Pokemon Go thread, Rare pokemon edition

>What are the rarest pokemon you've caught?

Psyduck and Jigglypuff master race

Found this beaut out in bumfuck nowhere today

I've got two Dratini and a Pikachu if those are rare
also: an ungodly amount of Electabuzzs and a Seel

Just messing around in bluestacks since I live in the middle of nowhere. Pretty fun. Best I've found is a 124 Doduo, just started tonight though.

I'm lvl 11
highest CP = Pigeot (550ish), Fearow (550ish)

my question: based on something from last thread I've been Transferring all my Pokés to farm candy and spending it on maximum evolutions

so I evolved like 10+ Rattatas today and just as many Pidgeys, but ended up with low CP Raticates (who are useless) and Pigeottos (not very useful)...

I've been saving Stardust but spent all my candy on first tier evo's (to gain trainer xp), so I have no 2nd tier evo's... so nobody to Power Up


should I be saving candy for 2nd Tier evo's?

do you get more xp for 2nd tier evo's?

I traded in like 5+ Raticates (low CP) for one candy each, when I put 25 each into them... am I losing candy like an idiot, or maximizing trainer xp like a boss?

if anyone can read through the lines on my question and give me the "optimal strategy" for what I'm asking about... thank you

All that matters when spending your resources right now is boosting your trainer level, good cp pokemon will come over time naturally

This is what I'm working with currently just catching everything and mass evolving all at once with lucky eggs, it's more than enough to control the gyms in my small town and because of my trainer level difference I'm going to always be a step ahead.

Don't worry about all those second tier evos, do one for the poked ex and say fuck it unless you really want a perfect one

>Live in a small Village in the middle of nowhere
>Used to be a fishing village, so there are a few monuments to men lost at sea
>each one of those is a pokestop
>all within a 5minute radius
>Church down the street is my gym
>undisputed leader

Feels pretty good chaps

is that your pokemon? if so have you been following your own advice and saving stardust, etc (only investing in trainer level)? if so, please tell how you have such high CP Pokés?

I've been max-evo'ing / farming max candy... but there's still people in my town's gyms who I can't beat yet... maybe they just started earlier... or they're doing something I'm not... idk, I just wanna be the very best... claim my rightful place :(

Not him, but hatch your eggs.

I have like 50k dust because I don't spend it on shit. Most of my 1000+ come from eggs or evolutions.

Yes all of my pokemon are from mass evolving things I've collected, no dust spent except on the electabuzz and I don't really think it was worth it

The evee evolutions have always produced a really solid pokemon for me especially since the base evee I find now are like ~400 cp

The rest of my pokemon are just my collection of singles for the collector in me and all of my Evo Fodder that's being prepped for my next lucky egg session.

Just keep at it, I didn't have any really solid pokemon ti around lvl 15 anyway

so you're evolving into the 2nd tier instead of farming 1st tier evo's?

do you get more xp for 2nd tier? or, are you jumping into gym scene?

okay, thank you

So what's the benefit of picking a popular team? Everyone in my town is blue and yellow with some red and I'm debating on what the pros/cons are, there's only two gyms in my vicinity. Is it worth it more to train at gyms or contest them constantly?

I just do the 1st evolve and catch all my high levels.

Lots of Eevees here that evolve into 1000+ CPs at level 15+, so that helps.

You want the dominant team so you can have the most gyms defended at once.
Each gym you're defending allows you to claim 10 shekels every 21 hours from the shop

Reminder to claim gyms at night when normies are in bed, the battle servers actually work and they won't be able to take them from you the next day due to overflow bugs

I picked blue and every gym is red in my town... I didn't know there was a benefit...

>live in south America
>never heard of Ingress
>try to play Pokemon Go
>there's literally nothing around me

Oh well

I'm new so I have some weak as shit pokemon. What happens if I put in some weak ass pokemon at like 58 CP? Would I lose anything? Pretty sure I'm going to lose

You don't lose anything, if they beat your pokemon you just get it back with 1hp

Always claim gyms as often as you can while you're doing your trainer level grind, the free extra gold helps buy more lucky eggs

So can I just put in my weakest?

>lucky eggs
so what is the best strategy per lucky egg?
1) activate egg, walk around and catch wilds, evo max Pokés in last 5-10 minutes?
2) walk around for couple hours capping wilds, then activate egg and evo pokes, then wast 20-25 minutes trying to catch more wilds for extra +200xp's
3) other???

Yes, but that will usually make it an easy target for rival teams especially if you're the only member of the gym.

if you place a poke it will go in rank of CP so if your gym gets leveled down (prestige drops) and you have the lowest CP poke you will be dropped from the gym. It's prob better to put your second best or fifth best or whatever (something solid, but not your best which should be used for capping other gyms)

How do I delete eggs from my inventory?

I live in a pretty big city and the shopping district is full of fountains and statues, for about 30 poke stops clustered very close. People have been hanging around there throwing up lures. Even at 3 AM on a Sunday there are groups of people everywhere. I've never experienced anything like it.

You can if you want, but it'd be more beneficial to have something that will last

Best strategy per egg is so.etching you can mass evolve like pidgey > pidgeoto
Don't worry about phase 3 evolutions, they give the same as phase 1 to phase 2

Load the fuck up on them, you'll gain many levels this way, any remaining egg time is best spent going down a pokestop route with insence and hopefully an egg hatching

This game is too easy to optimize. In a week and a half, every gym that isn't at the bottom of the Marianas Trench is going to have a full deck of CP2000 pokemon, with ownership flipping back and forth daily between the same three NEET squads. It's going to be absolutely inaccessible and absolutely no fun. What's left after you've caught 'em all?

Answer: the new Johto region DLC, only $29.99 in stores now!

hatch them!!!

Keep in mind it's a lot harder to train at gyms than it is to contest and flip them. You can bring an entire team of 6 of pokemon to fight against a rival gym, and winning battles usually takes down a gym's entire prestige level. When training at a gym your team owns you can only bring ONE pokmeon to fight the entire gym with, and you only raise 100 prestige for the gym for each pokemon you defeat. This makes it difficult to raise a gym's level by over 1000 prestige which requries dozens of battles.

On the other hand, if you have friends on the same team you can coordinate with it's nice to be able to park one of your pokemon at gyms in areas your team is already dominating. Not as great if you're playing by yourself though

so it would be best to load up on "Pidgeys" while walking off an egg and then right before it hatches, pop a lucky egg, evo all my fodder pokes, and then walk a pokestop-route and collect extra +100's per stop

on another note...
I traded a wild-caught Pidgeot for one candy... because it wasn't high enough to battle local gyms and I don't want to spend dust to power it up... even though it's phase 3... did I do a stupid?

No, that was the correct move
It would have costed way too much dust to boost up something you can make yourself very easily

>100% battery
>wow look at all these zubats
>3% battery
>Tauros, Magmar, Kabuto right on top of you, damn son it's your lucky day

I tried for the Tauros and ran out of juice after 3 pokeballs. Kill me.

okay so here is my best guess at the Meta:
use lures+incense to catch maximum low level Pokés (ex. Pidgey)

then use lucky egg strategy

I was out all day, visited my dad at the hospital then went to Costco. Didn't find anything. I live in Canada, so I figured since the app isn't officially out here, maybe they haven't populated my area with pokemon.

Finally caught something when I went to take a piss.

>no dick out
>no shit in toilet

You let me down

Can I see more of your tattoo please?

Decent haul.

Sucks I chose Instinct, but we captured the White House.

Jelly of that porygon

not pokemon related.

Aww. Cool nonetheless!

sure bro

Should I feel bad about burning all my Stardust to power up those guys? Some of the people I talk to are holding 30-50K stardust and just trying to spam trainer levels.

I've not had a problem capturing gyms out here (when the bug isn't active, anyway).

Yes, stardust is useless at low levels because you will catch pokemon with much higher cp already when your trainer level is higher. Candies are better used for evolutions than power ups.

Also I don't think the bug is ever not active. I've yet to finish more than one gym battle consecutively. Like if I finish a gym battle it's almost a guarentee I won't be able to finish the next one because of stupid bugs like 1hp or the app kicking me out of the gym for no reason.

I finished the White House. Only one I've finished today. BEHOLD YOUR YELLOW OVERLORD.

meant for

There's a gym right across my street, its claimed by Team Valor which I am in as well and I want to join the defense. The prestige is at 2225, will I be able to join it along side? How many battles would I have to win if I need to train there?

does ios version also feel soo sluggish. scrolling lists and stuff is just so clunky.

and the official app store release better on android? not available here atm yet.

Is there something fucky with egg hatching? I've running around quite a lot and I don't seem to gain distance half of the time. What do?

walk more

You can download your neighborhood in google maps for offline use, it makes booting the app much quicker. No idea if it makes the app itself faster though.

But user can't you see? I'M WALKING HERE!

What is the difference between eggs and wild pokemons?
WHen the egg hatches do i get an ordinary pokemon like those i find on the street all the time when i walk? because if yes then there is really no point with me bothering with hatching

If you're using an emulator it doesn't count distance traveled if you're going too fast.

Eggs have set pokemon, the ones you find in the wild are determined by the area you're in and your trainer level. Some pokmeon that hatch from eggs like Porygon and Snorlax seem pretty rare to find out in the wild

I also live in Canada and I think the population of pokemon has to do with the amount of people playing. If you go out in the country, you won't find fuck all.

If you go into small country towns, there's a ton. You go near a university and there's tons of pokemon.


what did they mean by this?

How do you get the really super rare pokemons?

Also have one more question, about to hit lvl 5, is leaving my pokemon at a gym the only way to level him up? When i want to take him back do i have to walk all the way to that gym again? And is there any point in even removing my pokemon from the gym when there is absolutely nothing else i can do with my pokemons except use them in gyms?

2 days, level 8 and I'm real bored of it now. It really isn't a game.

Leaving your pokemon at a gym doesn't affect him at all. When you're kicked out of the gym your mon automatically returns to you with 1hp. You can't remove your pokemon from the gym manually. The only way to level your mon up is to use stardust and candies, which you don't want to do becuase you'll find more powerful pokemon as you level up.

I've got multiple Eevees just in the wild and I'm still a really low level

so if i find a pikachu on the street and start dumping all my dust into him he will never be more powerfull than some other pokemons? even if i keep leveling him up for like 20 years?

Assuming you're not at level cap, yes.

Yep. Don't get attached to any pokemon, it's all transfer trash for candies.

Guys theres a haunter nearby, but im on me bed. Is jt worf? Could it be > 600 cp or something? Kind of cba

>didn't get any sleep last night
>tired as fuck but will stay up to not mess my sleep schedule
>told myself I'd stay at home because too tired
>fucking weepinbell, tentacruel and koffing nearby
Yesterday I went out and got fuck all, now this happens?

But then what is stopping you from never leveling any pokemon ever because "something better could come up later" and then 60 years later you die from old age with billions of dust saved up and never used

>3 paws
yeah good luck with that

>tfw all the gyms in my area are taken over by red and yellow

Blue squad step it up I cant keep doing this myself

Anyone got that simpsons gif of Bart racing fruit in the bus but with the teams on it instead? Was a few threads ago.

big brother thanks you for cooperation

Ive always been succesful hunting nearvy pokemons. Its is so fucking easy


>3 paws

Let me guess, instinct was the banana that ralph threw down

I have it set to run to a place somewhere in a 100m diameter every 5 seconds. Usually it doesn't run the full 100m but rather like 10 or 20 max. (like you can see in my webm)

Also: losing to friendly gyms puts your pokemans health at 1.
what a cunt move considering that a revive always heals Half HP and a potion only heals 20. So you have to spam A LOT of potions to get it fit again. And there doesn't seem to be a passive regeneration or free pokecenter of any sort. looks like if you get a high HP pokemon injured you have to spend a shit ton of potions to get it going again.

also question: Do you get the pokemans back after they're done defending a gym? I can't test it since all the gyms in my area are too high level for me.

The trainer level cap which is assumed to be at 25.

Nothing. Stardust is useless for anyone who isn't at or near level cap.

Also you can't train your pokemon infinitely, they all have a maximum CP cap.

are you stupid? this will take 5 minutes max on bike.

I see i see. Okay then... what i basically want to do i take my favorite pokemon i have right now i'm lvl 4 and start leveling him up and stuff... now i know he won't be the best shit around, but is it possible to level him up enough so i will be able to use him for battles even years later when i'm all capped out and such?

Not if you're in a residential area and can't move freely in 360 degree directions like that user


Is he supposed to be rare for other regions? all the gyms near me have an eeveelution on them.

Yeah you're spoofing way too fast for it to track your distance. It's the same reason why distance isn't tracked when you're playing in a speeding car.

>what a cunt move
Not really considering revives and potions are plentiful unless you're stuck in a place without pokestops. Which isn't a problem when you're spoofing in an emulator.

Healing your pokemon back to full health doesn't cost that many potions especially if you're at a level where super and hyper potions haven't started dropping yet. Back then healing my pokemon back to full HP usually only cost 2 potions. Also there is passive regeneration, it's just extremely slow.

>Do you get the pokemans back after they're done defending a gym?
Yes but at 1hp.

>what i basically want to do i take my favorite pokemon i have right now i'm lvl 4 and start leveling him up and stuff

Don't. That's a big waste of time. Just grind your trainer level for now.

how much money have you spent in the good goyim poke shop you shits?

Has it been confirmed that pokemon population is determined by how many people are playing the game in the area?

I live in a small city in Ontario and in the commercial/industrial district there's fucking nothing, but a nearby country town is swarming. There are definitely more people/cell phones total in the commercial district though, so I'm assuming it has to do with people playing?

I think it's 25mph where the game locks up. Also, eventually you're going to get banned like a motherfucker. Niantic has the best antispoofing technology in the business, in 3-4 months they are probably going to do the first round of bans.

Does anyone know if PoGo tracks distance traveled even if your phones screen isn't on? I want to go jogging but I don't want to have to hold my phone out and keep the app open if I don't have to.

It hasn't been confirmed. But that's probably the case considering everyone living out in the boonies is complaining they can't find any pokemon.

Am I? The webm I posted runs at double speed. I'd say I'm roughly moving at average bicycle speed.

And I think you're wrong on the regen. My Pigeotto has been at 1HP for a few hours now. so unless it's "per day"...

sort of, yes. Pokemon are around pokestops and active areas, it sucks that there are more pokemons in subdivisions than hiking trails but that may get touched up later on.

>in 3-4 months they are probably going to do the first round of bans
By then 90% of the playerbase will have stopped caring and moved on to the next hot fad. Not that I spoof, just sayin.

>Does anyone know if PoGo tracks distance traveled even if your phones screen isn't on?
Not unless you put it in battery saving mode. The app has to be running at all times or else it doesn't track distance or notify you of nearby pokemon

What did they meant by this

Just turn GPS on and off and it will log as you moving around. Do that for like 5/10 min and u should get him.

>Niantic has the best antispoofing technology in the business,

I've been spoofing ingress for almost 2 years and no ban. If you're not an idiot and don't make it obvious, you're fine.

>sitting in my room
>eating pizza and crisps
>spoofing all over

I feel like I'm missing the point

im in a residential area and i can always reach the pokemon im looking for. then again murica for instance has massive gaps between houses and shit. Here at least in the city you can go whereever the fuck you want.

How do you get it to work using an emulator? I mean how does walking around work?

Are there actually ways to play from home? I mean it's pretty late here and winter so I don't want to go out in the middle of the night...

yeah i like how everyone is retardedly telling me how to find it. that is not what I asked

I live in the city and it's pretty much impossible to track down pokemon with 3 paws unless you get extremely lucky. You can't go into buildings or into the middle of the street.

how do you even know which direction to go in?

>rarest pokemon

Rhyhorn so far.