/wfg/ - Warframe General

soon edition
previous thread:
>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com/paste/by42s

CURRENT UPDATE: Specters of the Rail
> forums.warframe.com/topic/668132-update-specters-of-the-rail/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/649037-update-18120-vauban-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


Zanuka companions soon.

1st for Fairy Frame


4th for Fairy Frame being as useless as Fairy Frame.

where da new draco at. derelict defense?

>4th ability is Archwing mode


>hud size
user are you blind?

>Going solo when Stalker has been appearing all over people's games.

Let yourself die so he can.leave.

just use a EV Train or CL Dagger Ivara for the new alert


W-what if i do? Why do you have to be so rude?
Resolution is 1440:900, not 1080p, so real scale of the hud probably the same as yours.

i guess i can try this meme build

>post yfw you finished grinding MR/Focus before Draco got nuked

>not running infinity immortal surging dash excal with blood rush for mega big boi 99999999999999999999999999999999 crits one shotting waves after max stacks

>That first post

it's not a meme build, it's literally the standard Equinox build for endgame

of course, all this is explained explicitly in the frame guide

>informing the thread about slash dash excal sleek

:( enjoy it for a week if you figure out how to make it work it will be nerfed gj

use a trip BPNPC, everyone here except your boyfriend wants to filter you.

>Speak for yourself. I enjoy Nullifiers because they counter mindless ability spam while also dealing out good damage.

but tiernigger is right, that is actually how you build maim equinox


>not using your frame's endurance mode to take stalker's turgid [10004] war within you

>unable to complete second dream quest
>finally get to do it gitting gud and getting my first frame to 30 with a forma and a nice loadout
>stuck in liset with a girl in arms and squating around but my ramp is broken

please just fucking kill me

I figured "ohohohohohoh it is just a bug surely fixed by tommorow"

>no fix but had a nice stream

send help should I uninstall now or wtf ember is fucking fun but whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I cannot even go back to map

how do you relate what i wrote with how to build equinox?


Always on front page of the patch notes thanking DE


this game is officially dead



>"thank you" mercenary
seems correct

fucked up everything.
just tried Oberon's holy ground, the nullifriends dispels it on touch.
if any ability doesn't dissapear when a nulli touches it, its prolly a bug and will be fixed soon.

I fucking wish it was, but there are still players sucking steve's dick.

Some guy said these devs are up there with CDProjektRed. I don't even like CDPR but fucking hell.

>Ash rework got scrapped due to bladestorm being too similar to Ember's WoF
>Limbo rework not happening either

Well that was kind of a weird alert.

Reminder to scan for Simaris in this event. Completed daily cap with in 30 seconds.

i think this is all part of a ruse user, no one can be this stupid for real.
good, i'll stay with my broken toys instead of Fatfuck just burning them.

>Titania's noble stance is levitation
First time I'll buy a stance for the rest of my warframes.

>saturday night
>only four fissures
>all of them are shit

>someone is using an image i edited

its a nice feeling

>bladestorm got scraped

Please I need some proof. I want this to be real so bad.

So how is Equinox supposed to get enough damage to kill anything to get the Maim ball rolling?

killing bulletsponges before anything boosts her maim up.

Bladestorm rework was scrapped, yes. It's still in the game as it was.

with weapons

or your allies

holy shit

ARE YOU OK user!?

People said Limbo rework is scrapped.

Is this true?

There are people in this general that will out calculate your piece of shit ass into the ground. Please don't embarrass yourself

So how about that 10oCon alert

anyone managed to get good drops consistently yet? what's the secret? i've done 15 fissures in full squads with no results. i'm thinking that refining is mandatory. i'm just wondering how much refinement is optimal

what the fuck are you trying to say

why even bother replying to a random post that's hours old


so is this real or is it a mock up?

Hold up, why Nekros Prime now? He's not female...

It goes mm/ff dumby

it's real in that it's from the game, but you'll probably only hear it after scanning all the fragments and you'll probably hear it with ordis's normal annoying voicebox on

am i stupid or are multishot mods completely useless on the secura penta? why would you waste the slot if only 5 grenades can be out at a time

Nekros is a male
MM-FF pattern.
After him its Banshee and Valkyr (or Zephyr pulling a Nova)
Then it will be Oberon and Hydroid and ao on.

>at 10o con
>check to see how big the line is for a Private "interviews" with Rebecca
>line is pretty big but moving fast
>decide to join in
>it's finally my turn
>she looks up my name while I'm starting to undress
>she tells me to stop and leave
>I say why?
>She says I'm blacklisted
>I finally discover the true purpose of that list
>go back to my hotel room and cry

Oh nvm. I was confusing the pattern of new frames with prime releases.

Anyone else having odd interface issues since the update?

>or Zephyr
mesa, mirage or ivara would be more likely, since those three are actually popular frames

>Oberon Prime won't be out for a year or two.
>Ivara Prime will not be out for 2-3 years


did i rip myself off?

>moon made of skulls, the gravity sum of genocide I've made in their name
is this some edgelord fanfic?

nope it works just fine

by about 10p so no

That's been in the game for years now, you slow autistic user.

No, 25p each is the usual price for syndi primaries

They usually go in order though.
Nova was a community frame, she got priority.
Zephyr is too, she'll probably follow.

Guys I didn't watch tennocon

how bad was it

no you just saved like 5 plat

as stupid as this entire update was, it'd be great if the game would stop fucking up at the mission success screen, preventing you from doing anything but use ur chat window or press alt f4.

It wouldnt even be that bad if alt f4ing wouldnt reset display settings to windowed mode, wherein restoring back to fullscreen makes everything really fuzzy shitty resolution.

tennocon highlights please.

cringe highlights too.

how do you play with fullscreen, anyway? the mouse speed gets fucked up for me if I do, terribly slow compared to borderless or windowed

>Limbo's posture
>"Just off me"

I just started playing 2 months ago

hey, submersible archwing doesnt have movement changes.

no this is


i thought it was a good deal

People are starting to speculate this a lot but I hadn't heard a whole lot about zephyr prior.

Is she really a strong possible contender?

it is incredibly laggy in comparison to windowed mode but my question stands for windowed mode lol, when ur not in ur orbiter does the game window prevent you from accidentally moving out of the window?

Any ecksbawks shitters want to help me finish farming Mesa? I have no keys and the coordinates barely drop from void. Only need one more piece.

Managed to get ~1k kills in a slow-cap on Sedna intercept

it's not old Draco, but it's probably the best we're going to get

My Focus gain was shit because I didn't pick up any orbs, just wanted to see how many kills I could get

Used Saryn as DPS

Has anyone gotten better results?

>Nova was a community frame, she got priority.
nova was also popular

zephyr is not

yeah I'm not condoning their shit because it's clearly fucking with people's setups, I've had too many related and unrelated UI and general game issues... but you know, I don't know come to think of it, I usually alt-tab to select something on my other monitor but I think that if you have a cursor visible (menus chat etc) you can move the mouse out of the game? I'm not sure, but it definitely locks you in when outside of menus with active cursor (I use borderless)

Like I said, or Zephyr if she decides to pull a Nova.

If she's not picked it would be Banshee and Valkyr instead.
Banshee is obvious because she got skipped.

Wheres the best place to farm these stupid cats

And what im trying to ask was is she as popular as nova was when she got picked?

Im not seeing a lot of people playing zephyr and no talk at all before speculation on new female frames. If we are talking strong canidates it should be mirage or ivara.

>73 hearts

wait until you get played as a ping pong ball


>he didn't get past the blacklist by saying Warbros #1


This could have been fun why did they make it so nothing spawns

update when? I'm a useless skiddy who can't actually do anything with the encrypted drop tables and I want to know just how badly we're being fucked

I don't know the exact popularity, but I ran into players that have her most of the time.
Mirage is more likely however due to her popularity however.

>Mirage popular

?? ?

wow ive actually never thought of using windowed mode, theres no lag at all from that, iguess all the performance issues i experienced over the years were all from using full screen mode lol

stuff spawned for me though.

good, need more obnoxious mechanics that completly gimp players! kill this game to the death

After the initial room or two? I killed everything then got nothing, was expecting nullies everywhere and bursas desu

Bleh, just more messy Miki designs that look like a pile of garbage with some sticks glued allover.

And still no reworks to make Nekros worth playing.

yeah you're right, after the first 10 dudes it was totally empty.

nice meme DE. im glad it was easy