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There is literally NOTHING wrong with maining Genji edition
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hana song


>not being a slut

what the fuck is wrong with you

who /luckycunt/ here?

this was in the span of 10 levels



Xth for ya boi!

Best girl

I want to sexually bully Pharah.


Daily reminder that if you're not a flanker/sniper and don't have a medal in objective time, you're shit


>watching shitty overwatch videos from the beta
>find someone who knocked me off the map as soon as I exited spawn while we were both Lucios
>cut to a shitty clip of promotional art of Lucio with a leddit rage face falling into the grand canyon and disappearing like team rocket


>3 legendaries in one drop
you are preddy gud

i have yet to get a mccree legendary, i really like mystery man, got both yeti hunter mei legendaries off a drop though but i feel really uncomfortable on her

Best grandpa

>First point of Ilios
>Get 47 kills
>Next two points
combined 1 kill, 192 deaths

I have only one legendary skin among all heroes I play.

I got silver as Hanzo before.

This is actually funny.
And true.

post video

She's criminally adorable in that pic. I hope that artist draws more of her.

When is tracer getting meaningful cooldowns? I'm getting tired of seeing two of them every game.

What level?

>tfw first time playing symmetra
holy shit shes so fucking good. everybody low level has no fucking idea how to destroy her sentries and they own so fucking good. even had people on the other team tell me to fuck off.


Reinhardt's shield could dispense credits and blowjobs and people still wouldn't stand behind it

>started playing again after a few week hiatus
>open a loot crate
>orange drop
>"oh boy, I only got 3 legendary skins so far"
>another legendary hanzo

Time to leave

Do you guys think this game will become F2P?

I actually don't care for a lot of the legendarys. I prefer simpler blue and white color palettes. Such a shame.

I just finished my qualifiers for comp and got 49. Am I a shitter or am I okay?

>People who play a super squishy character have good CD management! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


Would have been funny but the rageface soured it, why are all Overwatch videos like this?

what in the actual fuck

3 legendaries in 1 drop has got to be like .001% chance

Starcraft 2 and Wow still aren't free to play

Some heroes have really good 250 recolors, posh tracer, paragon rein, chrome Genji, on the range Cree come to mind

Maybe in like 10 years after its heyday

50 is average
You're below average

Symmetra is the perfect litmus test for whether a team is full of simps or not. I swear every team I'm on get fucking DESTROYED by her turrets. And yet mine always get immediately blown to fuck...

Now wait until you realize how much better she is when instead of trying to create a carwash of death or death room you use them to cover flanking points.

Jokes on you, I main Reaper >:^)

Yeah, 76 has a really nice one and there's a few OK ones. But most of them are super garish.

>Playing like shit on one game
>Go and check how I'm doing
>Gold eliminations with 4 kills
>As Lucio
I knew that the game was lost at that point

Better than 40% of the ranked playerbase
Win 2 games and you'll be better than 60%

She has three dashes on a very short cooldown and a rewind. There's no management involved if they're always up.

I've only had four legendary skin drops so far, and they've all been for heroes I never play. I got one last night for the first time in forever and it was my second D.Va legendary. (First was Scavenger, this one was whatever the recolor of B.Va is called.)

How would you buff widow without making her a broken sniper of death again?

I propose: Buff the shit out of venom mine, but lengthier cooldown
Now deals 200 damage over 7 seconds, rather than 75 over 5 seconds, forcing most classes to either get healed, seek out a healer/health pack, or pop a defensive cooldown

And change the mine so it has a longer set time to prevent just launching it into crowds as a grenade as you can now, sorta

Reduce bloom on her guns automatic mode by about 50%


"We are addressing Overtime in an upcoming patch but that still doesn't change how this feels in regulation time. We want to do one round of changes first and see how prevalent stalling still is and then do another round if stalling regulation time is still a problem."



>do stupid shit like play mccree
>other people with much stronger heros cant even get gold and just keep dying
>2 gold at 8 kills 4k damage
why do people suck shit. i popped on widow last second and wipe half their team before dying

What's the general strategy for playing Symmetra on attack? Does anyone have any good tips?

If you know the game's lost you must switch to a damage hero to contest your gold medals and lose the least ammount of rank


>There's no management involved if they're always up

Git gud at prediction and they won't always be up, because she'll have to blow them all to get away once she's hit once.

My first legendary was deadlock Torb, I disliked Torb but I tried him and now he's one of my favs
Then I got Barbarossa

Post the lewd Meis

>let me just sneak that widow
>poison mine
>piddels me with her smg for 40 or so damage
>Die to her poison
Sounds great

Neck urself.

Yeah, play a different hero instead.

If you REALLY are set on playing her on attack, wait until after the first objective is captured. There's literally zero sense before that in any case.

Why have I been criticized when I was one of the best players on the team

>what the fuck is wrong with you

not being a slut

>KoTH Lijiang
>have 4 gold medals at the end
>3 eliminations
>900 damage
>1 objective kill
>00:01 objective time


wall climbing with lucio is so fun

I'm fine with a team pulling a comeback victory, even the bullshit cheated feeling I get sometimes from 99-0s turning into 99-99s. I feel like a lot of OT's problems would be fixed if they fixed the godamn detection issues for OT.

Too often do I have corpses refreshing the clock when they shouldn't, and live bodies on the point not refreshing the clock when they should. It's obviously not an intended feature as it's inconsistent as fuck how it happens.

I'm willing to bet it has a lot to do with server latency times having discrepancies with client viewports of the game.

This gets me every time.

Post the lewd Roadhogs

I'm actually now kinda mad that Mariachi skin doesn't have different voices. In general kinda upset different skins don't sound different.

>Junkrat lays trap
>You get caught
>Its essentially guranteed death

>Bastion sets up sneakily
>Walk into his los
>Basically insta death

>Widow plants a trap
>You trigger it
>It just tickles

Would be nice if she actually had an ability outside of her scope

>Don't want to make her broken
>She can now kill most heroes, including every fucking hero dedicated to killing her minus Winston, with her fucking E if they don't grab a rare healthpack or find their medic

Or, maybe, Widow players could use their headphones to hear flankers, or perhaps use the Mine to detect flankers LIKE IT WAS FUCKING INTENDED TO.

>TFW I just opened this lootbox and have to become the instapick Hanzo now

Time to learn how to shoot logs

I've had two D.Vas, a Bastion, and a Mercy, so it's not really a situation like that.

It does though.

Ive heard Reaper speaking spanish at the start of a round before, but only once. And he was wearing the white mexican skin

O-oh... Okay...

>step on a giant bear trap
>Walk around corner
>See bastion
>Walk back with basic human reactions
>Widow plants a trap
>It should kill 200 hp heroes in 7 seconds for daring to get the sniper, not accounting for Widow's slightly worse than 76 smg

>solo queuing in competitive for the first week, plenty of good games all the way to rank 70

>the instant I hit 70 it's time for cancerous double zarya teamstacks

you have to tank your mmr to have fun as a solo player right?

wait for the update.

Can't wait to hear him say ORALE HUEY

Please be on the lookout for this dangerous individual. If seen do not approach alone and always be aware of your surroundings. Thank you and be safe.

suspect is unbelievably cute and may take you by surprise

Or play quick play if you want to just play for fun

>MC Hammer pants fursuit
>not Young Master


You also fail to mention that Junkrat and Bastion can't kill you from across the fucking map with their M1.

No, she's not supposed to have an ability outside her scope. That she has an assault rifle and an escape is more than enough for a FUCKING SNIPER. The mine is an unnecessary bonus that 95% of Widows only use in firefights. Firefights they could have avoided if they mined the flanker route, then shot the fucking flanker as they're running up.

Her design problem is she only really has her scope to contribute to her team

And thats very easily either too weak or too strong

If she had multiple abilities that arent her scoped shots (like a stronger mine) it'd help define her more as an area defender without breaking her

Also 7 seconds is plenty, plenty time to save yourself

A good third of the cast have an ability to save themselves
Another entire type of class can survive it easily etc.

The point is more to force a reaction

There should really be a Doomguy hero.

>runs fast at all times
>mediocre or non-existent jump ability
>pump-action gun effective at every range
>ult lets you punch people to death instantly if they're below a certain HP % threshold
>character motif is a demon hunter who was trapped in hell and came back

Oh yeah

When the fuck is mercy ult getting nerfed

This shit is ridiculous and there's no counterplay AT ALL to sit way behind and then shift in to completely reset the teamfight INSTANTLY

Fucking nerf shift so it can't go to dead people and/or give the res a delay

This shit is beyond retarded

in quick play it's actually quite similar, i'm assuming there's mmr there too

>People complaining about widowmaker
Found the attack Hanzo player

Run Lucio for the speed boost, have a pocket Mercy and a Zenyatta to discord enemies. And then go around melting people with your laser beam

I just won on Gibraltar attack doing this

Picture of suspect in question

>blizzard addressing competitive fixes every time they can
>mode was clearly rushed
>there are more people that would like blizzard to fix competitive play
>they live with the illusion its blizzards fault they are in the bad brackets
>extending character changes further and further into the future

im not happy with it but atleast they are doing something

Who counters Pharah?

young hanzo skins look like those ps2 cgi shit

vomit inducing

Anyone with a gun.

lmao everyone get a load of this retard

Snipers and senpai 76. Maybe roadhog of you're good at playing hooky

Tracer, 76, hog, Hanzo, widow

Anyone with a gun who knows how to aim.

Can't aim? You're shit outta luck.

old hag

>And thats very easily either too weak or too strong

Yeah, that's called "risk/reward". She was OP as an area defender before the nerf, hence the nerf being necessary. A Widow who can land headshots is still a fantastic area defender, but most of them can't, hence their whining for buffs

I'm not complaining about Widow as is, I'm complaining about user's buff suggestion. Maybe read a reply chain before you chirp up and make yourself look stupid.

How did everyone forget how bad blizzard "balance" is? Has it really been that long since WoW or SC? We should at least be thankful Ghostcrawler isn't around anymore or Mei would be the best hero in the game.

>Push past 60 in ranked
>Genji's dash into pharah and kill her in the air with shurikens
I'm afraid

>Picking any of the young Shimada skins unironically

You fucked up.