League of Legends General /lolg/

Old: eyosongive.us

Blueberry edition

Xth for the biggest and best breasts in league of legends!

lulu a shit



Quit fucking making threads before we reach post limit you autists

Report and sage.


Ahri buffs when?

if one tried hard enough could you make Vi top work?

As a counter pick to certain tops, maybe. She has true damage and a great interrupt, could maybe shit on shen, but she lacks a large deal of tankiness. I see her as a more reliable, less damaging j4

Hey uh , anyone wanna give me some tips I can give my teammates on dealing with Vlad?

>Vlad is pretty much picked every game he isn't banned please send help oh god my teammates are so tilted

Morellonomicon/Mortal Reminder. Or he's going to be fucking ass to deal with later when he has enough hp to do his 3-shot combo on squishies.

what rank are you?

Executioner's makes his sustain not (too much of) a pain
Do not stand next to him
Bait his pool so that if he makes a wrong move you can punish him.
His sustain is baited by his Q's cooldown so basically silencing/CCChaining him is death.

>junglers waiting to call you out

So when is there going to be more Jinx sfm porn



It's a secret, dummy.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

gimme a hint, whats her rank, first letter of her summoner name, first letter of her real name, gimme SOMETHING because i have a very similar situation

How the fuck do I play Tahm Kench

The sad part is I'm usually the one who builds Morellonomicon/Mortal Reminder but usually the only one who does cause I've been playing more mages/adc recently.

High Silver
>b-but I d-deserve higher!!
Kidding, I do want to rise but I know that I shot myself in the foot being a "support main" for the first season and a half I did ranked.

Thanks, I might just copy-paste or macro this!

Only if you give me a hint too.

you should really be asking ye mum fer tips

get on omegle and have /lolg/ for common interests

Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.

>being a support main
Yeah you shot yourself there. In that case then Igniting/exhausting him is the best way to go and to Peel/CC him for as long as possible in hopes that they may help (or you can just play a 'support' champ and just blast his ass).

>posting the thread early

fucking summerfags

>When the enemy team throws so supremely hard that I can't even figure out how to put it into greentext

In all my years of being Silver, while I've seen some big throws, I've never seen anything like this. They were so in shock they couldn't even trash-talk properly (as is tradition in Silver).

>tfw stealing baron with Janna's tornado
Is there any better feeling?

Lemme guess: you were jungle Warwick?

I want to go swim in Trundle!

No, Xin Top actually.

Ah. A killing machine even without the right items.

I sure as fuck aren't one now but I enjoy playing the occasional support game if I've:
>got a team I can trust
>just fucking around

Honestly it's the most fun position other than Jungle imo but it's a shame it's shit for climbing.

Holy shit, why the hell did Riot think it was a good idea for Illaoi's E to literally deal more than half your HP?

Fuck me man, one pull at like level 9 and thats all she needs to get you out of your lane.

Fastest way yo get orange essence? Not trying to buy.

Stealing baron and getting a kill

You are suppose to duel with her when she pulls your soul.

>/lolg/ actually using the old thread until it dies and then migrating to the new one to make sure the tracker doesn't break

I thought this place had no redemption, but you guys proved me wrong

>try some adc because i don't play that role often enough
>i get a brand "support" that attacks minion wave constantly and doesn't build sightstone or support items in general

im sorry for every ADC that has to put up with that shit on an almost daily basis, man

An Illaoi with approximately 680 AD will deal 100% of her target's current health with her E, after mitigation.

And yes, it IS possible to reach that much AD. Very uncommon, but possible.

>It's another, "Top Went 0/2 in 10 Minutes then AFK'd," episode.
God fucking damn it. I'm never going to climb at this rate.

I don't play bot that much, but I can't do shit when I lane against Brand support.

Want to farm? He just uses pillar over and over again.


vu when?

Stealing baron with tibbers auto attack

But you need to be doing true damage for that to be an actual 100% of their HP.

>Our Pantheon is farming Jungle
>Suddenly enemy Sivir walks out of a bush and starts autoing him
>At the same time the dormant Illaoi tentacle right next to her activates

I tried to ping him away but he didn't listen.

Yeah, I don't like support much but it's fun sometimes.
>pic related
It's not too hard on it's own (but rng dragons though).
75*6 + 48% increase w/ baron and elixir should net you 700 AD

Then she hits both, ults, and kills you.