Have trades become a better option than College?
>Can't be outsourced or automated
>Always in demand
>Pays more than most jobs
>Won't be put into debt
Even STEM degrees aren't cutting it anymore
Have trades become a better option than College?
>Can't be outsourced or automated
>Always in demand
>Pays more than most jobs
>Won't be put into debt
Even STEM degrees aren't cutting it anymore
>Even STEM degrees aren't cutting it anymore
Oh yes they are.
>>Can't be outsourced or automated
Low iq borderline highschool-dropouts can replace you though, and there's plenty of those
>Always in demand
So are a lot of things
>Pays more than most jobs
Like which ones? The average tradesman makes less than the average University graduate.
>Won't be put into debt
Ever heard of grants, scholarships, working while in school, paid internships and good starting salaries?
Enjoy your destroyed joints desu
suicide is the only viable option
>don't have to give up on your hopes and dreams
> aren't left in crippling debt.
>don't have to live in constant humiliation and virginity
>may get a chance to slap the shit out of buddah and reincarnate rich
>wew 40-60k starting
O wait muh computer science 80k starting salaries my oil engine- wait oil is dead RIP 100k starting jobs for that
>highschool dropouts can replace you
implying they have actual work ethic
average is irrelevant, they still pay well
fair point but most millennials are too retarded for any of those
>destroying joints
Enjoy your blood clots, diabetes, and obesity deskjob cuck
you get a 5/10 for me replying
@OP, Trades are a good option you should just examine yourself. Your local area, what you're interested in, your skills etc. If you want to do it, you can't go wrong.
user above me is a cuckold connoisseur elitist trying to push the meme he's higher status for having a degree when everyone and their mother is funneled into uni now.
>implying you have social status posting on Veeky Forums
working in trades sucks hairy balls
being self-employed in trades only sucks the tip
employing others in trades is you getting the bj erry day
all of these courses of action usually start the same- sucking balls. How far you get past that is up to you.
>Oh yes they are
Engineering firms usually want people with years of experience. Not to mention that market is oversatturated as fuck
>Low iq borderline highschool-dropouts can replace you though, and there's plenty of those
Unless you fuck up in your job and get fired then nobody will replace you.
>Like which ones? The average tradesman makes less than the average University graduate
Electrician and plumbers make 50k-70k on average and can make over 100k have becoming a master
>Ever heard of grants, scholarships, working while in school, paid internships and good starting salaries?
The average College student is 20k in debt and are struggling to find a job in this shit economy
>implying they have actual work ethic
>average is irrelevant, they still pay well
>fair point but most millennials are too retarded for any of those
Trades have a far lower barrier of entry than STEM or business, though.
It's way easier to get into trades than to replace some guy with a Masters degree in Finance.
>Enjoy your blood clots, diabetes, and obesity deskjob cuck
That's why the "office cuck" master race lifts and roids, you mad trades fag? When was the last time you've seen a non-obese tradesfag?
kek, lettuce be real most middle aged people are obese in general and have poor health.
i mean if you're gonna roid have fun i guess don't let your nuts shrink too much
>most middle aged people are obese in general and have poor health.
Who gives a fuck about most?
I'm not average and I've never been. I make an above average income, I have an above average physique and I live an above average lifestyle.
simply I've never enjoyed working with my hands and I'd really rather save my energy for the gym, I've worked a manual labor job during highschool and immediately out of highschool and i swore to myself I would NEVER, EVER work a job like that again.
Haven't broken that promise yet
only if you get into a union or become one of those self employed guys that charge 350$ per service call flat rate and proceeds to bilk the customer on everything
well thats great bubs but remember average isn't hard to beat so don't get too high up on that high horse you just another dude like the rest of us
I'm saying the "average" doesn't apply here.
Why would it matter that the average University graduate is doing shit when Women's studies and African basketweaving are hot majors these days?
Instead, you should look at the average for people in your field, who work as hard as you do. That's what should be giving you an approximate idea of where you'll be.
ok but you're the one who brought up how uni grads on average earn more?
i dont get what your point is, it's mostly about your local area more than anything or where you want to live
>ok but you're the one who brought up how uni grads on average earn more?
I brought it up in response to another person mentioning the average.
>i dont get what your point is
Point is don't jump on the contrarian bandwagon so quickly and actually think it through, especially long-term.
Trades may start off well (No debt, quick to be making """decent""" money) but the people who stuck through school will quickly come out ahead.
obviously uni cucks have higher earning potential, but to pretend as if tradecucks are bad is just furthering the elitist meme narrative that you must go to university
then we get a bunch of sjws with women studies
>but to pretend as if tradecucks are bad is just furthering the elitist meme narrative that you must go to university
We're talking about making fucking money and having a good long-term outlook here, on Veeky Forums. I'm not pushing any 'elitist' meme narrative, or any of that /pol/ speak, I'm just talking the cold-hard truth.
If sucking cocks was a good profession I would be advocating for that instead.
>then we get a bunch of sjws with women studies
I don't give a fuck about that we're talking making money, and living well. Something that trades doesn't offer for the average person.
>start hvac business
>make 100k+
Veeky Forums ~ you can make a lot of money at anything you're good at
>50k is not a good wage
wew just cause we're on Veeky Forums doesn't mean we all want to live in an international city mate
Too bad the laws of supply and demand apply everywhere. The more degrees there are the less they are worth.
>$50K is more than twice my household budget and I live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood
Man I wish I had gotten into the trades and had meme worthy levels of success.
I hear STEM varies tremendously depending on the exact field; supposedly engineering is still doing well while biology only makes sense as a pre-med program. Any truth to this?
Trades are irrelevant to me because I'm a fucking retard who took 3 tries to get a basic school machine shop certificate (cut a triangle with some tapped holes in it out of a flat piece of plastic, I can't even do that within tolerances).
>Too bad the laws of supply and demand apply everywhere. The more degrees there are the less they are worth.
What do you think that makes people without degrees if everyone has them?
It becomes the highschool diploma equivalent. Kind of how in the last decadesyears having a highschool degree was the bare minimum for any job that wasn't absolute shit.
This desu
Trades can be automated. Anything that can be broken down inyo steps can be automated. Neurosurgeons arent even safe.
Less likely in the short term than other things
the pay depends on region and union membership. most electricians i know in texas top out at around 50k after many years making less than that, and the IBEW treats you like a second-rate scrub if you didn't come up through their training program, so joining the union isnt a good option for most.
imo it's not a good deal for the work and risk you put up with, unless you go out to work on the rigs and make that oil $$$
Texans forget their wages are lower than most of the country because their cost of living is ridiculously low.
I mean, Texas is experiencing an economic boom, but it's still one of the cheapest, poorest states in the nation.
I'm a sub-par non union pipe fitter with like 3 years experience and they're willing to pay me 75k/yr to fuck shit up. The catch being that I work on the road and put in a lot of overtime so it can be pretty miserable. Can't think of a quicker way to financial freedom though.
the cost of living is shooting up due to all the people moving here for the fracking boom. the boom is dead in the water right now but people are still moving in, and costs are shooting up while wages for tradesmen remain stagnant.
also the low costs are somewhat deceptive. the cheaper hosuing areas are all either far outside the metro areas with ridiculous commutes or are overrun by feral minorities. a decent neighborhood within reasonable distance of your job and inhabited by civilized people is really expensive
>Got network engineering degree
>Realize market is oversaturated with people with masters and higher+experience
>Say fuck it and pull cable for 15/hr for a year
>Get certified for OSHA, heavy equipment
>Start pointing out issues on prints and talking to engineers about design
>Get brought onto engineering team
>So much money I can barely spend/invest it all
>Building experience I can put into my own firm
Sometimes it takes both senpai. Some days I'm in the middle of nowhere busting my ass pulling and splicing fiber, some days I spend the whole day at my desk stoned as fuck pounding coffee and playing with CAD.
Tfw satisfied with your work, like getting up early, like going into the office, and don't even check prices at the store.
Yeah I guy I worked (trade) with had a biology degree, me and him had the same pay same job except I started right out of Highschool, another one of my coworkers had a construction management degree we all made 17.50 I quit to get compsci degree because being educated is inherently better than not being educated and also I will make more than my boss and his boss when I'm done. Trades are a meme by the time you actually start making good money your to old and decrepit to have any fun.
Have fun!
I'm doing AS in network engineering right now. I thought that I'll be set with it.
you forget about the side job potential in trades. Doing cash work for homeowners is a gold mine and you don't have to claim shit.
> Can't be automated
Yet. Give it 15 years and robots will be doing all of this stuff.
I make over 100k right out of college as a CS graduate, without even including stocks or bonuses, which ads another 50k.
no you don't
Yes I do.
If I did trade work that's probably what I'd do, I'm not dedicated enough to go through unions or anything.
you can make far more money as a legit 1 man company than you can joining any union. You can charge the same rate as everyone else and just claim losses and shit and cheat the system. Sometimes home owners are wicked stupid and you can gouge pretty hard too.
>a decent neighborhood within reasonable distance of your job and inhabited by civilized people is really expensive
compared to what?
I live in Colorado in the mountains, in a tiny hick town with no jobs.
My 2 bedroom house on 50x100 feet of land assesses at $320k. I don't know what that'll buy me in Houston, but it'll buy an entire town in the panhandle.
and that's cheap for Colorado. And we're cheap compared to about half of the rest of the country.
>Even STEM degrees aren't cutting it anymore
STEM degrees do pay, CS is what I know.
I took classes at different colleges. Some kids are doing the bare minimum.
I was just doing way, way more work than others. Not only were my grades high, I would read books not on the test to understand things better. I worked on independent programming projects, and independent learning.
For CS degrees, you get out what you put in. Most of my peers make a good living, some of the ones with initiative made a fortune.
Not everyone even cares - I know guys who want to make $110k and that's it. They could make $150k if they wanted to but don't want to put in the extra effort. Once they're at $110k they relax.
Idk I've been going to community college for a couple of years and still don't have an internship or degree. I have 3 years to go at the minimum till I get my first degree
My friend went into some HVAC air conditioning trade school after deciding to stop fucking around a couple months ago and got a job immediately after graduating only in one month. He works a comfy ass job riding around and he says eventually he'll be making as much as me with my cs degree that I still don't have
It's really made me think..
>master race at anything besides being equivalent to a woman
22 yo here who opted out of college and fell for the trade meme, ~50k a year a ~50-60 hours a week
>wearing a hardhat not in a construction area
>wearing silk smoking jacket from the 70s instead of actual work uniform
>hammering a bolt
This guy ain't gonna make it, m8s
This might just be correlation. Smarter kids getting degrees, and then getting paid more. I think a smart enough kid could self educate whilst doing a trade and then turn his efforts towards something higher paying or entrepreneurial.
>Once they're at $110k they relax
That's not exactly "relaxing" range...
You know "meme" is an insulting term here, right? Doesn't really describe your situation for how well it is.
At the end of the day, any trade is highly competitive because of how many competent, yet degree-less, people there are willing to work there ass off for a respectable salary.