/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #381

Granblue channel in a few hours. 5* Gawain pls but I know it's going to be light ;_;

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Robomi (Rerun and Sequel)
7/8 - 7/15 - Dark Giant of the Blue Sea (Rerun)
7/12 - GREE Version Launch
7/15 - 7/22 - Balmy Breeze and Foamy Deep (Rerun)
7/23 - 7/30 - Guild War
7/31 - 8/8 - Story Event
Sometime in July - Summer Celebration and Summer Skins

>DEFEND ORDER schedule and star halo times

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Info (Updated)

>Japanese Wiki

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:



Should I break down SR/SSR summons I don't need or there' s a better use for those?


Please be gentle.

I proclaim this thread a loli thread. Please post lolis here.

Get your shit ready for the Surprise Ticket that's coming in JUST A FEW HOURS.

fourth for surprise ticket

I love Jeanne

Post that Zoi picture. You know the one.

>Same OP again and again

It's like these OPs don't have any Granblue art besides maymay thread ones

Break them


Link to stream?


I reserve the right to post isopods and other things to stop ERP

I want to marry Watashi.

>stop ERP
Why would stop a good thing? Besides isopods are cute so that doesn't even work.

You can't stop me from posting the same images over and over. Just for that, I'll post the next one with The Meme Image. You know the one.


am i better off using all my berries an ep on magnas if im still building my first pool or even raid so i can earn up honor and get some gold certs


It does if it distracts them with cuteness

More like... A STREAM OF PISS!

tfw no monkey

I will ERP with cogposter!

Every fucking time



>Tiamat animas dropping from DO
Wait, has this always been a thing?



Oh my god you stupid fucking Defense Order cucks are murdering the server again.

Fucking die.

I just got one too, but I'd never seen it before now.

i think they started dropping yesterday


Why does fire exist? Why does anybody play it?


Best characters.

It has Heles and Zeta.

How updated is the reroll guide? Is everything there still valid?

aloha snackbar

Is it like 10 mins or so before news update?


were getting one in a few hours actually

Yes we are. You shut the fuck up, you stupid ho.

If we get a surprise ticket I will literally suck your dick.

You can only do 10 rerolls per IP, but otherwise it's all up-to-date.

Link for Granblue channel?

Why do you play this game when stuff like this exists?

Do I keep skilling up chev guns or should I start leveling ST guns?

this is fucked up and you belong in jail

What are the chances of getting something from the share chests?


[Grumblerfantasy] surprise! Announcement of special Gacha set campaign has been updated at the official site. For more information please visit the official site. ⇒ eng.mg/d4083 #グラブル

yall didnt believe...

The perspective seems off to me.

This looks like it will satisfy my loli craving that Granblue decides to ignore. But I can't read it.


Newbie Q - I'm training up the Hawkeye class now and I want to ask but is there any easy ways of breaking Raid bosses?

It doesn't seem like a huge improvement over using the bog standard Dark Fencer if I basically only get one shot with it per battle and have to hope for a Double/Triple but I assume party composition would help (but I have no idea which characters though)

Get the ST guns to 10, then go back and finish your chev guns.

>Official twitter
>Links to a 404


The art is awful. That's not how tits work.

I think you owe me something.

There is no easy way to break bosses. You have to Get Good.

Any mention if there's any of the limited characters in the surprise ticket?

Copy that


Enjoy your no swimsuits and kuso ticket.

Doesn't look like the new ticket has any of the old limiteds. Or are they saving that announcement for the channel?

I thought it was 100% we get what we picked...damn

This. Why does Japan get away with these things?

>hurr, retards we're not getting a surprise ticket this month

Suck it and don't forget to swallow.

NOOOOOOOOOO, I don't want to spend another 30 bucks.

Fuck you, cygays.


No mention, though it does say that we can use Gree coins to pay for it.

>people still doubt insider user

I just knew it we were going to get a tickets before Summer. I can smell them real close to legfest and more or less before important rates up like summer.

>user insider told us about the gold nugget daily 5 days before the event started and ppl still doubt him

Who's a good replacement for Gandalf? I'm trying to build a team around Eugen.

>tfw last month before the brexit I figured we'd get this so I just bought the big pack of Granblue coins
>tfw I don't have to worry about the shitty exchange rate (this month)
Feels pretty good. Still pissed about the Yen rising though.

Because it's filled woth pedofuck's

>legfes or a ticket

Looks boring desu

Please kill yourselves

should I ticket senchan? The current fire SSRs I have are magisa, yuel, aliza, agielba, percy, clarisse, heles and f.metera


I sure hope you didn't fall for Star Gacha when half the thread was saying there'd be a ticket immediately following it..

No, you should ticket a better element.

What the fuck are Gree coins.


>people really thought I was memeing and shitposting when I said there was going to be a Surprise Ticket TODAY

You people are fucking RUDE and DUMB.

Another firefag here.

My team is Magisa, Perci, Clarisse, should I ticket Yuel?

eugen can literally go on every earth team

Don't fall for the memes, Sen's top class SR but she's still weaker than any of the fire attackers.

Nothing worth caring about, unless you're rerolling a GREE account on the 12th.

no, ticket a better element

Shut the fuck up you dumb attention whore.

Whenever I see this I always think she looks like Elsie from TWGOK.

Stay mad you were WRONG yet again you fucking IDIOT.

I'm not playing for esports, pal.

>got Lena out of the star gacha
>ticket now

It's Eugen, Okto and?