League of Legends General /lolg/

OT: eyosongive.us

Demon ladies at the beach with sweaty armpits, probably edition

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share bride failing star

Taliyah a qt! QT!

Yordles are for ________.




Please delete assassins and flat armor pen in the assasin update.

I want to capture Sona tenderly milking and raping her everyday until she's mindbroken into being a hucow then ill keep her pregnant for the rest of her life so that she produces lots of milk and lots of babies!

Draaaaven! (is the best!)

>when the stars align for a near perfect game

Gives me hope i'll end s6 gold like i did s5

lmao how do u have problems getting to gold

>That Udyr

Post your face when your team stomps so much ass that you don't have to do shit but farm and be there for Dragon/Baron.

Hell that Udyr didn't even farm he took the scenic route goddamn.

Not everyone spams games.

>waiting 15 minutes for the queue
>a guy picks yasuo
>blitzcrank accidentally bans yasuo
>yasuo guy selects thresh top
here we go bois

Dont have the time I did back in S5 since I started flying. A 6~ month break made me lose most of my vidya skills

Have spammed lately cus i got like a week of freeish time lol.

gp or shen to get? which one shits on babbies the most?
The babby who stomps babbies at lvl 9


200 games of ranked.....

That's nothing over several seasons, though.

The most satisfying shit about Sion is that you can easily get 4000+ HP even without any HP item and that you deal gigantic butt fuck of damage building full tank. That R + Q + E + W shield pop + Grasp combo is fucking devastating

Once one of your shit land all of your other shits are gonna be sure to land too. It feels satisfying as fuck watching niggers unable to do anything while having their faces raped in nearly 10 second

>tfw trying to understand how the fuck to play Olaf top efficiently
>can't seem to do as well as many do
>some people even go as far as to call Olaf a cheese pick currently
>can't seem to do enough damage for the W healing to matter
>mfw losing to a Garen somehow

What the fuck is happening. What am I supposed to build ideally on him?

You're maxing Q first right? You do HELLA damage early, Olaf has arguably the strongest level 1 in the game if you pick up your axes.

>pick morgana as support
>enemy goes leona

>queue up for ranked
>get queue'd with an unranked adc (found this out after match)
>hasn't played since 2014
>get demoted
Wow! What a fun, balanced match-making system!

bro thats always been a thing one game isnt going to prevent you from getting whatever rank u want

>e on u
>u black shield yourself
>walk an q ur ad
>he dies lv 3


>getting to a point where you can get demoted

>tfw no dark elf ranger waifu in league

why do i even play this game

he owned ur fac3

>implying I stand close to my adc vs leona

pretty sure it only shows for the current season man, considering mine shows less than 30 games at the moment and I played like 200 last season

>Walk toward the AD


good point uninstall pls

>grasp and not thunderlords

casual Sion spotted

What should I do?

I already have glowing fiddlesticks and championship riven

>playing Mordekaiser
>enemy tank is just stacking health with no MR items
>ult + Liandry's
Oh no your health

That's a Sivir skin dumbo

I meant sivir, victorious sivir

Bandit Sivir is still better

first for /lolg/ bingo no notorious people edition
im pretty sure you can get an ashe chroma skin for that

xth for Illaoi, best girl.

how do ppl organize the inhouse vg games?

Yeah, doing just that. But once mid-game hits, it feels like he just falls off and can't duel that well. I mean yeah, he can do a lot of damage. But being the kind of character that excels at low health, but has no stuns or anything - it feels counter-intuitive.

>nasus isnt nay-sus
>sivir isnt severe
>shaco isnt shake-o
>ahri isnt eye-ree
>zyra isnt zee-rah
why is riot retarded

is there a worse smut arist than zaunderground
seeing his depiction of an asshole is fucking terrifying he needs a fucking biology lesson his eve and kata thing is disusting as fuck

Yeah Olaf falls off eventually, ideally you want to stomp lane hard and turn into an ADC-fucking-machine by the time teamfights start up.

>doesnt stand in range to bs his ad
>just kill his ad instead and ignore him

are u even trying

shaco is shake-o though you neanderthal. His clone is fake-o.

cus if it was shuck-o it'd be fuck-o

lmao i actually looked that up holy shit wtf g.e-hentai.org/s/1fea47f62e/779206-2

he's called shaq for a reason

>people who take grasp over stormraider's on shitty immobile easily kited tanks/bruisers

What build would you say to go? Nowadays, I generally go Black Cleaver > MR/Armor depending on matchup > Righteous Glory > Titanic Hydra > Armor/MR if just need more health

I see some people building youmoo's on him, but I feel that he has to be so much in the thick of it that you can't afford to be squishy.

>play game with friend
>ally pantheon feeds and starts talking massive shit to everyone
>adds me after the game to talk more shit
>"he's just some kid i'll fuck with him and have some fun"
>find out that he got so angry because he's got a lot of serious personal issues and just needs someone to talk to
>his story resonates with mine and I realize he's in a position i was in years ago
>end up going from "fuck you faggot" to "I just needed to talk" in an hour or so

That game was dumb, but I'm really glad it happened. Next time someone starts flaming, don't get angry. They might just be going through some shit. They may just need a friend.

>>doesnt stand in range to bs his ad

grasp is mostly to assure victory in lane on people like garen and darius. stormraiders isn't good on many tanks though since they mostly just don't have the burst.

>post yfw
you find the perfect lol smut pic but theres no cum version
life is suffering
wrong reply?

>not listening to viking folk metal when smashing ass on Olaf

Why don't you do this, user?

I'm not a closet homo.
I'm full blown homo

who wants to carry me on aram so i can get hextech chests

add chiaris

>faggot keeps advertising his shitty stream
>feeding like fucking crazy and doing almost nothing on jhin

>Illaoi will never sit on your face

i know this khazix main that does that. Except he advertises it to Veeky Forums. constantly.

>tfw Illaoi's model is shit but her general concept is pretty good

>unironically maining yasuo or zed

>breast waifu isn't the free space

breast waifu!

how do i play this bingo

>Every Lucian I play with keeps pinging, "Attack!" on the enemy ADC.
>Even though I'm constantly on their ass already and he never actually follows up.

Yeah, I get it. You want to kill them. You have to actually shoot them to do that, dipshit. How many set-ups do you need from me?

>Half the time I end up just killing them anyway and he accuses me of KS.

If I did 90% of the damage you can fucking believe I'm not handing anything to you while you AFK farm.

>ADC ever says KS
>"kill secured, told you I'm #supportgod"

ever since the nerfs lucian mains are butthurt as shit and feel entitled as fk. I try and play a decently passive lucian that plays more around the support rather than the carry.

>I try and play a decently passive lucian that plays more around the support rather than the carry.
I don't even care if you're aggressive, honestly I prefer it (as that's how I support). It's just those pushy ones that think because I'm support I'm their employee or something. My favorite are the ones I leave to die because they decide to dive like a fucking retard then blame me for not peeling.

Can't peel a tower, yo.

Jesus fucking Christ


Lol. How can I recover from this shit.

The only damage item I had was Liandry's, too.

>only four losses
It's not even that bad a losing streak, honestly.

Take a break for an hour then play again. You're probably tired and need food or water, something like that.

mark off every poster you see on your own version and keep going till you have all of em

if you wanna be in it you'd either have to edit yourself in or stop one of the other posters the brew one is the only one thats possible with though

I fucking hate Na soloq.

>Illaoi did no damage
What the fuck?


Kill yourself.

Take a break dude

Best bot lane.

Because Yas was playing only for farm early game. When teamfights happened she has to go in and be stationary... which means Vel'koz with true damage and %HP magic damage melts her face off. Most teamfights she didn't make it passed 4 seconds.

I had a galio otp and the enemy had a brand jungle otp, the fact that this shit worked is a detriment on soloqueue, you killy ourself.

>best bot lane
>not Thresh/Mordekaiser double relic shield lane

Mord is trash.

>people still think Kalista is viable
But that's not Mord/Alistar.



Kalista was a mistake

The only ADC worse than Kalista right now is Urgot.

What champion am I?

>CDR/level Quints.
>Magic Penetration Marks.
>Mana Regen Seals.
>CDR/level Glyphs.

I wouldn't listen to platinum+ solo queue numbers. She's in a bad place right now but she's good duo bot lane. She still sees LCS play t-too!

So? That's not my point. Kalista is a design catastrophe. CertainlyT should not be allowed to work on champion design.

No, she's a pretty good design... the problem is that she's in the wrong game.

any support?

That's a copout and you know it. Kalista is a poorly designed character.

>duke plays gp
>buys cull, goes trinity into youmuus

reminder that everyone that thinks armor pen gp is shit are the actual shitters

reminder that mid lane gp buys trinity > ie > youmuus > crit