/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

Reminder that SteIIaris has its own general and discussion of the game doesn't go here. Thank you.

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, July 12th:
1562 – Fray Diego de Landa, acting Bishop of Yucatán, burns the sacred books of the Maya.
1789 – In response to the dismissal of the French finance minister Jacques Necker, the radical journalist Camille Desmoulins gives a speech which results in the storming of the Bastille two days later.
1943 – German and Soviet forces engage in one of the largest armored engagements of all time.

HOI4 DD17/06

CK2 DD 13 - Warrior Women

>Random Country Picker

# Archive

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[EU4] - Expensive Warfare Mod 1.0

>>[CK2 - 2.5.2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 09/07/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V7

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

>>[V2] - 7 Years v4.1

Old Thread

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.


Like which f am?

Attempt #2


Why the earlier start dates in ck2 suck so much?

Non historical

Why do you say so?

What's a good eu4 nation to learn

They always end up looking like shit



Best combat mods for ck2?

What are some good strategy games set in the Colonial Americas I'm getting that urge right now.


Reminder that this pathetic autist who is the janitor deleted the other thread because it had DH in the infopic

Does it even have combat specific mods?

Sleep well baby

I saw one tried to remake tactics or something. It was never finished

OP here, I didn't delete the other thread and I'm not a janitor.

Yeah, I don't know, I was hoping.

HIP and the GoT mods come with duel-enhancing mods that add a duel proficiency stat to a bunch of traits and has fleshed out duels.

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting when?

Never heard of mods like that.

What's wrong with it anyway? Besides shattered retreat.


I didn't reply to the OP? Use the correct infopic next time.

But that's not really combat in the game sense

Why did the other thread get deleted?

because autism


this isnt what I wanted

none of this is what I wanted

why is this happening?

I cant fix this, can i :(

Too much rng, and I just really can't figure it out. Losing an even battle with better commanders doesn't make sense to me. Losing an even battle with a defensive advantage doesn't make sense to me either.

A bunch of posts in the old thread also got deleted, so the mod author was probably from radical yugoslavia and got ip banned

I thought the "R&I controlling /gsg/" conspiracy thing was a meme.

I didn't get banned and I'm not part of those fucking groups.

I fucking hate Burgundy.

I lost two wars to those smug cunts.

New plan: form Cromwellian Britain, take the rest of France, build colonial Empire, and then smash them in the 18th century.

It's a conspiracy thing, see

Looks like it isnt anymore.

>doesn't unify British Isles first

this is disgusting

I am upset

Gotta cuck France fast before they become unstoppable. Then Burgundy began slapping my shit, so I was focused on trying to contain them.

I've failed to contain them, so it's time to abandon my continental ambitions for now.

British Isles weren't united until 1704 IRL anyway.

I'm friends with Cobraah on Steam. Should I just kill myself?

Lads, how much will I suck at a gsgame if I'm coming from RTS like AOE2 and 3? Thinking about getting EU4 or HoI4

How does HPM meming have anything to do with this?

Yeah, the evidence is right in front of you and you still desperately defend your massive autism of wiping any thread that doesn't have the shitstain of your first post on it.
Fuck off you massive fucking sperg.

Don't reply

Nothing, thats just shitposter bullshit. The autist controlling the thread is true tho.

don't you just love all the circlejerk drama

also the saturation on this map almost hurts my eyes, that England is absurd

Everyone sucks while they learn so I don't know.

My monitor has meh contrast.

only thing AoEII and EU4 have in common is their historical setting, so you'll suck at the beginning

plus AoIII is all about micro, while GS games have a much more broad focus

No you can't

Nice Ireland


Been playing my Latin Empire CK2 convert for about 100 years with a focus on ensuring a stable Catholic Jerusalem. France rival'd me earlier and I've been fixing their cancer the past decade or so.

How's Europe?

im going to play eu4 again after like... 2 years? i hope i have fun.....

Like shit

Am I doing this right?

what's that between poland and the luxembourgish abomination

what's the perfect template in HOI4?

fuck off adus

all cav

Right, that's what I was thinking. Just wondering if there were any real parallels. Thanks

Looks like Greater Poland from the screenshot?

I like it please do more

Here's Germany

Anyone playing HoI IV or am I the only one ;_;


for a conversion game? not bad

When I converted to CK2 most of the Kingdoms had vassals which were stronger than them and so civil war broke out nearly everywhere. Poland was hit the hardest, but after I reunited Hungary into a proper ally, the Hungarians are helping the Poles do the same.

>not converting straight to Vicky 2 and skipping EUIV

Big mistake

I have a love/hate relationship with it. I am trying to figure out the operands to limit what the AI builds so we don't have thousands of divisions slowing everything down. Countries such as Russia and China should have a lot of cheap divisions, but most everyone else should be limited to what their industry can support.

It will probably be about two months until Paradox releases the next patch, so it might be time to go on to something else.

I just bought it since I'm tired of CK2. Heard some good things, was I mislead?

I stayed away from III because it was very confusing and at the time I sucked at grand strategy.

For some reason my christion army is flying the flag of ISIS. Is this some weird bug in HiP?

that's why, it was never finished

no, actually you are modern day France.

Why isn't anyone signing up to be slaves?

it is a bug

do not worry

>the Eurasian seas have been filled in


It is a swedish game after all

You were mislead.

It has lots of nice features, and is accessible, but the AI isn't there, fully-fleshed out countries aren't there, and the whole thing slows down to a crawl before it is all over.

Tell me about Germany, why is it go gross

Merkel needs more room to import Turks

Germany must be groß

fyi actual P*les unironically want to go past le Oder-Neisse into Brandenburg and the rest of Pomerania

because they want to revive Wendish """culture""" and create another Slavic state in North East Germania

1939 Germany+Danzig+Alsace+Luxembourg+south tyrol is perfect imo

>its a shen increases his likely of arthritis in the hands episode

I'd rather germany be under polish control than keep being destroyed more every day by its current leadership teebeehech

What needs to happen is for divisions in the field to require upkeep. Currently the only barrier is manpower and that is a brickwall, but if things took supplies to maintain, fuel to run, or even just took a constant attrition modifier then eventually you would run into a soft cap where your industry simply can't keep up maintaining your army, let alone expanding it.

Also AI don't ever disband divisions so run into problems when they do run out of manpower.

There's historical precedent.

+Poland+Schleswig+Lothringen is perfect imo

Germany+the planet is perfect.

Germany-Germany is perfect.

Also requesting, and adding Japan, the Netherlands, and the Iberian nations

Patches will fix this I hope

Find a flaw.

>tfw simply by existing and posting memes, you get autists to come up with wild conspiracy theories and threads devolve into huge shitflings without posting even once myself
feels good being Cobra, me mates.

t. Cobra

It's not everything in existence.