"We're just too busy playing the game, guys" Edition
>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an MMORPG by Pearl Abyss that was recently released for western audiences, with additional changes. It's a sandbox MMORPG that features action-oriented combat, open world PVP territory control, trading, player housing, and more.
Info from the site: i.imgur.com
>/bdog/ guilds
>Maps and nodes
>Useful Links
Wiki: blackdeserttome.com
Database: bddatabase.net
Skill Calculator: blackdeserttome.com
Class Armor Sets: wodox.imgur.com
Else: Google it before posting
>BDO KR/JP info + differences between NA/EU
Previous thread: It's archived, go fuck yourself.
/bdog/ - Black Desert Online General
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone having issues staying connected to the servers at night? Central time here, I'll load in with default face, hair, NPC's wont respond, cant bring up any menus, etc. then dc when everything loads. Every time.
Works great morning and through out the day, but jews me at night. Any help?
Like 75% of the people in my guild are going through the same thing. Fuck if I know why it's happening, but maybe we'll get another GM Blessing or something.
bdog is officially dead
it's been fun
I made a thread on /v/
Good job
Yeah I'm getting it too, after like 30 minutes of trying I might get in
die die die
might be related to the DDOS attacks they were receiving.
this thread is shit SHIT
>old pastebin
>no discord link
>no previous thread
>nasty chars in op
kill yourself
I tried to find the Template WItch one the Beauty Album but it was literally impossible. There was so many templates there.
>Whisper these people to join these guilds
Yeah but i don't know who's playing right now, any EU guild leaders on right now?
Find out by whispering/adding them?
These threads are seriously dead now, should we just let them die?
Which spells to use on a witch when fighting world bosses?
I went 1-50 with chain lightning and right click magic missile only.
quit and play a better game
Nope, I wanna play it
I think we should.
In game chat makes these threads redundant.
then stop fucking complaining you pansy ass sardine
Whispered a few EU guild people looking for an invite
Unrelated but regarding fishing does ranking up help you get good catches/Shards and if so how much does it help?
Discord killed it
I've been away and don't have in-game chat with these people, user.
Guise is it worth playing BDO now? Now that the hype has kinda died down.
Also is it too late for me to play? And if no what class is the least gimp in terms of PVE/PVP?
Thanks in advance.
I'm wondering the same thing. I don't have a guild and the game runs like ass on my PC now for some reason.
Post yo waifus before the thread dies again.
It's worth it if you don't get autistic about being the best. Take your time and play it like a single player rpg with other people running around and you'll enjoy it because its not much good for anything else in its current state
If you plan on playing it for the PvP then I'd definitely say no. People have gotten several months ahead in gear from you, the PvP is so gear dependent that theres no fun to be had for new players.
PvE is really just Farmville with prettier graphics, theres no competition there so if you are in it for that then it's fine.
If you don't believe me you can always ask on the forums for some gags.
Yeah I realize there's no point in PvP for me anyways. It's just so disappointing this game has such a great char creator but is just so depressing to try to keep up with everything. I honestly quit just building failstacks and breaking all my fucking armor last time. It's just really not fun and feels clunky.
Even if I played just PvE wouldn't dickfucks just gank me all the time or are people not doing that anymore?
>outdated guild pastebin
I swear to god
Ganking was rare before, now it pretty much never happens since if they kill you then they just gimp their own karma while you lose nothing.
is the EU section outdated? tried the names but no reponse
Which guild are you trying to join?
It is. And which guild are you trying to join?
People will now start CC'ing you so that you die to mobs if you mess with their grinding rotation.
The 0% exp penalty for PK death has done nothing but encourage griefing on both the PvP and PvE side.
I mean the sorc nerf has me thinking I probably stand a chance against them now, and that's literally the only class that was hunting me down all the time. I dunno. I might just wait until I build a new system so I can run everything on retardedly high so I can become depressed that my character isn't real and I can't follow her on instagram.
Ugh. I guess a lot of pressure to level is off then because I know I'll never catch up.
add the names to your friends list, not everyone is online all day
I tried both, but whichever one is most alive lads
I could recruit you to Sardine right now if you want but PettanCo is quite likely more active.
You're really not being helpful. Add the people and they'll accept you then you can see when they're on.
Wait for ninja, people are going to come back to try it smileyface
ah never mind lads looks like i'm on the wrong server, and here i was thinking that Croxus being the first on the list would be the server that everyone is at
Server change coupons when?
They'll probably start offering server migrations when channels/servers inevitably start getting merged. I think that's still a long ways off but you never know, they might just start offering that service before then.
It affects how fast you catch shit
Link Discord for those of us not in it yet?
Things you wished you'd had done differently since launch?
>Rushed to 50 first day to not have to play catch-up later on
>Gear up earlier on so I wouldn't have to be carried by my guild mates for a while
>Make a node empire pre-mediah
>Actually fucking do quests
>Not fall for the "life skills are shit" meme
>Not fall for the horse training meme
>Spent time doing literally anything else instead of jacking off whilst afk fishing in places that weren't even hotspots
>Never afk fish
>Saved up Bheg and Muskan bundles
>Go full blown gathering autism once they released the "Road to Valencia" update
>Make a Ranger like everyone else instead
Don't bother with the /bdog/ discord especially if you're not from NA. It's not much better than here.
>Bought the game after my 1 week trial that started on launch day instead of waiting till Mediah Part II
>Never played Warrior, because I still love it to this day, and I'm fucking useless but I can't make myself change class
Why the fuck is there not a report a player for afking in battlefield option yet?
Another Croxus bro. Hey there.
I regret nothing.
Yeah this game made me realized how inefficient I am with my time.
>didn't start as Wizard
>didn't spread materials over all storages somewhat evenly rather than hoard them all in one city from the beginning
>didn't do world bosses before al lthe DUO etc. nonsense on weapons
>didn't try to do every single life skill one a single character
I'm sure there's more, but these are the first to come to my head.
I've heard about this game on /v/ but never really payed too much attention to it. I'm looking for a new mmo to play though and I wanna give this one a shot, but I don't want to pay $30 for a game I'll play once then drop (I've made that mistake before). Does anyone have a guest pass that they'd be willing to give me? Also, do you have any advice for a newcomer?
email: [email protected]
I only have advice. Avoid going to Valencia, it's dangerous and filled with muslims.
Literal muscle-men? Or meme-term for suicide bombers/explodey terrorists?
Pardon my ignorance, newbie #2 here.
Is going around in Valencia?
No. It's dangerous because of the sun/cold on the Desert and OP mobs that can 2 shot you at 100DP. Being filled with muslims doesn't have to do with terrorism or anything like that, but going there will disturb their peaceful way of life. It's bad for them not you.
What kind of a shitty fucking mmo doesn't just give free trials to anyone who wants one. Way to keep people from playing your game.
NA or EU?
What is related to the attack?
nice e-mail
>Made a warrior day one
>Kept playing even though the class is buggy shit and awful at pretty much everything because I like playing beefy knight characters
I'd say it'd all be worth it when awakenings come out but the game will be 100% dead by then.
It's mistakes that make us who we are!
What is your mistake?
did the template Witch stopped playing the game?
I guess mine would be that I didn't do many world bosses before Valencia came out
Why did everyone quit?
All the cute waifus left.
no waifus = no fun.
I didn't.
Why are you posting dudes dressed like a girl?
should I lose the mustache?
if i shaved it off, would he die?
it would be exshhhtreeeeemmllyyy painnnnfooooolll
Not all of them.
Just give him a proper full beard.
hey m8 do you have a guild?
sweaty arena bant
>register relic on Market for 800k dosh
>get like 500k or less when it actually sells
why is the game taxing me so hard? this normal?
I've soon leveled two tier 2 horses to level 30. Fingers crossed for a tier 5.
Yeah that's normal. You get taxed something like 30%
Wow you've got some screwy looking shoulders there
oh ok, at leas the buy & sell Jews can't fuck the market up
You're right. The sitting animation makes the arms awkward and the thighs hueg
Here. I'll help you.
I do, it's some normalfag casual guild though.
If you're looking for a chan guild, better reroll on Jordine.