>What is Attorney Online? It's an virtual chatroom/courtroom mix we use to perform improv AA-like trials, Civil Cases, Logic Battles and more! Come join us on our server, Attorney Online Vidya!
>Gameplay footage? Streams typically run in the evening, US time. You can also check out recordings of previous cases via guardlytheguard and lawfuldickish on twitch.
>Gameplay footage? >Streams typically run in the evening, US time. You know, this kind of gives the impression we only play during American hours.
Connor Ross
>a perfectly smooth case happens on area 2 >the streament went on area 1 >everyone is expecting area 2 case was just a meme case made on purpose to be silly.
Austin Ramirez
Reminder to go into your Knightley .ini file and set the gunspin timer to 88. This is required for his fix to properly work.
Josiah Sullivan
*timer to 0 to not see it
Alexander Wood
Oh by the way, didn't get much feedback from the finished orla product yet but I hope ya'll like it cus I'm gonna attempt someone new here next.
Shouldn't be too hard for me I think. Except for the one where she stamps the screen with a transparent charm
Gavin Edwards
Fuck off, Rhoda. Your hateboner contributes nothing.
Julian Wright
>namedropping me in the thread
wow whoever you are you're gonna get banned. Don't namedrop me!