OT: eyosongive.us
this fucking teitch edition
OT: eyosongive.us
this fucking teitch edition
Xth for purest and cutest girl
xth for best waifu Jinx
>tfw CLG fan
You have the chance to remove 3 champions and 3 items from the game forever and ever for good
Which are those?
How long until Huhi gets relegated to Lulu only status?
Literally shouldn't even exist.
>Jhin set up for a penta
>gets the quadra
>intentionally leaves the fight
YFW your Darius gets the first dunk
xth for purity is boring and sluts are fun
If Darshan doesn't get ahead with a split pusher is he completely useless?
>wants to play ahri
>mid lane is full of edgy special snowflakes who think they are good because they can 100% the lee sin who just came back after being disconnected for 12 minutes
>she's not good in any other lanes
Liking ahri as a champion is suffering
>seraph is a good player now
How things have changed.
Darshan became completely irredeamable trash the minute Fiora couldn't 1v1 100-0 Malphite while 0/3 and 2 levels behind.
Honestly I can't believe that even happened how broken is this fucking kit.
He has proven that time and time again. He can literally only split-push.
no, he was hit or miss as a flanking maokai which is better than completely useless
I kekd
>mfw Riven bounces off my wall
>CLG gets smacked the fuck up by the worst team in the league
this is pathetic, no self-respecting team should be losing to Phoenix 1
IE, BT and Essence Reaver
Ashe, Jinx, Sivir
I can be whatever you want me to be daddy~
tfw went to LCS yesterday and Seraph waved at me when I saw him watching APX-NRG offstage, and then he recognized me again outside.
>watsu makes a bot command on discord that gives out a random game to play in queue
>try it out
>looks like some gay ass shoot em up
>start playing it
>miss the queue pop because the game was fun
Thank you bananaman
help me
I thought they went away
>Worst team in the league
>Not Echo Fox
No. He played tanks well at MSI (bar that one maokai game where he forgot to ult)
zed, yasuo, azir
maw, black cleaver and rabadons
>you thought trick2g was kidding when he said that he would teach them gates
>teleport got nerfed again
He needs to learn how to lane now, or fall deeper in the cracks
remember when /lolg/ constantly talked about how doublelift is bad and is washed up and overrated
This shouldn't be funny.
But it is
That is some really good art
>Kogmaw prioritizes a ward over a teamfight while standing on Soraka silence.webm
>they can't even write french correctly
people from Quebec are fucking disgusting pieces of shit
>champs that become unkillable despite both teams being even
why is this allowed?
>Fizz, Blitz, Soraka
>Black Cleaver, IE, Cull
it's euw so it's not quebec
either a child or an arab or both
Fizz, Leblanc and Fizz again for good measure
mfw brew begs
Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.
Trash champ for shitters.
>removing BC
Unironically triggered me 8/10
Replace BC with talisman and I'd agree with you
how do i not get jealous when its not my turn with my slut
Is Dominion a good place to practice positioning in teamfights for ADC?
Cull, Maw, Duskblade
Leblanc, Azir, Nami
delete this
Reminder to milk your cow!
I wanna kiss Twitch.
Purest and cutest girl.
You find another slut
>this guy is fucking Lilypichu and bunch of other League girls and his fans
>has a personal chef that makes sure he eats healthy
>has someone to do his laundry and chores for him
>makes millions of dollars a year
>has tons of friends that like him more than just a League player
>uses League money to help fund his education in a very cool Major
>is about to get his Master's Degree
>is about to get married and start a family soon
It's decent for teamfight practice, but picking any immobile ADC is asking for trouble.
Fizz, Mundo, Yasuo.
Malmormaw, Yoummublade Guinsoo's Cancerblade
>Implying he would cheat on Lilypichu
>Implying anyone would cheat on Lilypichu
Don't forget, she's garbage right now.
If you want an AP "assassin" in mid, just play leblanc - she's a better ahri
Lulu sucks, senpai.
League of Legends
She needs a rework and VU.
After Mordekaiser you fuck.
He didn't cheat on Lilypichu, but he has dated other somewhat Internet famous League girls before her.
Her kit's fine, but her in game model is absolute trash.
playing with a bad cait is the worst thing ever i wouldnt wish that on my greatest enemy
How do you get a penta with Jhin anyway?
I love Lissandra! She's soft QT and pure!
best freljord too
what changes would you like to see in Lulu?
I also feel like she's missing something as a support, but I don't really know what. Sometimes she's godly at peeling, other times she's useless as a support.
it's an overloaded piece of shit, along with maw
When did CLG decide to become trash?
She needs to be slaughtered like the degenerate she is.
Why do you insist on coming back and spewing your bile?
Got my penta stolen by a fizz with a 50hp annie undertower when i still had 3 more shots of ult.
Didn't say shit and continued playing and lost game fk ;;
premade was spamming surrender votes because fiora was in promos
we also got dumpstered at first on botlane but they had warwick as jungler so everything was fine
Good Nami players are rare and even then, she's really not that hard to deal with even if she stupidly gets fed early game.
pantheon annie bard
void staff last whisper ie
She needs to be deleted so Lulu user and whats-his-face finally off themselves.
Hey, do you guys remember REESE
what are his other girlfriends famous for, dating other famous people or something??
Fiora, Yasuo, Fizz.
Maw of Malmortius, Thornmail, Rod of Ages.
LoLs tournaments are so fucking boring, always the same champions geez.
>Why do you insist on coming back and spewing your bile?
Spewing bile?
I'm not posting or talking about Jinx you moron.
I think crates in League should give more than just one item considering how many skins , champs, and ward skins there are. It would be cool if it was more like Overwatch where every crate gets you 5 t hings.
>only good player here gets his post nuked
>hentai is cat
4 things
I don't really get the hate for Fizz and Yasou. They teach players to not be trigger happy with abilities. They teach players that they need to wait out an attack and actually assess a situation before using an ability.
Spamming everything at the start of a teamfight is a bad habit.
Already did
If ryze hasn't been delete all these years, there's no guarantee she will.
I'll take that too
I was talking about Lulu not Jinx.
>this bait
I added you.
What was the post?
>good player
>posted zero proof of him being good
jinx is a fuckin gross lil crackwhore lmao
>I'm not posting or talking about Jinx you moron.
That's the problem, retard. You're at the bottom on the barrel with your Lissfaggotry.
>I was talking about Lulu not Jinx.
I was talking about Lulu as well.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Vayne, yasuo, fizz
Thornmail, zzrot, sightstone