of money?

you dont even have a million. stop comparing yourself to billionaires. just make money, and live life

1 million isn't a lot of money because there are super rich guys in the world that have 1 billion

i can't argue with that sound logic user.

An 8 inch dick is considered tiny since some people have 13 inchers

I think they're just out of touch.
Lots of anons here are multimillionaires, just from Robinhood.
I wouldn't even consider the guys who are up 10 mil to be really rich. Half a billion or so, then you can start talking about starting a small business.

You peasants probably use robinhood just because the 8$ trade fee would eclipse your 50$ moves


Nearly half the world’s population, 2.8 billion people, live on less than $2 a day
define 'a lot of money"

Daily reminder that $50M is the most you'll ever need to get whatever you want (unless you go insane and buy a huge mansion and a private jet)

>tfw pleb with only $1m