/pgg/ Pokemon Go General

Where do you plan on going today to catch Pokemon?

>About the game

>What is it?
Pokemon Go can be described simply as the Geocaching of Pokemon. Grab your smartphone, get some exercise, catch some mons, battle some people - the usual Pokemon gig.

>Some questions answered
pastebin.com/YP458esi (embed)
Feel free to add more.

Basic info:
As you traverse the real world, as represented on the in-game map, you'll occasionally run into tufts of rustling grass. Approaching these will end with a Pokémon appearing on the map, and clicking on it will initiate a battle.

Battles aren't between two Pokémon, though. They're between a Pokémon and your ability to swipe a Poké Ball in their direction. When you engage a Poké Ball, a colored ring will appear around the opponent. These change in size after each capture attempt. Throwing a Ball during a smaller window seems to be more effective, based on our time with the game, but that's a part we're still trying to figure out.
Going near water will attract water Pokémon. Playing at night brings out more nocturnal creatures, like Clefairy and Gastly.
Hatching Eggs: Each Egg displays the number of kilometers you must walk for the Egg to hatch. In general, the more kilometers required, the rarer the Pokémon that will hatch. A notification will appear when the Egg has hatched.
Make sure you have the Pokémon GO app open while you walk. Kilometers walked when the Pokémon GO app is closed won’t count toward hatching your Eggs.
Gyms: Fight at your team's gym to train and increase it's reputation. Fight at other team's to decrease their reputation. Tap your opponent to hit them, swipe left or right to dodge attacks, once one or more blue bars are filled, tap and hold to power up your secondary attack, release when the smaller blue bar fills up. Take over other teams' gyms and put your mons in to defend them.

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I dedicate this one to all the Rattatas spawning around my house while I'm doing computer things.

party town

Tfw no pokeballs

what team are you guys in?

has anyone caught a ditto or kabutotops yet?

Valor is the only team

>live in a small town
>no good pokemon anywhere
>1 chucklefuck running around taking every gym because he's so much farther ahead than everyone else

Why did they assume that just because it's a smaller town means that those people wouldn't want decent pokemon?

where can a nigga catch a FARFETCH'D

I'm Team Mystic because the color blue and Articuno are rad


No shelter from the storm

1hp bug is game breaking, no matter how slow I attack it still bugs out


So fucking jelly.
I live in a smallish town. 2 pokestops and 1 gym within an hour walking distance.

Best ways to get xp?

Best way I have found is to farm a shit ton of pidgey/weedle/caterpie and evolve them. They cost 12 candies each to evolve. Also can work with rattatta but they cost 25 each.
Each evolution gets you 500xp, 1000xp with a lucky egg.

If you have a pokemon in a gym and someone else takes over that gym, what happens to your pokemon?
do you lose it or what?

this doesnt help me at all if u all are gonna say a different team

It comes back to you. You have to revive/heal it but otherwise it is fine.

At what level can you start finding lucky eggs at stops?

You didn't ask for help.

Just go instinct bro, only one with a dude leader.
Mystic is nothing but 12yr olds and Valor is for Tumblr fags because it has a tomboy leader.

So are Nips angry that their own game didn't get release first in their country first?

Bleed red for Valor


I let my Eevee decide. It evolved into a vaporeon so I went with Mysic

Go Yellow!

That's actually a rad way to decide.
Too bad I can't find enough Eevees to evolve mine...

You can't? That really sucks, damned vermin are always crawling around my house.

I have had decent luck with them.

Going to do another eevee evolve once i hit level 15 or so and find a decently high CP one in the wild.

One thing ill give to blue is that theres a lot of em. But im always red. Giant fire chicken for life

Sydney walk was pretty rad. Some cool ass pokemon and some nice people. Loads of bodies were there for sure. This isnt even the lot of them, there was supposedly quite a few behind the photographer too.

Was a brilliant fountain on pokemon, and definitely going again for those sick pokegains. Went from 10 to 14 in one battery charge.



can you get lures from stops?

Same as before

Only by leveling or buying I think.

I would just like to point out that the idea of having to walk to find pokemon is great. Forces one to get some exercise. And by God if you have to walk five miles to get that Abra, you will.

You seriously want Veeky Forums to pick a team for you? What, are you going to a meetup with Veeky Forumsers or something? Just pick a color based on your local community

What's the rarest Pokemon youve come across or caught so far? For me it was the Aerodactyl I caught a couple days ago

So how exactly does battling work? Is it purely decided by cp? Or do type advantages still exist and can make up for a deficit?

>tfw ghetto city neighboring mine is littered with Kadabras and Machokes.

I don't want to go there though because there are a bunch of homeless and probably muggers

>sun finally up
ha ha time for morning stroll and picking up babby gyms

CP dictates HP. Movesets can overcome a difference in CP. Proper type advantages can also overcome a difference in CP. At this point the battle system is pretty fucking borked with all the bugs going on. So no clue if it will get retooled.

How the fuck is your lapras over 1500 cp already?

Incest is a fucking joke
>Chilling at home
>See Haunter show up in Nearby list with one footprint
>Burn an incense
>CP10 Pidgey shows up
>Haunter is gone from nearby list
>Two Ratattas show up in the next 30 mins

>yesterday night
>chilling for a while with bro catching some pokemons and stacking items
>decide to try our hands at some gyms
>one is in a train station, which is deserted since it's pretty dark
>the gym is on the last fucking platform, the furthest from the exit
>about to play but sprint out when we hear a gang of niggers on another platform (we couldn't see them as there was a parked train between the platforms)
>try our luck at another gym in an hospital
>another dude is trying to take over it
>he says he's a valorfag
>we're instinctsbros
>war it is
>me and bro had yet to powerup anything, so he gets the upper hand and even trains the gym after having put a 490 golbat in there
>I prepare a 550 pidgeot and various 450~ monsters, bro contributes with 200 stuff, so he has to beat 2 monsters everytime, that takes a toll on his potions
>after an hour he says he disconnected and can't get in, we say goodbye to each other as he tells us he's leaving
>we were about to leave but I tell bro to hide for a few minutes
>the cheeky bastard comes out after 10 mins, takes over the gym and drives away
>we leave our hideout, take over the gym and train it to lv3
>this morning bluefags already took over the gym but that was still worth it

Seriously considering going to Vegas so I can drink open liquor while strolling and catching Pokemon

>have to walk past a place where a bunch of homeless people hang out in order to get to a pokestop
>scared at first
>remember that most of them are missing limbs so it's fine

>And by God if you have to walk five miles to get that Abra, you will.
It only shows you stuff that's close to you and even then it doesn't tell you what direction it's in, so it's more like wandering from pokestop to pokestop and hoping you run into something cool, than actually going out to catch that one pokemon you want.


That said, it doesn't actually lure nearby pokes to you, it just makes new ones spawn more often near you.

>Falling for the exercise meme
I would just like to point out how happy I am I finally have a reason to use my hoverboard.

I wanna incest

That's some Walking Dead tier spoops if they heckle you and drag themselves at you

The only answer is more incest.


>Wanted to pick team Valor
>Literally ENTIRE town is yellow
>Decide to cave and pick Instinct just to be part of the winning team
>All gyms already owned
>Realize I have no enemy and no one to fight
>Will never get to be the underdog
>Helping crush the dreams of true Valor heroes every day

What have I done

>pokemon spawn point right behind my house
>have to exit house before gps registers that I'm moving
>that's where the wi-fi dies

Guess that's it for me.

>owns a hoverboard
>laughs at others for falling for a meme


This is actually a good turn out for my area, unfortunately. I've had to go out for 3-4 hours a night finding this shit while people in big cities are out with their thumbs up their assessment grabbing better and more interesting pokemon

Yay this little nigga just popped up next to my bed

All around circular quay and the opera house were lures set up for hours, it was literally just constantly catching pokemon and getting the pokestop items. There were a good couple hundred people there from midday til 5 when I left all playing pokemon.

>tfw instinct were still holding the gym at the opera house when I left

Level 18 now. Hatched it from a 10k egg at 900CP and it came with 30 candies.

>nearby gyms were all CP500+ last time I checked
>finally get some CP500+ pokes myself
>ok let's see if I can beat some of these assholes now
>they're all 1200+

At an airport. The blue gym has a 1000 Vaporeon in it; what pokemon should I leave there? My highest CP (200) or one I intend to keep?


You must be on team Valor.

>Favorite genwun is Primeape
>Mankeys only get to 225CP max
>Evolution only adds 100cp
How does one get a 1000+ Primeape?

But user, you can have pikachu as a starter pokemon

>nearby gyms at like 600CP
>wake up
>they're at like 200CP
nice game pokétards????

You need to realize that this is equally true if everybody in town was Valor to begin with. If somehow everybody owning the gyms is one faction, only the defenders will really benefit, and even that's just defense bonus.

Need other teams to flip gyms and trade cap exp.


Oh I picked Charmander. 9 candy shy of a Charmeleon

Get an android phone and crack it, replace a Lapras .dt with Primeape info.

Pokemon isn't actually very popular with Japan's gaming community. It's mostly children so I doubt they are really up to speed on everything.

I have seen a Pikachu silhouette once but never actually found one. INVU
No you can't.

Yo where do I download the APK so I can play in UK too? :(

If you're not going to cap the gym regularly, just leave a scrap pokemon and move on. 200 CP will never hold anyways and airport traffic is massive.

You can. You run away from the 3 starter pokemon


I bet you were that faggot with a gameshark as a kid dueling everyone with a team of MewTwos.

Found out some bullshit that you actually can have pikachu as a starter. Brother showed me a few days after I started the game.

When professor gives you a few pokes to choose, just walk off instead, and it'll eventually show up

You'll just find random Pokemon. You found a random pikachu

>No you can't.
Yes, you can. If you walk away from the starter pokemons 4 or 5 times, Pikachu appears.

Nips have plenty of other mobages that are more popular than niantic's brain child. More people will play Puzzle and Dragons and Granblue than this just because this has less content.

>Battles aren't between two Pokémon, though. They're between a Pokémon and your ability to swipe a Poké Ball in their direction.

What. So if you can't fight others what the fuck are you hoarding pokemons for?

majority of them don't even use smartphones

Fighting gyms

Ok thanks. Picture if anyones interested

>3 Am
>Check Pokemon Go App for shits and giggles
>Leaves rustling in the neighbor's back yard
>Cubone is one foot print away
>Neighbor's backyard is connected to mine
>Get to the rustling leaves by leaning slightly over my fence
>No pokemon appear for a good five - six minutes
>Cubone disappears

How the fuck does this even work?
Even if it wasn't a Cubone in the rustling grass, how do you trigger the grass to pop out a pokemon?

Because they want to. Bottom line, people want pokemon, so they play this game. It's the latest hot fad.

Gotta catch 'em all.

Can I just fight people on the street if they're also playing the game? Do I have to go somewhere to fight other gyms?

>pick red
>The lines are drawn.
> Around my house, yellow.
>further up into town, blue.
>get to the big city and its solid fucking red.

we will take over in time.

I'm not sure anyone knows, but I think the grass just gives a chance for a spawn. Quite often it doesn't actually spawn anything.

No. Yes

Hey. anyone from the UK (or any region where the game hasn't been released yet), and on iOS, downloaded it from here:
And does it actually work?

Does that actually work?

>Can I just fight people on the street if they're also playing the game?
>Do I have to go somewhere to fight other gyms?
That's the whole point of the game, so yes.

Some of my pokemon have icons next to their size or weight. What are those? My screen is too small for me to read what they say.

Also, for some reason the app doesn't work for me when the screen turns off.

what if there's no gym in my town

Go to another town, move or give up the game.

XL/XS icons, they're related to how many hp it has