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hana song


If you post D.Va in this thread that's all that anyone will play in your next 3 comp games.

why does sym have a huge fucking jew nose

If you think CoDman is bad then you're retarded.


Reinhardt is my waifu.

Soldier is fucking garbage.

>back down to 43
Comp is suffering

What's the best way to play Symmetra when on offense or when playing on KOTH maps?

>get a penta kill with symmetra by fully charging an orb into a graviton surge
>expecting either me or zarya to get potg at the end
>enemy mercy gets it for reviving one person and shooting at somebody wildly with her pistol

I've been steady laddering solo. Anyone that says the MM is broken needs to get good.
And I always play Lucio.

Tell that to the competitive scene.

Kill yourself 76. No one likes you.

Genji and Soldier are the most balanced offense heroes in the game
prove me wrong: you can't


you don't

>most balanced
This isn't a good thing

Found the Pharah

>last panel
holy shit im slammed with nostalgia. also surprised someone remembers calvin and hobbes
man, i really want to read them again. now if only i could find where the book went...


genji is balanced but volatile. his gimmicks mean that if anyone with good fast people kills (winston, symmetra, mcree) gets buffed he will instantly be guttered in seconds. 76 has no gimmicks so he isn't going anywhere anytime soon unless they nerf him on purpose

That's utter bullshit and there's no way you possibly could have do-
>And I always play Lucio.

it's also not a bad thing

Oh, we should have figured it was you. So when does your summer vacation end?

Are there any defense heroes worth using on KoH maps?


He's also an anti-Reaper poster.


man, his quality dropped like a fucking rock since i last saw it


Junkrat is the best for all maps

Mei is actually good in Illios for constant contesting

>tfw going to visit my Grandpa as a kid and reading these huge Calvin and Hobbes and Far Side comic collections that had commentary from Watterson and Larson respectively

maximum comfy

damn, if only that image of 76 in the before last panel wasn't missing part of his hand, I'd crop him out
would make for a fun reaction image


seriously. the last time i remember seeing something from nerf now it had r43 TF2 characters with some half-decent T&A

>playing junkrat on koth
What's it like feeding pharah kills?

How do we fix Symmetra so she's actually usable past first point defense?

Post 'em

say something nice and something mean about the person before you

funnily enough my grandpa had a couple of the books. i read them so much they bought me the complete one for a birthday or something, now that i think about it, i think i left it at their house years ago

It's not as bad as
> get sixtuple kill from black hole as genji
> play of the game
> torbjorn literally just uses molten core as he walks back from spawn and clears the point

>there are people not using the "sorry" spray


fuck, i remember those

now i need a copy

i'm not interesting enough apparently but thank you support friend but stop playing symetra in general

Defense Heroes were asked

At least Junkrat can put some pressure in the area

You do the very important jobs no one wants to
You're probably a huge slut with a crossdressing fetish

I dodge rockets and mine myself above her and make her realize the skies are mine

What is more BM?

Thanks, Well Played, or Sorry.

>teammate is doing an absolute shit pick like torbjorn on offense
>repeatedly ask them to switch off
>"b-but I'm silver/gold damage so I'm not the problem!"

Fuck these people that think the damage stat is at fucking all an indication of how useful you're being

i can't stop

That's how bill watterson drew it originally though

>They say because they have gold eliminations and damage that they are a good pick
>All it takes is a turret tagging someone once to get tapped for the elimination
I hate the assist system in this specific case only.

>enemy team spams roadhogs
>can't do anything because roadhog has no counter
nice game dotards

Isn't Pharah least played on KoH maps by pros since there are a lot of cover?

As much as i hate to admit it, hanzo is the best defensive pick for koth.
That's pretty funny. Seems like something junkrat would do. Probably smarter to lob the mine at her though.

Who is Reaper?


Use either streetpig, reaper or distance

I have barely any trouble with roadhog. It's easy to get around him. I don't get those retards that don't know how to counter by now.

anyone have the twitch vod of the 6 dva stall?

>not going 6 Reapers

>Junkrat mines himself over me as pharah
>Suddenly Snared
>He can toss his bear trap at me in mid air and have it catch me

You're more likely than not the key player that holds the team together...

...but you're incredibly reliant on the rest of the team to do all the damage, if they can't you'll more likely than not lose

>pick Zenyatta
>stay out of hook range
>murder every roadhog

>not curbstomping them with all the free ult charge you could want.

Well played is generally more salt producing but sorry goes too well with mei to pass up

>lots of cover
They're big open objectives for rocket spam and free environmental kills. Maybe village might be a problem but that's about it.

One Rein, two bastion
Done and done

He can also put his trap on dynamic objects such as basketballs
The more you know

I finally got this game a few days ago maybe a week now and it feels like I am gaining ranks so slowly. I am only like level 20 I know it is good to get mad experience before you go into competitive, but I do not want to miss out on a season just because I am slow.
any tips for climbing the ladder faster?

isnt there a rumor going around that putting traps on the basketball can get you banned though?

>mad experience

>surprised someone remembers calvin and hobbes

It's probably in the top five most famous comics in the world dude. Even people do typing they've literally never held a newspaper in there hand have seen the bootleg Calvin pissing.

Is extremely cute and feel-inducing, he's right.

It shouldn't be hard to get about 2500-5000 EXP per match in quick play as long as you play consecutively and actively. And if overtime rolls around try to keep extending it

Yeah I mained Junkrat (43 hours I think) and I did that shit all the time, took me a while to get banned though.

also how do i stop sucking as toblerone. He is the one guy I want to play as, but can't get anywhere with

Hey guys I wanted to ask here:

Is there any way to make the in-game sensitivity go lower than 1?

I just prefer playing with high DPI on my mouse and low sens in-game, but it doesn't go quite as low as I would like it with the slider at 1. Is there maybe a multiplier I can mess with in some .ini file, like in Siege and other games?

Thanks in advance!

Played my first placement matches today, I didn't think Comp would have such bad players. I had 3 Golds in a game as Lucio with one of them being kills.

group up with someone. +20% xp if you play in a group

why is it a bannable offense though?

Could someone help a brother out? I'm trying to find a webm of D.Va's default highlight intro where she aims her hand like a gun and then crosses her arms.

Why would it get you banned when it's something they could just fix

Right I guess I need to focus on playing more consecutive games and stop bouncing around to Veeky Forums inbetween games
still waiting on friends to not be poor fags

1. Pick Toblerone
2. Find a spot
3. LSHIFT and whack the fucker 5 times
4. ???
5. Profit
(Also use your pistol/shotgun thing and throw in some molten cores if necessary)

>Tracer in the backline harassing the team
>spend 2 minutes chasing the bitch around to kill her
>do it again 30 seconds later
i mean god damn she's annoying

I love that show

Why? Seems like more trouble than its worth. I abused the dorado exploit fpr symmetra every chance i got and never even got a warning.

i actually havent seen that decal in awhile lol
its just one of those things you dont see much anymore which surprised me

Where do you position yourself so you can kill dva before she reaches the ground after ejecting? Where she ejects and lands seem so random at times

>He is the one guy I want to play as
Oh goodness. Please don't be THAT guy that picks the dwarf when what we need is clearly another role

d.va gets to control which direction she ejects in

Make her teleporter slow enemies within a radius, no los necessary. Her ultimate is useless when you're close to the spawn, and that's the only reason not to play her at the end.

not that guy, but
>hating on radcool tubularspeak.
Totally not schway, broseph.

you could invite your teammates to a group or people in the general Chat at the menu screen.


>find a shit-talking faggot
>counter him as tracer
>he switches to roadhog to prove his superiority or some shit
>I beat him left and right in spite of him hard countering me and in spite of being 9 drinks deep for the night
>he can't help but make crass dick insults to compensate for his loss

Fuck I love this game sometimes.

oh no don't worry there are plenty of other classes I love I just think he would be fun to add to the mix

>playing comp Nepal
>enemy Tracer is harassing us
>becomes the focal point of our strats
>we push when we kill her or hurt her and force her to retreat
>she's always able to contest the point, we can only cap it when we kill her
>we end up winning 3-2 with two of the wins being extremely close while one was a 100-0 stomp
>their useless Roadhog and Reinhardt start saying that Tracer was shit and made them lose
>my entire team defends the Tracer and tells them that she was carrying them

Are most people stuck in the 55-60 rank?

It's not the system, it's the fucking players. I don't understand why they wasted 40, 50 currencies ona team based, objective-printed shooter if all they want is a high k/d. Obviously, it sucks that there are no genetic tin and gun shooters out there oh wait there's fucking thousands of them.

Seriously, fuck hanzo.