Dueling Network General - /dng/

Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2235 - Cardfus Edition
Last thread: (Cross-thread)
YGOPro (Windows): drive.google.com/open?id=0B6B7GsCVf45zclhuTktCVWNNdWc
YGOPro (Mac): mega.nz/#!fREAVBwZ!cOQG_5oHFKgjfwz4dVUtAW88w9gqRrvWyeFZ7zI_bVM

● DN was a browser-based, manual simulator.
● YGOPro is an automated simulator.

Useful Links:
yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page (Wiki with a wealth of information for players, new and old)
yugiohprices.com/ (Comprehensive Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market)
ygodr.blog.jp/ (OCG decklists)
yugiohtopdecks.com/decklists (TCG decklists)
ygorganization.com/ - blog.livedoor.jp/maxut/ (TCG/OCG news sites)
yugioh.party/ (Hypergeometric/Probability calculator)

The Official /dng/ ruling test can be found here:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: 20th Rival Collection (July 21st)
●OCG: Booster SP: Destiny Soldiers (August 6th)
●OCG: Extra Pack 2016 (September 10, 2016)
●OCG: Raging Tempest. (October 8th)

●TCG: Rise of the True Dragons Structure Deck (July 8th)
●TCG: Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (July 22nd)
●TCG: The Dark Illusion (August 5th)
●TCG: Dragons of Legend: Unleashed (August 19th)
●TCG: Structure Decks Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba (October 21st)

BEFORE asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Read the cards please.
● Google your Deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.
● Remember to playtest and try suggestions before you trash them, even if someone recommends a weird tech choice. You don't know everything.
S-sorry for making the last one slightly early, jani ;-;

1st for overzealous moderation

1st for SPYRAL

2nd eternal reminder that Red-Eyes is best DragonBro

How do I Cardians? Anyone have a decklist they can share?

I activate the spell card, Chokoikoi!

What are the next 3 top cards of my deck, /v/?


>thread pruned

Nth for DongLong is degenerate as fuck

who is the pssh nothing personal kid of yugioh?

nice waifu

Not until I find the golden ratios.

Post your current favorite card, and preferred beverage to drink whilst playing card games. Obviously you keep it far away from your $1000 Kozmos.



Iron Call.

>● DN was a browser-based, manual simulator
>DN was

how do i metalphosis yz
i wanna make dank denglongs

Anyone have a cheap budget Burning Abyss build?


Well last thread got nuked

Hows my Cardimeme build? I have no fucking clue what ratio of cardians I want.

Am I the only person who thinks that the artwork for Red-Eyes Insight looks really bad? REBD looks like he can hardly open his mouth at all, and the eyes seem really off. Which is a shame because the colouring on it is great (as tends to be the case with newer cards).

Here's what I've been trying. Opening hands seem pretty good. My build is probably shite, so change iit how you like

Props to that guy who said to run Mythrial. Pretty fun to use it to synch something, get another MF on board,then get my second copy on board either later or next turn to recycle the copy in grave lel

>PoG in the Yuya vs Yusei
B-But that's a banned card.

Open 1 metalfriend and 3 YZ cards.

Summon whatever YZ monster you have in hand

Pop it with metalfriend scale, set combination and ss jiatou off the grave effect.

Use Jiatou effect to summon Zefraniu and Zefraxi

Make baxia off Jiatou and Zefraniu, use Baxie effect to pop Combination and summon jiatou back

Add the opposite metalfriend scale, synchro LONGDONG with zefraxi and jiatou

Pendulum summon back your extra deck monsters

Make 3rd baxia with zefraxi and LONGDONG

Now you have 3 baxia, some backrow in hand and you can keep synchro summoning. You should be able to figure out what to do from here

Topdecking a Bubbleman is the most anime comeback shit I've ever seen someone actually do.

That said, I love pic related for stopping turn 1 lockdown degeneracy. That cheeky grin when I reveal it to my opponent Game 1 is just perfect. Also water is god-tier.

This actually got printed?

You only listed how to make 2 Baxia

ugly waifu

Darklord is kinda fun, hopefully the S/T has the effect of adding,dumping nor something like trade-in.

>tfw actually starting to think the Chaos MAX build is improved with BLS engine
Gateway to Chaos is a pretty nutty field spell, it searches Trade-In fodder on activation AND can search both ARA and Chaos Form without having to use your Normal. And with the Trade-In/Consonance engine, getting counters is easy.
Only shit thing is if you draw both BLSes and the Field turn 1, but I guess every deck has at least 1 brick hand.

The scriptors for those duels are lazy/bad and can't think of ways for characters to Draw. Should have just had him use Performapal Recasting or something.

What's a good point to start watching Arc-V from? (Besides the first episode)

>Use Jiatou effect
Veiler :)
YZ will never be good as long as they rely on Jiaotu

Perfect ratios


If you do not like the first 7 episodes and think 'I want to see more', you are bit likely to love the rest.
Overall, 7-51 is the best the series has been

The _1st_ episode

-cloudcastle -enterblathnir +sylvan princess +something else

-black rose +michael


>Make 3rd baxia with zefraxi and LONGDONG

yep pretty much, it's good if it goes off, but if your opponent maindecks or sidedecks veiler you're gonna have to rely on other ways to make stuff. basically set as many yang zing creations and metalfriend counters and hope your oppoent kills your one set monster and ends turn

oh duh I forgot, crystal wing or giganticastle replaces cloudcastle

Crystal Wing is too inconsistent to be worth running unless you run Jet Synchron/GuB or Ancient Fairy Dragon

>still trying to run Crystal Meme in Blue-Eyes

Arc-V has gotten so bad that nowhere likes it now, not /a/, not tumblr, not NAC. Don't start it.

Now /a/ shits on the show every new episode

I remember when the threads had a more positive feeling. Makes me feel kinda bad for the show.

Well, it doesn't help that those threads overhyped the shit out of even the legitimately good episodes at the beginning which just makes the fall worse.

EGAO.wav and turning established characters into jobbers for Yuya and nostalgia bait killed the show.

Synchro Dimension killed the show.

Xyz Dimension was the definite killing blow. Synchro Dimension was merely the stages of decay

Xyz dimension was the result of synchro dimension and its literally 50 episodes of irrelevant shit


It's quite a shame.
It started off mediocre then slowly climbed in quality until episodes 30-52 where it hit its peak.
Now it's just been spiraling downwards into a massive crash and burn.

I hope Yuri "killing" Yugo and having a fantastic series of beatdown duels up to Yuya + Yuto v Yuri + Yugo will save the anime.

Source: my hopes and dreams. No but really that's such an easy way to give it a strong ending, as far as the main fucking plot goes.


Why is it bad now?

Is Dimension Barrier going to shut down every deck that can't shit out synchro/xyz/fusion all at the same time?

No, fuck you.

Why do you think D/D/D is doing so well?

Your deck must now have more than 1 summoning method if it wants to survive

>every deck is going to turn into a ritual/pendulum/synchro/xyz/fusion fuckfest
I dont like this.

Fight me.

It's going to meme on every deck which only utilizes a single summoning method like Nekroz and Tellars.
Decks which don't need the ED or use multiple summoning methods aren't at any risk of it like D/D, ABC, Blue-eyes, Monarchs, Kozmos etc.
>Domain Monarchs topped higher than Extra Deck Monarchs at Nationals
So what's the better Monarch build again? Hoban shills BTFO once again.

We knew that was going to be the case because of OCG

but you know
>hurr hurr OCG is irrelevant

People are running more outs to huge lockout boards than they are to domain so it's understandable

Easily fixed.

How do I improve my deck?

Remove Genex, add Grayydles

How do I counter "Neither play can special summon" or "player cannot special summon because x" type decks as Blue Eyes

>implying it isn't already
Every deck OCG side has easy access to 3 or more summoning methods
>D/D has pendulum, synchro, fusion and xyz but no ritual
>ABC has fusion, synchro and xyz but no ritual and pendulum
>Blue-eyes has ritual, fusion, synchro and xyz but no pendulum
>Metalfoes has pendulum, fusion, synchro and xyz but no ritual
>Burning Abyss has ritual, xyz, synchro and fusion but no pendulum.

He at least should watch up until the end of the Battle Royale for the best duel in the show.

How can I improve it without removing the Genex?

Play something that isn't a dumb gimmick maybe



well abc has already turned into a stunshit deck

but yeah all of these decks are cancer and need to die. When every deck can just shit out multiple boss monsters from every summoning type it just becomes a clusterfuck. D/D/D was fine because that was their thing but now it's not special or unique when everyone can do it.

Opponent normal summons a card, cards effect is "Neither player can special summon"
or another card I ran into yesterday
"Neither player can special summon monsters, except for WIND monsters"

As Blue Eyes this completely locks me down

>getting meme'd on by barrier statues

Side in removal cards. Dark Hole/Raigekis

Skillfully drain them

Skill Drain

>"Neither player can special summon monsters, except for WIND monsters"
Sounds like Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds.
Just run normal summon able beatsticks.
I'd say Skill Drain but that's too unreliable at 1 here.

or you know, you just could side what everybody in OCG uses

Vanity's fucks me up with BE so I put in a twin twisters and a royal decree

Why don't they just use Book of Eclipse?
Swords die to Twin Twister and are only good on your turn while this doesn't have those flaws.

So how much more can Konami destroy this game until a complete reboot will be needed?

>le Crystal Wing is bad in Blue-Eyes

I guess that's why just about every topping Blue-Eyes deck runs the fucking card? God damn, I hate not being able to post because of work sometimes because I can't call you people retarded on the fly. Now I just need to make up for lost time

Because if they fail to kill the monster for whatever reason, they don't draw fucking cards during the end phase. There's more downside to using Eclipse over Concealing

>le it's good because muh overlords run it meme
Fuck off nigger, if you actually played the deck you would know that running Crystal Wing without other cards like Jet Synchron to support it is inconsistent garbage, literally the only way to do it is with Soul Charge or in the off chance that your Stone survives your opponents turn and you happen to have another one in your hand to normal summon

> just about every topping Blue-Eyes deck runs the fucking card?
This is not true by the way, it's about 50/50

What else?

>inb4 you post topping builds from 20 man tourneys and team tourneys

Delete that shit and run pure Blue-eyes.

Is English not your primary language or does the phrase "just about" fly completely over your head? Also, saying that Blue-Eyes tops with Crystal Wing about 50% of the time isn't helping your case of saying that it isn't a good card in Blue-Eyes you fucking moron

And out of all these decklists here I want you to honestly tell me which ones that run Crystal Wing also run GuB or Jet Synchron because you might also be a blind fuck

I did and I was told that Chaos MEME is the way to go

Or if you have a spirit on the field and a stone/cult member in hand.

>Pre Cupidity
Fuck off retard

Not it isn't.
It's like one of the worst builds for the deck.
Pure has more consistency and is straightforward with no gimmicks.

just because your argument fell apart doesn't mean he's a retard

>these tournaments count but these ones d-don't count because muh reasons

OK here's one that got Top 8 at the Kanagawa cup that runs Crystal Wing and no other meme tech (even those those meme techs aren't really memes and are perfectly reasonable cards to run in Blue-Eyes)

>Implying old results are relevant
I guess you're going to try and tell me that the Irritum combo is good too

Tell me why I should use Cupidity

Red-Eyes FTK becomes the new Frog FTK.

Hand control more viable than Omega centric Synchro masturbation.

More omni-negation.