/wfg/ - Warframe General

Cressa Tal edition

Last ded: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com/paste/by42s

CURRENT UPDATE: Specters of the Rail
> forums.warframe.com/topic/668132-update-specters-of-the-rail/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/649037-update-18120-vauban-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


why did the last thread 404?

Did I completely miss the discussion of the new patch? what are the main things to know?

TQ and lardposter derailed the thread into oblivion

I hope you don't make me mad again or else i will delete everything again.



How much MR do junctions give, if any?

that was pretty annoying desu

hope they were punished

Literally 500 shitposts.

I kinda like Archwing now

Was old thread deleted to protect the new Draco or because of tierqueer?

The former

>tfw free

>tfw the guy who is getting the job at DE got the thread deleted to protect his job offer


Reminder for returning players to check the Mars junction so they don't get cucked out of the new pachinko void.

Someone repost the pics and webms the dogposter posted last thread.

a thread has never been deleted before and there are worse generals then what happen in the last thread so someone mass reported it. You could probably take a guess who.

>do LoR
>do Nightmare LoR
>repeat many times
>want to do JV
>make my archwing STRONG
>find out you have to farm JV to be able to do JV
umm send help

>report system

then care to explain why the thread got deleted?
What happen in the last thread is only a glimpse of what the /lol/ general looks like 24/7


>implying mods will delete an entire thread

What most likely happened: guy who made the OP didn't like the thread, so he deleted it

it's that fucking simple, and it's not the first time that retard did it

on top of making a misleading FAQ, he turns out to be a total cunt, what a surprise

Also, stop blaming me for every single fucking shitpost. I had nothing to do with the guy going around calling people fat, and it's your own fucking faults for replying to such weak bait

There's another guy trying to get a job there? I'll fight that nigga.

>TQ gets an entire thread deleted because he can't handle getting BTFO that hard



I thought they removed the ability to self-delete like 4 years ago because people kept abusing it, deleting their own threads then blaming the mods so as to foment more shitposting.

>guy who made the OP didn't like the thread, so he deleted it

"Pretending to be retarded" should just be changed to "actually retarded"

that was so nice, I remember like it was yesterday.

they did

You can't delete your own thread on Veeky Forums once a few minutes have passed

yeah some faggot got a software engineering offer I guess for QA?

post =/= op

But you aren't the OP.

did not know that

Still I'm amazed mods actually stepped in to delete the thread

>TQ thinks you can delete entire threads

way to out yourself as a mongoloid once again


lose weight

I still don't get why we're killing some dudes spectres just to use the rail
is it 2deep4me?

I just checked, and my Axi V1 relic does not have the Mag prime part I want.

Do I have to grind for new ones?

What the fuck is this DE?

>there are people who still dont know the best way to do sabo missions
It's really not that hard people.

everything will become apparent when the time is right

Just cool it :^)


loreshit reasons that's going to be revealed 5 updates later

>people still go for the ice/magnetic route

>What most likely happened: guy who made the OP didn't like the thread, so he deleted it
Im fucking plying bullshit

I made that thread and I didn't fucking delete it. Go kill yourself. People reported the fucking thread and I have no doubt about that you had some hand in that with your LITERAL shitposting.

>need to do three neo-era fissures before I can unlock the rail to the planet where all the neo-era fissures spawn
Th-this is just a coincidence right?

post those sleeks friendos

i think they're supposed to be the stalker's from before he went nuts
or something

I always use Fire but...
>Not liking the Magnetic Route.

the new draco got leaked in the thread, OP did it to protect it

user plz I already said I was wrong, I apologize

the question is who is so much of a pussy to mass report a thread

it was full of shitposting, but deleting an entire thread is silly

and compared to some other generals the shitposting wasn't even bad

it's already on reddit


magnetic route is shite

>he actually believes /wfg/ is relevant

you're fucking delusional

It's just a shallow stopgap they threw in to give some semblance of in-universe logic for why the solar rails we've been using for 3 years would suddenly be off-limits. Like how they put sentient fragments on Earth and up Uranus to make it seem like the war was system-wide, then never implemented them as enemies anywhere but the moon once Second Dream happened.

>no Nezha spectre
>no legitimizing of ass-rape fantasies

Every time I do fire I have to revive people like 5 times. Fuck that. I'd rather have the robot space-jews' magical flying dreidel spew out tiny bubbles instead.

>no frog posters
>no ivursa posters
>no butt posters
>no nezha posters
This general has taken a turn.

Where might I experience this tier list in full?


>Lore stopping fic fags ever
Can anyone make a Spectre Nezha gets raped fic?

>Not using the same frame of the specter to have an anime melee battle
What are you, gay?

take diet pills


reminder it's no longer a tier list

>making nezha watch as his spectre gets fucked

Negros is good for more void tracers right?

>What are you, gay?


You misunderstand. I mean it's a damn shame DE didn't inadvertantly make it canon that Nezha takes the spicy hot Embercock.

>"""frame guide"""
a tierlist by any other name would be as shitty

For now.

I don't understand user.
Do you mean its good that they're gone?
That them being gone signals this game is dying.

That shit lasted forever, strange it's just gone.

>reminder it's no longer a tier list

Ivursa is heinous and on par with those furries who draw memegame OCs shoving things into their combination anus-vagina-penises.

im trying to help you not break scales when you stand on them

post wide vistas

That's not what half the vocal part of the general thought for months.

not the guy you're responding to but dude it was like 2-3 people posting it constantly and only those. I really doubt anyone liked it.

user what are you going on about?
are you well?

That means as much as a man who willingly underwent a penectomy vouching for it.




Jupiter is pretty cool.
I didn't focus too much on the starmap, but did they put Europa next to Jupiter as Phobos is to Mars?

we postan potatoes?

post taters


you're fucking delusional ;)

Isn't that what you guys wanted anyway?


A lot of people wanted it gone, yeah.
Shame you guys traded that or this new update.

they did.

phobos was a full moon, but now is a big rock, like it actually is in real life.

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound~

the thing is, Phobos was supposed to be the new asteroid tileset

but new tilset got delayed of course

why are you posting this
that's literally a normal price



ok my friend

>Vaykor Syandana
>the syandana that requires you to take damage
>on Ivara
>that frame that should not, under any circumstances, take damage

What do you mean by this?

anyone else too busy doing alerts and junctions to bother with fissures?

it feels like there's too much to do