Omnic Satan Edition.
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/owg/ - Overwatch General
hana song
Zarya x Zen best ship
4nd for EnvyUs.Taimou cheating in tournaments with Blizzard's blessing
I dunno seagull or something
just went 35 deaths on Lijiang competitive as Winston
i had 50 eliminations and bronze in damage done
Not 100% awful Overwatch fanhero time?
Mercy is best waifu. I want to snuggle with her
Omg I love seagull dude
OW esports is da best
Too many weeaboo waifufags.
Post some memes
It's really nice watching that faggot lose, seriously, who the fuck declares themself a pro when beta isnt even over, you aren't a fucking pro, the games been for less than 6 months, we dont know who the pros are
12th for Cloud9.Surefour being a brave heroic gay Jewish pro gamer in a cis scum dominated world
literally dva genji
>he doesn't have a waifu
God damn theres a lot of cheaters
>Don't have time to play a full comp game
>"I'll just hop into a QP match real quick"
>This happens
Never again. That playlist is untouchable.
wow this is a cool ch-
into the trash it goes
Any hero with invisibility is 100% awful.
Let alone one who can be invisible 1/3rd of the time of a match, has a Zarya laser, and a shitty Blink.
a MEI zing
Someone pls link a subreddit where I can find people to play with thx
>35 deaths and not switching
kill yourself
I've ran into a mcree I'm fairly certain was triggerbotting (sweeping his crosshair wildly across the screen and perfectly headshotting without the cursor even stopping)
only one though
The rest of his set.
Evil Omnic hero when?
>invisibility AND mobility while being burst heavy
>character is generic weeabo girl with white hair and high tech sword
yea, no, dont do that, good art though
way to not contest or anything you autismal sperglord
aren't 'pros' just teams that have major sponsors behind them?
>tfw 70+ ranked is just a streamer/pro player premade circlejerk with hyper inflated winrates
Nice system overbabs.
>this broken english
What the fuck does this hero do?
Posting best daddy
I want to throatfuck Mei with her nose plugged until she can't breathe.
They are literally just people that played a lot in beta and rolled around with premade teams and won a shitload because matchmaking didn't work well. When they play solo most of these "pros" fall apart and can barely play and win
>it's literally deathstroke's daughter Ravager
Couldn't even bother to make their own character, huh?
>guy plays with friends who he can communicate effectively with and are at high skill level
>they win games
hold the fucking presses
Have they been adding even more icons with each patch? I dont remember there being so many.
Pretty sure she wouldn't be able to breathe immediately user
but it's the teammates' fault not theirs
This closes the iris.
yes look at this car sized hitbox.
the mccree bullet missed.
He clearly has a microdick.
From what I gathered he's Zenyatta if Zenyatta wasn't a bitch
I don't really know myself.
Have this, from the same guy.
It's almost like you play better as a group.....
I can understand though since nobody here has friends lmao
yea you can call yourself "pro" if you play on a team under contract of said team and have income through sponsors and winning prizes
other than that you are just a peasant that spams the game and is (hopefully) good at the game
Do you also want to kill her until she dies?
Not if his dick was small enough it didn't block her airflow, which I'm guessing it is.
very creative
lel, love this argument. Meanwhile pros in every other esport even team ones carry their shit ass teams. I dont think there is a single proper overwatch esport team yet, there just isnt enough players that have proven they are more than pubstars yet. Should be a couple of months of ranked before we see players in the 80's and 90's that have proven they are the best of the best
>people stop inviting you into their group to play together
guess i'm shit
>/owg/ - teamwork and playing with friends is literally cheating
There's more to high-level play besides matchmaking you autist. This is for every team game. There are some pros that don't even bother playing ranked. Enigma for example is only level 6 because of in-houses/scrims.
Home run!
I actually grouped up a couple days ago with friends
When I checked their rank today they had dropped 5-6 levels
I removed all of them from my friends list
Do I buy a Reinhardt legendary or an epic and a highlight intro?
>mfw I don't even bother playing this game because I don't have friends
Not the point. You could take any "pro" team in overwatch right now, drop 3 of the players and replace them with any random 60-70 ranked player and you'd hardly even notice you just swapped 3 players out
>What Pharah is supposed to be
A hero good at dealing with immobile characters and entrenched defenses
>What Pharah actually is
A hero that nullifies Torbjorn and Bastion just by existing
>What S76 is supposed to be
A versatile hero that is a good rounder pick in any situation
>What S76 actually is
A hero that you need in every single match because he excels at everything
The ball is like the discord orb and can attatch to enemies, but also walls.
When the ball is on a target, his bullets will home to that location.
I don't understand the portal wings, but it sounds op as fuck.
His ult is like zenyattas ult but instead of healing his team, he hurts the enemy team and gives a reload debuff to them.
>ask if here's room in the group
>"sorry mate, no room"
>request to join group not greyed out
>Carry the shit out of a game with Reaper
>Widow is being useless
>Payload is .5m from the cap
>Mercy gets butthurt at Widow being useless and AFKs
Why is this shit not permabannable
Oh Christ, there's more.
i really like playing torb but it honestly feels he's only good in the first push if you manage to stop it so you armor up everybody then molten core the second push, if it doesn't work you might as well swap because you will never have time to set up a good turret nest
also if they pick pharah your turrets might as well not exist, and the characters they're supposed to counter (genji/tracer) both have an easy time breaking them
Also forgot to mention his ball doesn't debuff, and he can teleport to his ball.
So what you're saying is that they're doing what they're supposed to be?
>A hero good at dealing with immobile characters and entrenched defenses
>She's actually A hero who nullifies these immobile characters
>A versatile hero that is a good rounder pick in any situation
>He's actually good in every situation
Make your point.
Depends on which of each you'd get. If you're a man of patrician tastes and would get Stonehardt then do so. Paragon and Hammer Down intro are a good buy too. Anything else is shit.
So do I. What do you think she likes to be called at home as a cute nickname or casually? Just Angela? Angel? Mercy?
>tfw jumping down from a high point as lucio to break it down
i wish soundbarrier would deal damage or knockback players depending on how high your drop was, would be probably counterproductive but it would be cool
Good case of some english second language right there.
hes complaining that theyre too good at their job and its hard to play against it as the heroes theyre supposed to have an advantage over
Welcome to literally any online multiplayer game with a competitive mode.
>tfw you have the habit of jumping before breakin it down
>LG blown the fuck out
RIP Seagull Cucks
>Spent 20 bucks for this motherfucker
>Never played the game again
There are no Pharah counters in pro play. Your only hope is your pharah is better than theirs. Best Pharah wins every match. And no, soldier doesnt counter her outside the odd ultimate. She shits on him all day at pro level.
jesus christ
Wait the supposed/actually match eachother...
you troller dawg user
Good, fuck that over rated idiot
I, too, watch and base all my opinions of the balance of this game off of competitive overwatch streams
literally 76, stop posting
Any decent 76 can lead her with his helix rockets. That and two seconds of hitscan kills any Pharah*
* That doesn't have a pocket Mercy
>"seagull is the best ow player!!!!"
>LG gets rolled by some randoms
umm, seagulltards?
My point is that they're too good at what they do.
Offensive heroes in general are fucking busted. Not a single one in sight because they're easy to counter garbage because Blizzard loaded them with a shitton of obvious counterplay
Good widowmaker or roadhog
This 2Zenyatta is goofy fun
Who /basketball trap and mine setter/ here?
Yeah, it's supposed to be hard to play against it as the heroes they have advantage over. Pharah is supposed to deal with Toby's and Bastions. If you are one of those heroes and you're being dealt with, thats kind of the point.
I'm not going to complain that, as a Genji, it's hard to outplay a Winston. It's just part of the game.
No way a Pharah should last 5 seconds against a 76.
You're just mad you had shitties that couldn't deal with her. I'm rank 62 and NEVER have a problem with her.
Fuck off.
These are the people that join your team in compettive, holy fuck no wonder its so bad
>game is barely out for 2 months
>he thinks meta and pro play has been already established
lmao no everyones a shitter
literally everyone is a fucking shitter right now
i dont care if you played 8 months of closed beta, the game is unbalanced and has flaws, pro play doesnt exist
Wtf 2zenyattas xDD?!1
>basketball mine
It's a fun idea but the physics for moving that thing is so finnicky I've never actually used it
I would only play Lucio as an agressive support if that was the case
Only to the heroes that aren't their direct counters. A Mei or Genji laughs at 76 and just racks up rooms.
Hollywood first point needs to be reworked, it's ridiculously hard to attack