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1st for
>Rebecca knows all of our porn
th for he was right
>Press F
DE doesn't mind r34, at least of the frames and zanuka
>becca most likely saw my futa becca x bursa, futa lotus x becca and becca x megan posts
death is sweet
My sides had taken critical damage, but the mission came first. I found the Prisma cleaver guy and asked him for a video, giving him my "IGN" while I was at it.
Here it is. Feel free to edit at will.
Can someone screencap last thread?
DE 2.0 when?
Links to the last two?
>Delete any trace of SweetFX in your WF Folder
>Extract in your main Warframe Folder
>Load Warframe Launcher
>Uncheck DX10, DX11
>Check Multi-Thread, 64-Bit Mode
>Scroll Lock =on/off
what happend ?
oh my god
They were pretty old, probably 3 weeks or so. You could probably find them on fireden archives.
oh fuck
I just started playing saryn and I keep hearing a weird noise even though im not using her abilities is it a bug?
I have to lose all the dx11 glory to get your dull, low contrast washed out look?
Can't wait!
The one on the left already has the contrast turned down, unless your hardware is failing or something it's certainly not vanilla grindfarm
To each, his own, but you really think that's an improvement?
Reminder this thing is a piece of shit that will burn your eyeballs and take a good chunk of your fps if you don't have a fucking NASA quantum computer
oh fuck my sides ahahahaha that spin was fucking sublime
I'm lazy, so please?
Do people just not realize how autistic they look sometimes? Nearly 20 seconds, I mean come on man.
Atleast don't do the shitty knee bend thing.
Nice memepasta
But stale but it's alright and fitting
Good work shitposter user
>farmed out fraggor, akstiletto and a half of Vauban in just about 2 hours
>bring down that grindwall, Mr. Sinclair.
>plat market is down
>jews on the suicide watch
>random shitter can buy the entire prime drop table for a few hundreds of plat (excluding vaulted shit, ofc)
>no need to buy plat
>no need to buy PA
Shit, was all of that part of their plan, or they fucked up again, but this time to our benefit?
What are they gonna do, when they realize there is no grind left in the game about grind?
My bet - they are going to make rifts rare as fuck. Or maybe make them single use and say in the patchnote that it is how it was intended from the start.
>waaa why do people have fun and act silly to make people laugh
Agreed, you pretty much do not realize how autistic you look, user
Here's one of an intense one on one duel between two Tenno warriors.
Once again, feel free to edit'n'shieeet.
Hey man, that probably made his day.
Good for him, he found something he loves/likes.
Too bad it's warframe
Eh, just typed out my initial response to seeing it, not sure what to tell you
is stale pasta too then?
the whole market of this game is cycling through new players who enjoy the novelty of space ninjas and making them buy a few bucks worth of shit and have them leave
>>farmed out fraggor, akstiletto and a half of Vauban in just about 2 hours
fukken how
I'm conflicted. I feel like I liked the old system more. It was balanced. Grindy but balanced and the economy worked. Now the economy is in shambles and everyone has everything.
Only things that will be worth a damn will be the ultra rare mods and vaulted stuff.
Post your cpu, memory and video card specs so we can make sure you're just not using a potato.
Really? It's very similar to a /v/ pasta I've seen. Like almost word for word after going beyond the first sentance. I could've sworn I've seen it before.
we wuz orokangz
Also dual nikana pls
The fuck with this shit
Looking at them now I realize that the ends were snipped off. He does a bow and then poses like a bad ass on the cleaver one, and the guy with the red thing get knocked on his ass.
On the pic here you can see Tenno master archers showing off their skills.
You have god mode for the whole mission
"Your growth honors the Conclave. But beware, pupil. The biggest fish attracts the hungriest predators."
Another test to see what cheeze we would use.
someone on twitter brought his own special made slingshot. Ptw is a thing.
>they dont deal any damage
>they rarely spawn
It's just a way for DE to see who they should nerf next. Majority of people I've seen went with Nova, Trin, Ivara and/or Nekros. Prepare to see their nerfs upcoming.
Yeah, I never go to /v/, sorry.
Isn't the game dull and drab enough? Pic related is max settings minus color correction.
Why kill the nice reflections and all the other candy dx11 adds to have a contrast slider you could just change on your monitor if not in game?
If you like it great, just seems like a joke to me.
Just so you guys know, I was not kidding about the flappymeme thing.
mfw i havent played the game in two months, hows the new void shit and was there anything interesting at tennocon?
Fucking kek.
>To each his own.
I'm one of the people using the fx, not he that posted that original post, but I love the more dark and grimey look it has and since it can be edited a bit by the editor I used it to make it look more to my taste. Early warframe beta was dark and grimey before console versions came,looks got a big overhaul and everything got brighter.
But I get ya man, not everyones thing.
Didn't they promise an AI overhaul for dogs when cats dropped? Weren't cats supposed to be part of a quest? What about the infestation on the ship?
Why are dogs still fucking worthless DE? Why the fuck do they even exist DE?
Nova deluxe
galitine tigress and nekros prime
Fairy frame
another war within cinematic
Yeah if it had a film grain filter I guess I'd use it for that, if I could still play at 144hz at 1440p
Did the alert with Inaros and dagger
I just incubated the RNG cat.
This fucker is fun to dick around with, but > no vacuum.
Fucksake DE.
>stopped playing at noon
>look at the time
>tfw shitposting for 2 hours
It has some settings
wouldn't hurt to give it a try at best. And if you still dislike it you can just remove the files.
uuhh, gonna need that color scheme senpai
So I ran into Megan some time during the day. As I was making my way towards her to have her sign the shirt and then take a pic, this enormous 10'11' asparagus autismwalked towards her at lightspeed and began stammering and shaking.
"H-h-hi... CAN YOU sign-...This please?" As he extends that gay card thing you get stamps on. She signs it and kinda goes for a high-five or something, but he just autismwalks away into the crowd.
I had a giggle before making my way to her, showing her the shirt and having her sign it. While she had a laugh and signed it, she didn't seem to find it as funny/was not as interested in meeting the autismos that play Warframe, or maybe she was having a bad day, but she came off a little bit cold.
I understand now why they chose Becca for the role of spacemom.
Sadly I had to do a selfie with this one, since there was no one around to take a pic of us. As a side note, in the unedited version of that pic, I look smug... I don't know why.
Is that his settings in
>Reached Synthesis limit
Let them use whatever they want user. Glad you like it though.
When I load the game back up.
Spacemom number one
Megan to the gulag
>making her sign shirt that says Becca best waifu
>not expecting cold reaction
cmon now thats just mean. she knows she can barely be relevant
nah changed it and the file from the mega literally has that exe, just download it and start the exe up and change whatever man.
yeah was just confused for a sec.
>Meganfags btfo
Is mine the only potato that became prettier after the faceblend update?
>but she came off a little bit cold.
You understand she was first hired at DE get keep the forums in check from normie shitter strying to get into warbros right?
Here is another pic of the shitposting wall.
Basically this. Women are only good for their looks. Having her sign this basically killed her.
mfw this has been becca the whole time.
wish potatoes would smile from time to time.
you need to have sex this is sad
Well Megan, you could of fucked him right there if you weren't a hypertensive bitch.
Why can't you just bend over on command like Rebecca?
>she came off a little bit cold
I probably would too if I had to go to 10ocon
t. Meganfag
awww how cute
what focus take
Of course she's cold she loves in Canada.
but why not the blammy laser or the healy thi-
>regenerate 4 energy per second literally forever
I fucked it up with the second comment, didn't I
Enjoy doing a whooping 19 damage to all enemies past earth.
I can't believe that I forgot to include this gem.
This guy also pulled a sick Kama Combo, then mentioned about 10 times how it was made from a nice piece of hickory.
top jej
>megan getting out of the way
yeah i know. i just looked at the abilities. how could it possibly be this bad of a divide.
>have this laser beam that does some damage
>put five max rank energy siphons on all of your warframes
i was going to enjoy the story moment but then i remembered I was playing warframe and thought "oh yeah this is going to be some major decision and one is going to be way better than all the others"
and I was right why was I right
I just want to farm
more like decent human being that wouldnt be caught dead at a gathering of rejects. you may as well go to the pony or tumblr cons.
Them sick spins tho
Probably it is as stressful for a normie to be surrounded by assburgers as it is the other way around.
>Yet he still visits Veeky Forums on a tainwanese knitting board in a thread dedicated to game where the only winning move is not to play
You're not really helping your case with that comment buddy.
Here's the loot.
I need to get that fucking bed out of my office.
how the fuck am i supposed to host keyshares with refined relics now? there's no way to check
Thanks Dogbro for documenting all of this.
You're a dog we need, but a dog we don't deserve.
What's in the box?