1st for zippy a shit
>female titan
4th for no has-beens aloud
Alright friends, I haven't played since King's Fall Hard mode came out and the Triumphs are pulling me back in. What's changed since Novemeber or so? What do I need to know about Rise of Iron?
If it happens /dg/ will probably die
what do you mean "whats changed"
we don't know any specifics about Rise of Iron except its $30, it has a raid and new PvP mode
Can someone post an image of their sublime trials cloak compared to their pariah cloak?
I honestly didn't even know there was 2
>What do I need to know
k y s
>TFW 1kys was prophesized
No. High impact fusions are terrible DPS. Their main use is getting the 2 shot on their respected shield target enemies. Of these, minotars are low priority since they are easiest to kill of the high tier enemies, and engaging a taken wizard with a fusion rifle isn't the best idea.
The extreme tracking on necromantic gaze means you ideally want to engage them from long range with a sniper or a quick kill with a good shotgun.
Post guards.
No, I don't know how I managed to avoid playing like a sack of shit but I held my own, the boys did well and that's all that matters.
but its ugly
Fuck off it looks nice and I'll probably never get it
The max light level is 335 now PoE is back weekly loot boxes that earn you armor sets and taken PoE armor along with chroma. Year 1 weapons are earnable from the vanguard and Crucible through rank up packages
Plus alot of other things go back and read the weekly updates mostly concerning the April Update
ugly. ugly. UGLY
I dunno, I kinda like it. He looks nice and compact.
He doesn't have a perfect darkblade for match game wizards
quick flawless run?
Which is best element?
Which is worst?
Purge this piece of shit thread
purge yourself my man
you forgot to put sheen in this one
>want the 7th column emblem
>don't want to spend $25 on a shirt
>realize I don't have the ost from vanilla destiny
>$7 for the special 7 emblem
And now I have both sound tracks too.
Too bad I spend $15 on the other one.
Are trip fags from /lgbt/ seriously posting here? Seriously? Stop this shit
>even twitch streamers deliberately say my name wrong and call me "princess"
Post your snipers.
its not a 7th column emblem
how do you know the tripfags from /lgbt/???? is this jiro??????????
prince BTFO
PvP: arc best void worst
Pve: void best arc worst
princess pls
>PvP: [...] void worst
>They told us Nightstalker was a PvE focused hunter sublass
>It's an absolute monster in PvP
This class' neutral game has so many fucking tools to screw entire enemy teams it's not even funny
Do the court of Oryx Tier 2 stolen rune enemies rotate daily or weekly or something? I keep getting the same group and I need the other calcified fragments
completely random, if you get the same one just step out the area to cancel it and get your rune back to try for another
it shoots cancer
>out the area to cancel it and get your rune back to try for another
thanks user
Dragon where are you I want to ride you on my way to the lighthouse
>17 crucible packages since the april update
>still no longboa
>Never again
God I'd kill for that set. Glad I finally got the chest. Need the helmet and legs
do you like shit rolls because boy have i got the snipers for you
that is that most reddit thing i have ever seen
Pariah or bust
I have never been on /lgbt/ but the jiro is gay meme is one of my favorites along with .88 I miss that one
This describes my current relationship
Dragonmeme succumbed to alcohol and sleep deprivation
>This describes my current relationship
Your sister sucks your dick?
I have no interest in family, my gf has no relation to me
no thanks
Rarely do I use this
antiquated n chill?
I have the exact same roll but I think mine is arc
>using ambush
Isn't ambush one of the ones with negative aim assist?
You want viewtac I think. Maybe longview?
Something like that.
Ambush users are truly skilled. Faggots who need a crutch use longview and shortgaze
ambush is -25 and hidden hand is +25. if he's using it for pvp, it doesn't matter, but yes he should use longview instead out of his options.
With TT/Casket/HH it's a hybrid roll, so for PvP you're right.
For PvE it really doesn't matter, i'd run Ambush too for faster handling.
So why show off or even have hidden hand?
Didn't have the numbers on hand, but its good to know that they flat out cancel each other.
>Ambush users are truly skilled. Faggots who need a crutch use longview and shortgaze
bet you use shortgaze too huh
cause it gives aids
i use ambush for pve and longview for pvp.
HH is +15% of whatever AA value you have.
Mostly for Pve I just go for perks like triple tap and something not terrible and ignore scopes.
But I am also a huge casual.
Thats fine.
I'm too use to /dg/ being PvP centered.
raid time?
/dg/ isn't PvP centered
>tfw you decrypt a longbow
>Spray & Play
>Injection Mold
understandable, but the webm does say rip my spindle. but yea basically got it. it's a hybrid that does very well in both modes
in a couple hours
I was so angry I put decrypt instead of unpackaged.
I've got a pretty good 1kys I use similarly. (it was better before the shortgaze nerf)
I was just in a pvp mode for some reason.
isn't that high school-tier vodka?
smirnoff is nice desu
but I'm shitposting in the wrong thread
I will leave now
I'm dreadfully sorry
Laugh at the faggot.
Post your PSN/GT so we can blacklist you
which /dg/er is "kato"
I've literally never played whatever game this general is for I have no fucking idea how I ended up here
soz lmao
>haha look how much i can drink and not get drunk guys lmao XD
>whoa how did i end up here, i don't even play this video game, whoa!!!!
is that fucking dave grohl or something
lol you guys seem nice I'll leave you in peace
>co-worker calls me a cucklord
The fact people actually use memes in the real world is disturbing.
the only australian poster that isn't me
We're both girls lmao
>the only australian poster that isn't me
>forgetting spiderboy, lord of the lag.
Literally who?
do the math cislord
also apple used to post in our threads, she was nice. Not sure where she is now tho
>cu k
Hows summer?
cool destiny discussion you guys are having here
>no doritos
>no mountain dew / red bull
>Saturday (Morning)
Anyone up for comfy Trials in 2 hours?