/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

Reminder that SteIIaris has its own general and discussion of the game doesn't go here. Thank you.

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, July 11th:
1174 – Baldwin IV, 13, becomes King of Jerusalem, with Raymond III, Count of Tripoli as regent and William of Tyre as chancellor.
1740 – Pogrom: Jews are expelled from Little Russia.
1804 – A duel occurs in which the Vice President of the United States Aaron Burr mortally wounds former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton.
1920 – In the East Prussian plebiscite the local populace decides to remain with Weimar Germany.

HOI4 DD17/06

CK2 DD 13 - Warrior Women

>Random Country Picker

# Archive

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[EU4] - Expensive Warfare Mod 1.0

>>[CK2 - 2.5.2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 09/07/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V7

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

>>[V2] - 7 Years v4.1

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:



Reminder to report and ignore shitposting

Based Nickyposter

r8 my Deutschland and tell me what clay to take next.

>[V2] - Legacy of Slovenia v1.01*°

>>[V2] - unHPM v1.5*°

>>[V2] - Robmod v2.5*

>>[V2] - Visegradmod v3.2

>>[V2] Liquor and Bureaucrats Mod 1.2*°
mediafire.com/download/ r1s3v3z0d17ctya/liquornbureaucrats.rar

>> Updated Waggle Pastebin*

* The R&I will sperg out if you download this
° Alex da Silveira and his Grandi Youth will harass you if you download this

Don't let the Grandi Youth shut your concerns about the mod.

Give me a fun minor country in HPM

8th for Stellaris returning to /gsg/
come home, white man.

What's the best retinue composition for CK2? I was just spamming Heavy Cavalry with some Heavy Infantry. But that can't possibly be the most cost-effective solution, can it?

Would disabling shattered retreat and coalitions for CK2 effect the overall balance of the game?

Actually, rob created this term, the steamgroup just started using it.

Is the center of the universe in stellaris still a missile?

lolno. Memellaris needs to die.


>Give Turkey to Greece and Armenia, and Karelia to Funland

Did UnHMM get fixed yet?

I really like the idea of it but the current version is broken as fuck.

Peru, not Peru-Bolivia.

Not sure what you mean by that. Torpedo corvettes plus lance battleships is the sexy new hotness these days.

Ebin Großgermania

how can i download mod for hearts of iron
for pirate?

>giving anything to Greichenland or Armemeia
Why would I do that? Greece still has denbts to pay.

26th for English France.

Which cute anime girl would be the best führer, /gsg/?

Find it on (((Steam)))
Take not of ID in the URL
Download that ID here:

The Habsburgs ate France in my game

Reminder that we have an official steam and a discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about Radical Yugoslavia, promising MP or not, be sure it's an old-guard group known for organizing discussions and funposting in the thread. They are known for willy-waggling.
Encourage and partake in it.

Remember that the thread commands the mod, and the mod must never be allowed to command the thread. That's the founding principle of Radical Yugoslavia.

Waggles away kameraden.

>valuing material wealth over the opportunity to get rid of the roach menace once and for all

Fugg this is the actual link


Take that, von Hapsburgs!

>you will never live in a world where a British+French+Spanish triple monarchy existed

Castille isn't PU'd with me though yet.


>didn't inherit burgundy
user, i...

Why would Armenians be better at removing kebabs than Germans?

Is there a mod that lets me play as Satan or the Illuminati?

Ange of course, she is a based remover of norma and alpha

In my game the von Hapsburgs have never been so kuk't.

In my defence I have no idea how to play the dynastic game.

Austria can shitstomp anyone and everyone in mine.

I don't think the shattered retreat in CK2 is THAT bad, but the game was perfectly fine for years without those mechanics and they didn't actually change anything else in particular to accommodate them so it should be fine

Thanks, bud.

Do people actually play Austria in Vic II unironically? It's easily the worst GP, even the Ottomemes are better.

Austria-Hungry has a cool flag in the AFP

So this is how pure capitalism feels like

dynastic game in EU is literally just luck and claiming thrones when you can.

Sure we do.
Its bullshit that you lose Hungarians if you go for Greater Germany though.
Uniting Germans into a single entity wouldnt erase past agreements/privileges overnight.

all heavy cav, horse archers if your culture has them

There's little luck involved if you keep high prestige, are big, and abuse the diplomatic ideas that let you undo royal marriages without a stability hit to constantly marry anyone about to die. You'll spread your dymasty really, really quickly and probably get an automatic PU once in a while.

are you surprised people play things other than the most OP countries or what?

they probably own the fishing and dockworks enterprises, the island isn't that big.

The best retinue for most cultures is just the basic defence retinue.

The best unit types are pikemen, camels, and heavy infantry. Cultural retinue that involve one of those three tend to be slightly better than defence, but not always (due to differing bonus modifiers). Cultural retinue for any other unit type is almost always worse than defence.

Austria is just shit, I would prefer playing as a smaller and comfier secondary power or just about anything else, really.

>not making HRE great again
Why cannot Germany rename itself to HRE anyway?

y tho

Really annoyed that out of nowhere my perfect heir became a coward despite going on several battles with me and have all these traits like being a legendary commander and imperial guard.

Someone please answer this.

Because it was officially dissolved 30 years before the game start and was a meme for over a hundred years before that point.


>tfw pure Longbow retinue died in your lifetime

I really need to square this shit away at some point.

What's the most effective way to edit the province shapes in Victoria 2? I've tried gimp and other shit, but every time I tried launching the the game, it gets stuck loading the provinces forever. Do I have to edit the regions also? Is there a program for all of this?

How did you change the font?

Better Readable Font Mod

What is the best strategy to form the Empire of Italy? I formed the Kingdom of Sicily and consolidated my power, but I'm not sure where should I proceed. I can't make claims in Sardinia yet, so I suppose I should join the HRE and eat the duchies there?


You will be going to war against the Holy Roman Emperor anyways if you swear fealty to him and keep your Orthodox faith, so you just need to make alliances with your sworn rival (the Byzantine Emperor) and the King of Hungary, if not France.

Woops, thought you were a Greek Orthodox King of Two Sicilies, nvm.

Yes, join the HRE and eat from within.

Threadly reminder to remember the rightful French borders.

finally r&i btfo, I can finally well sleep tonight :^)

That blob in Switzerland looks oddly satisfying.

>he couldn't sleep because of butthurt
wew, now I know why he does it
gonna do that too

Is clothing better than liquor?

>All this land they never owned, some they never even claimed
>practically none of their actual African empire
Literally why?

Threadly reminder to remember the rightful French borders.

Good. I guess I'll make a claim on Rimini, join the HRE then conquer the county and use it to claim Verona and eventually form the Kingdom of Italy. The fight for independence will be tough though.

Also, should I stop CA to Medium, I want to centralize the state, but the opinion penalties are very harsh and I don't want to get memed by the vassals desu.

Because I want to see someone else try to do this as I hate playing as big nations 2bh

>all this land they never owned
there's barely any
