Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
how do i beat goku
i'm so lonely...
who bitch dis is
t. Harada
Would you rather Ryu be nerfed or everyone else brought to his level?
This is geniune autism. This won't save Skullgirls just so you know.
The second obviously
that's also what Peter "Combofiend" Rosas promised but it's clear he has no power in anything about the game
looks like x-23
Just let the abortion of a game die and start from scratch.
I'm not that hyped for EVO this year.
And they say I'm retarded...
Will she make DOA5 worth getting on PC, /fgg/?
The latter.
Tekken 7 and Smash 4 is what I will be watching as much as I can. Looking forward to KI, GG, MKX and Pokken top 8s too.
why am i so happy that i now have all colors for all costumes
why do i care so much for cosmetic shit
am i gay?
Revelator will be nice at least, probably SFV too despite it being >SFV
Better make sure she gets released on PC first, pal
Was she even announced for PC? Unless you play local MP or for SP content, don't bother getting the PC version.
dumb meitenkunposter
worth pirating maybe
Gill is the worst SF boss and I hope he never becomes playable again.
i jus wanna see marvel and tekken desu
LTG will find a way
The port is still shit. No NextGen™ graphical features and stages, only random ranked for online and whatever else is still fucked.
I would drop the 20 bucks easily if they fixed it tomorow.
I'm gonna be the best Meitenkun player in /fgg/!
who uniel pc in 3 days here
Yes pc gets all the dlc despite the pc port bing shit.
I recently got a PS4, so I was mostly just asking if the game was worth getting in general. I'd prefer PC because I'll never give up hope but yeah I'd heard the PC port was shit.
im pirating it
tfw gonna be the best Luong player in fgg
>losing to day -30 gimmicks and bronze shenanigans
i believe in you
not hard when it's only you, broski, chariot and hbr buying it
Only Meitenkun player you mean?
Also, apparently he throws pillows.
most people for 2 days, and then no one once again
I didn't know they are going to patch Luong in OG2k2.
>Only Meitenkun player you mean?
Those aren't mutually exclusive
One just means less work for me to stay on top
>Also, apparently he throws pillows.
Got a source?
how come china dominates with home advantage but NA cant
I also have 2002UM
USA sucks at every sport. The few ones they are dominating like handegg and marvel is because no one else in the world gives a fuck about their shitty sports.
Because they'll be executed by the government if they don't
fuck SFV real talk i can't deal with the randomness of some people online
i have to play like a fucking retarded rhinoceros to beat these fucks and then when i face a competent player i can't switch gears fast enough
dead on arrival
we are the best at waging war tho you dumb bitch
>Got a source?
Apparently it came up at the Japan Expo event, in passing.
It's mentioned somewhere in there. No way I'm finding you the exact time.
play battle lounges then
if you can't make it work rank up a bit and decent players will show up more frequently
1. Ranked will teach you nothing(except if it is tekken7)
2. SFV is trash and should not be played by anyone into fighting games.
How is Tekken 7 ranked any different than other fighting games ranked?
Already have it on every system except ps4.
Why does nobody in my locals want to be my friend? Am I a bad person?
>reinstall intagram
>get even more depressed
Is it decent? I wanted to get back into DOA but I've bought too many fightan games that were already dead and not that great in the first place at this point
I'm hyped to be drunk in vegas
I'm going to hit the poker rooms with $200 and see if i can keep it all on the way out
Found it
do you pick the fair stuff
Revenge Match
It takes the worst way to play this genre and make turns it into long sets versus the same player similar to lobbies and private matchmaking.
It's really fun. The pc version is dead online though.
Yes. I main Mika.
What are some recommended SFV mods?
Got 1roundmod.
Got oldboobsphysics.
Got oldmikachunandcammy camera
Got Overlapfix
What else?
So what's wrong with Ibuki in SFV?
you do realize we havent won a war since WW2 and the only reason why we won that was because we dropped nuclear bombs like complete fucking pussies.
I've got a PS4 as of like a month ago so I'll just get it there. Isn't there some kind of free version with like three characters or some shit, or is that only for the old version of the game?
>2. SFV is trash and should not be played by anyone into fighting games.
If it's trash, why does it have the most players in Evo? Checkmate, atheists.
Why not just play lobbies.
If I wanted long sets against the same person I'd play lobby.
Why is she so smug
Uninstall FADC Refund.
LoL is garbage and is the #1 played and watched game.
What's your point?
she's a fighter and fighters are smug!
marvel isnt usa's game. japan and mexico have killers too
You should but can't in arcade. Playing for virtual points will always fuck with peoples heads too much but at least tekken 7s system allows to lessen the retard impact.
>LoL is garbage
If it was garbage it wouldn't be the most popular game in the world
Eat shit, millions of flies can't be wrong.
Stamina, low stun, kunai stock
She seems to be pretty high execution and generally not that good in neutral, lacks a meterless invinicble reversal and her bombs are useless unless combo'd into.
There's probably gonna be execution monsters who are godlike with her but so far her real crazy shit doesn't seem to be that free.
I'm not him but
As someone who played League for over three years
It is garbage
It used to be good, but Riot has done so much absolutely shit balancing and redesigning that the only reason it's still getting bigger is the sheer inertia of already being so big
Woah did you come up with that? Really makes you think...
I wasn't aware we were talking about flies
But were not flies user
If SFV got anything right it's Rashid's stereotypical middle eastern grin. Every motherfucker from the middle east who thinks they're attractive swag fuckers smiles like that.
fucking dumbass
Mainly those gypsies and oil barons that think they own the world
hello /fgg/ what is up with you all this fine sunday
So I've only played tekken years ago, but I decided to try to get back into fighting games and managed to pick up USFIV for cheap. Besides gitting gud, do you have any protips?
It's already Monday you fuck
mai x billy sfm porn
>i wish i can tearitapart
if ur white dont play a non white character. we've been through enough and don't need u appropriating our culture
Assuming you already know fighting games basics for both 2d and 3d, sf4 requires a lot of lab time because it was fairly execution heavy
how much is it gonna cost you think
How fast is Ibuki's roundhouse? Anyone know the frames?
I haven't played SF5 in a month or so and it turned me into a bigger shitter than before. Feels bad.
What are some good fighting games if I play single player exclusively?
bumping for suggestions
dissida 2
but i like playing dj and birdie :c