SGDQ 2016 Bonus Stream:
synchtu be/r/SGDQ_2016_Bonus_Stream
Post-marathon speed depression
SGDQ 2016 Bonus Stream:
synchtu be/r/SGDQ_2016_Bonus_Stream
Post-marathon speed depression
Other urls found in this thread:
What on earth would you need a new thread for?
based behemoth proving once again that the truly skilled will always come out on top and put those disgusting grind monkeys in their place
What would've happened if he died too?
good looking fit white man taking over the hobby from degenerate fat nerds and crossdressers
GDQ stopped doing bonus streams? That was the best part.
The last time I was in these threads was last year and I can see it only gets worse, more trannies and autism each year.
10 hours long and 60% cutscenes. Truly a speed game.
Now that SGDQ2016 is over, it's time to remind everyone that on August 1, 2016 there will be a HUGE announcement that will revolutionize the entire speedrunning community.
Be Ready. It's time to make speedrunning great again.
reposting in the new thread.
Anyone else running Furi? ps4 or PC, I got it on both platforms and it's pretty good on both, I haven't noticed any major disparities yet between the two, mostly just graphical stuff.
I'm looking for someone to maybe race against or something, or just talk about the game with. I sense great things for it's future as a speedgame.
So... back to narcposting?
Jak & Daxter
Final Fantasy VI
who /v/ here?
Now that this thing is over, we can start streaming again rite? I don't even stream speedruns, but rather old snes/ps1 games.
Cosmo is coming back from his vacation?
Jak and dexter
Demon's Crest
Pikmin or Trials
SMW small mario
Pikmin Not Trials Fusion because that wasn't a speedrun
I feel bad for the trials fusion exhibition guys, someone sent me what they wrote on SA? ribbit? and they seem to be really apologetic and down on themselves for how much they messed it up. I mean, they should be but it's a surprise.
Then the gigantic donation incentive regarding the animals would have hilariously never mattered. Honestly they might have restarted and accepted the delay just because of that alone.
Yeah, I understand that their game was hard, but they made a terrible job explaining it and it's just a bad speedgame and absolutely boring if you don't play.
Wow. That pinball guy is a fucking loser...
isn't he the guy playing? he seems alright.
the guy to the left is a meming cunt
>they messed it up
Uh, I don't think they messed anything up?
Tonnes of resets are standard.
First guy played easy tracks, sure, but that was community track exhib.
They did what they came there to do and they did it good.
See you during AGDQ 2017, lads :^)
gdq ended?
i thought it lasted until sunday
how much money did they end up raising?
Not enough so they had to confirm the next one.
"""""""""""$1.3 million"""""""""""
Like 3 bucks, but Anonymous donated like 1 million or so.
Thanks Veeky Forums
They raised like $1,300,000, but they knew that they wouldn't raise as much this year unless they pulled something. So what they did was accept SM64 70 Star as a bonus race, but not reveal it to anyone watching until the final few hours of the marathon. By that time, they were guaranteed to have $1,000,000, so they simply charged $200,000 for a really mediocre 70 Star run which would easily put them exactly over AGDQ 2016 and SGDQ 2015.
I missed a lot of this year.
What were the best runs?
good old srg
When is ESA again?
Since it's apparent that no one here is running it, is anyone at least interested in a race? I'd like to see how someone else trying to go reasonably fast would handle the master of time.
Dude it's a fucking message board at 4 AM, nobody wants to read a giant fucking paragraph. Sum it up.
Official SGDQ 2016 Tier List:
>Old GDQ Tier
Jak and Daxter
>Top Tier
Deus Ex: Blitzkrieg Edition
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Sonic '06
Star Wars: Jedi Academy
>High Tier
Super Mario World (Small Mario run)
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (One-Handed)
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Race)
Dude's Crest
Super Metroid
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Blindfolded Disaster)
Typing of the Dead
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
The Elder Scrolls: Arena, Daggerfall, and Skyrim
Curse of Issyos
>Mid. Tier
Sonic Adventure 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Donkey Kong Country 3
Max Payne 2
Trip World
Super Mario RPG
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror (Co-op)
Fallout 3: Tranniversary Edition
Tetris Block (Excluding Setup)
>Low Tier
Resident Let's-a-go 2
Ocarina of Time "Glitchless"
Literally everything else
>Ty the Tasmanian Trainwreck Tier
Pikmin (Went 5:00 over estimate, 25:00 over PB)
Trials Fusion (1:30:00 of Happy Wheels level showcases. Hi YouTube!)
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (Local Autist Ruins Everything: The Run)
>really mediocre 70 Star run
You can try harder than that lol
>Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (Local Autist Ruins Everything: The Run)
What happened here? I didn't see that one.
People donated for a pacifist run; guy literally killed everything in sight even after saying he would try and stop. Was also generally the annoying type of autistic.
Honestly I couldn't watch past 15 minutes so I'm probably missing something.
In terms of entertainment value. If I wanted to see a good time I'd look one up.
new jojo op
Don't forget pretty much shitting on the devs right after they donated.
If you don't find good speedruns entertaining, why are you watching a speedrunning marathon? why are you even here?
Thanks user.
"""""emily""""" brooks
>She looks nothing like that.
Go back, read the post, and then respond again because I think you completely missed literally everything that was just said.
Are there any close up shots of >her? As usual for them, the twitter has 0 shots of her
shouldn't GDQ have paid the SM64 runners for their work?
sum up sgdq16 in one sentence
Is there only a 100% run? Or is there another on that's not on YouTube? I hate 100% runs.
Never again.
"We've received an anonymous donation of $1,000 with NO comment."
saw it all without seeing it
nobody asked them to do a run. they were aware it was voluntary before they submitted.
reminder they did submit months ago and were accepted as a bonus game.
pretty okay to be quite honest, will watch next gdq if I'm still alive
Technically well ran, poor choice on commentators and speedrunners, pandered to the lowest common denominator, sold out.
>if I'm still alive
A-are you dying user?
WutFace TwitchRPG BCWarrior
gdq is borderline extortion (especially with staff skimming the top) but we don't need to have this argument again
i know this is a meme but did his brother really kill himself? i'm just curious if there is any basis in reality in the pastebin...
You don't know about the anomalously high suicide rate for speedrunners?
it's a pasta stolen from reddit
If that's how runners feel, they shouldn't submit.
We're all dying user, some of us are just stalling
But why would they kill themselves when they have us? We're a pretty tight community that looks out for each other.
If you guys are dealing with depression/suicide please don't do it, I don't want to lose any of you.
>tfw watched nearly every minute of both AGDQ and SGDQ 2013
>tfw have been caring less and less about them with each event
>tfw barely watched this one at all
>We're a pretty tight community that looks out for each other
lol wut? You can't be serious nobody on srg cares about anything but getting upvote (you)s
I need all the drama highlights please.
>I don't want to lose any of you.
You literally wouldn't notice if some user is kill.
Same goes for their social environment.
well trans sexual people do have high suicide rates
good, get rid of the mentally unwell before they poison society
>tfw first gdq viewing was agdq 2015
>haven't gotten to experience a good live gdq and never will
>your average anime poster
really makes you think...
>maximillian DOOD reaction image
you're even worse dude
srg in NA is already gone
I remember I came to know about all this thanks to a friend of mine who was big on Melee just before the start of SGDQ2013, begging all his facebook friends to follow the Siglemic block because he was some kind of demigod.
I followed almost all of it live.
Best week ever.
Are you watching the bonus stream in the OP
We're watching Vice City 2013 right now
Dude Max is awesome, the fuck are you talking about?
this was mere weeks after a very dear person to me committed suicide
SGDQ13 was the first time I had fun after that
sum up sgdq 2016 in three words
Same old shit.
>cosmo streaming social eating
how was the pikmin run?
better than nothing
>Max is awesome
okay so you're not part of the FGC good to know
now fuck off
In this case I think I might have to disagree.
chat is fun at least
sum up sgdq 2016 in three memes
>social soylenting
our boy Narci is social eating some cheese-its, someone want to tell her one of the primary rules of Social Eating on Twitch?
>Examples of what you cannot broadcast on Social Eating:
>Primarily eating junk food, such as candy, condiments, or energy food.