/tesog/ - The Elder Scrolls Online General

New guy making the new thread edition

Elder Thread: >Official news

Dark Brotherhood DLC is out!

One Tamriel announced (Q4 2016):

First DLC dungeon pack coming soon™:

>Latest patch notes

>Sales and deals
dlgamer.us/download-the_elder_scrolls_online-pc_games-p-19435.html (authorized reseller)
kinguin.net/es/catalogsearch/result/index/?q=elder scrolls online (some anons have been using it without issues so far)

>Online lore portal and map

>UI addons for PC

>Assorted links

>/tesog/ Guilds
[PC NA] message (not whisper) @clv or @the_kyrox for invite
[PC EU] message (not whisper) @the_kyrox for invite
[PS4 NA and EU] message PSN: kibukj. There is also an ESOG PSN community.

>We have a Discord open for every platform:

>Platform poll:
strawpoll.me/10281492 (embed)

>Can I play X class doing Y role with an Z race?

Other urls found in this thread:


First for join the guilds people. I've joined it for a little less than a month and most of the anons are cool and helpful. Meme spouting is kept to a minimum and NA PC has ~50 members now

Daily crafting quests worth doing as you level? Seems like a lot of shit.

I reckon if you have ESO+ you can pick up every single material you find (because of crafting bags) and it won't be that much of a hassle. You also get alright gold and lots of inspiration points for doing your daily writs.

Me personally, I wait until I'm max and start grinding mobs so I can decon equipment I pick up. It goes up pretty fast + I also get CP while I'm doing this. This way, I can get my passives to 9/10 to do writs in Craglorn and have a chance of getting potent nirncrux (valued around 18k on NA PC) every time I do writs.

When I level an alt I didn't do them unless I had the materials. I didn't go out of my way to do them before when I reached max level. Now I do all of them. There's an addon called LazyWrit that do them for you.

I think I need to look into the addons more. Skipped over them thinking I'd get a handle on the default game first.

Holy fuck, 51 members. I remember the old /tesog/ guild and it only had around 6 members. Nice to see this community grow.

Black or green eyes for a Bosmer? I'm leaning towards black.

Left looks better

Is it possible to be a dps SNS in late game and not be a useless piece of shit?

>you can have horns
Okay, that's pretty cool.

Yeah, it does now that I think about it.


I don't see how. Where would you get your damage from? Purely class abilities?

Just got a flashback from when templars could use their aedric spear abilities with their shield up. I hope we never see something like that again.

Alright guys I'm here to spit some undeniable truth.

>Holy Trinity of TES

>High Tier

>Okay Tier

>Shit Tier

Left is more traditional amoung TES games for Bosmer (in Morrowind they always had pure black eyes) but Right can work too, Skyrim gave Wood Elves more color variation to their eyes, We'll ignore Oblivion because their character models were universally awful.

Well, when soloing sword and shield can be useful to have for the charge/stun (and shield morph is pretty nice), and pierce armor for easy fracture and breach, can be useful for nightblade who doesn't have a reflect otherwise.. but It wouldn't be useful in a group where you actually have a tank.

I'd put altmer and dunmer as equals. Altmer doing more lightning damage and having a larger magicka bonus balances out the higher fire damage of dunmer if you're a sorc. If you're a magiblade or magplar then yeah probably Dunmer, and Dunmer Magiknight used to be great but Magiknight is awful now.

I'm not ranking them for their racial abilities dude.

>the mer who were transformed when their god got eaten and shat out
>not in shit tier
They're literally shit-mer, user.

Oh well, it almost matched up with racial abilities in this game.

By Lore it should be

>CHIM Tier

>High Tier

>Mid Tier

>Low Tier

>Shit Tier

>Slave Tier

For Waiifuing it's Bosmer > Breton > Imperial > Nord > Dunmer = Altmer > Orsimer > Khajiit > Argonian

> Hist Tier

> High Tier
Orsimers following Trinimac

> Medium Tier

> Low Tier

> Pretending to be hot shit while being full of shit Tier
Orsimers following animated feces

The mer races look infinitely better than human races. That being said, Dunmer is top tier

How would you guys rate each of the DLCs?

Orsinium > Imperial City > Dark Brotherhood > Thieves Guild

Orsinium was what I expected all DLC's to be like.

Orsinium and IC are absolutely 100% essential.

TG and DB are alright if you're into single player campaigns, or RPing around the justice system, or are just looking for something to do.

Orsinium > IC > TG > DB

vMA > vICP/vWGT > vMoL > Nothing

> When you're about to teleport to another keep but can't and you realize it's because it's primetime and EP are knocking on your walls and you're all alone

who /hype/ for Skyrim remaster?


Can someone experienced in pvp give me the run down of all the siege equipment and what's most effective for them?

Like are fire ballistas or trebuchets best for firing at walls or enemies and stuff like that.

Firebolt ballistas are the best for literally everything.

Okay, I'll probs stock up on those then and not worry about the rest

Ballistas and tebuchets have the same dps, it's just that one of em have a better reach and slower reload. A rule of tumb is stone against walls and fire against everything else. The catapult is the middle one. Meatbag do damage over time while the scattershot is great (but only great) when you've so many people outside you're having a hard time killing everything.

Looks like its that time of night where dungeon finder doesnt find anyone at all.

Time to go to sleep

Stone or fire trebs for destroying walls, Fire Ballista for destroying enemy sieges and people. Meatbags to stop enemies from healing up. Meatbag Catapult + 2x Fire Ballista + Oil makes it near impossible to get into an enemy keep through a single hole

Make sure you do the cyrodiil intro quests. They explain the siege stuff, and give skill points. Do not skip. And stone trebs for walls.

does this game have an rp scene

Does the cyrodiil weekend vendor ever give shoulders, or is it always just helms?

Yea. You notice it when if you're part of the Daggerfall Covenant. It will probably grow (along with social guild activities in general) once the houses are released next year.

Yes, definitely. I'm looking forward to One Tamriel so I can interact with players of other alliances as well.

You can check out teso-rp.com to start.

> You'll never attend RP events when the loremaster answers questions as a scholar in the 2nd era
Oh wait you can and here's the transcript from it for any lorefags who are intressted.


At long last!

grats friend

It gives either each week. They also added the chance for it to be in divines, but no pieces have been divines yet.

congrats dude

mind sharing your money making ways?

nah, only Bosmer look really better than the humans.

Dunmer all have this permanent scowl to their faces that kind of ruins them, not to mention the skin and eyes, and Altmer look like they have bad fake spray tans half the time and too hard/serious faces a lot of the time as well. There's only a few Altmer NPC's that look remotely pretty.

So basically.. Bosmer, then 3/4 of the human races. Oh, I forgot Redguard, which would be between Altmer and Orsimer.

>rating IC that high

Only if you're into PVP though, I haven't touched it because I have 0 interest in getting ganked and losing everything I spent time gathering.

only the dungeons familia

lots of fun.

>Only if you're into PVP though, I haven't touched it because I have 0 interest in getting ganked and losing everything I spent time gathering.

Don't think of it like that user, think of the possibility of you ganking other people and taking everything they've spent time gathering.

>Dunmer all have this permanent scowl
that is my fetish hnnnggg

As a Breton Templar healer is it a super big no no to have 5 piece heavy and two light with sns and Resto staff? I'm asking for lategame because whenever I ask people in game on the Xbox they seem to have an aneurysm when I mention heavy armor.

not quite optimal. if you want to be a tank+healer it's a start, though. endgame though you will have to go 5 light, destro/resto- assuming endgame is referring to trials.

If you want to be a dedicated healer, you want either 7 light or 5-1-1 mostly light.

Your described build is basically a magicka temp tank.

Loremaster needs to fucking die, he still thinks he's on D&D or whatever the fuck he came from

I'm fucking awful at 1v1 fights though, always have been in every game.

Doesn't help that I live in the US but still have an Australian like ping.

But user, that's nothing that can't be overcome with a good load of American hard work and can-do attitude.

Goddamn, I love magblade. Sure, it doesn't really have much burst in pvp. Sure, the dps can't compete with stamina in pve. But you can't die. You are literally immortal, if you pay attention. And you never, ever have to fight anything that you don't want to fight at either pve or pvp, because of permanent invisibility.

Just being able to go to Cyrodiil for skyshards and run through the delves past EVERYTHING gets my dick harder than any 48k parse.

if I haven't improved in the 10 years I've been playing MMO's I don't think I'm going to improve significantly overnight either. I have shitty reflexes and add a 200 ping to those shitty reflexes and I'll never git gud at duels.

I've been wanting to try out magblade for a while now, It does sound pretty fun.

Do I have psychological problems or does my grievous ward complain everytime I get it out?

Who knows this game better Alcast or Deltia

Alcast, Deltia has been out of touch for months.

Alcast. Not saying Deltia don't know his stuff, it's just that Alcast knows his stuff even more. And he always post cheaper alternatives to the gear he have.

No. After all, Dusk got turned into the Grievous ward as payback

So how much is the story influenced by your race? Just that first island or what?

No influence at all.
Sometimes there might be a different bit of dialogue with someone, but on the whole it makes no difference.

You get a chance to become a chief of a clan if you are an orc but that doesn't change anything beside one line of dialogue

So I got 3 2H weapons in a row from the maelstrom weekly, none of those with a good trait. I have more MS 2Hs than other MS weapons combined, what is this bullshit?

>endgame pver problems
Which traits?

You always strand on that redguard island as the first zone after the intro?

Defending GS, Powered Maul, Powered GS

Never spend gold (use grand repair kits from writs)
Do TG heists and sell the motifs (for the gold)
Do crafting writ dailies (for the tempers)

If you're in the Daggerfall Covenant or doing Cadwell's gold/silver, yeah.

oh god, I can't even do vMa yet, and if I got one of those after dying 50 times trying to beat it i'd probably neck myself

Race has nothing to do with that, only your alliance which is, admittedly, race-locked for anyone without the Adventurer Pack or Imperial edition. But base-game it doesn't matter if you're a redguard, breton or orc, you'll end up on that island because you're DC by default. Similarly, it doesn't matter if you're a dunmer, nord or argonian - all of them go to Bleakrock, unless they've done something to end up in a different alliance than Ebonheart Pact.

fuck whoever said mournhold looks worse than TES3 in the other thread it;s badass

Alright, thanks for the info.

burn victim game strong

I love to play heavily scarred characters in RPGs so I can take the easy route for RP and talk about how I got these wounds etc..

if I'm in sneak mode and undetected, can someone from the opposite faction see me, or is that sneak just for pve?

Don't worry, there's still a 50% chance you'll only get a shitty setpiece instead of a maelstrom weapon. Only 100% chance on a weapon is Weekly.

They won't be able to see you. Only if they activate mage light or something like that or if I think you walk by extremely close to them, then they will see you

>excited for updated graphics when you could already have them with a decent pc
Still laughing.

Admitting to buying that scam should be a bannable offense on Veeky Forums.

Not him and I'm not hyped but fact that PC users who got legendary/all the dlcs get it for free and the only thing to really be hyped about is it being 64bit, which is going to allow modders to go fucking crazy.

isn't it on the "new" F4 engine?

You mean the one that's basically the F3 engine but slightly tweaked in some ways?

Which is the same as Morrowind hence the quotations

Yeah then. Same shit, new skin.

I think, at least for the PC having that platform census up in the op is a good lure for people because it kind of affirms "Yeah there are other people here playing on the same system as me, this might be worth joining."

>here's the transcript
Oh my, just look at all those errors

>Okay Tier
Orsimer are ultra shit tier.

No, not at all. At least it's free and 64-bit.

Had to google because I thought you were trolling, who the fuck remasters a five-year-old game?


Their reasoning is they ported Skyrim to Fallout 4 to test the engine

One of the most convenient cities too

Yeah, since they moved the wayshrine to the middle of the crafting area it's great.

They get loads of dosh from console fags.
On PC it's free if you have every DLC.