>tfw been fired from every job
Really hurts guys. it's because that's how minimum wage jobs are, not because of me right?
>tfw been fired from every job
Really hurts guys. it's because that's how minimum wage jobs are, not because of me right?
Probably not your fault. Lower level jobs have high turnover
Thank you user
If you are the coal burners in the pic. Then you are fine.
invest in URRE then use profits to start own business.
what is the context of this image?
not a cuck, but i have to know....
OP, have you been fired or just let go? Also, are you in school and these are just college jobs?
What do you mean? Those are the same
It's you. There is no incentive for management to can you unless you are a bad worker or have some other trait that makes you hard to work with. Here's a reasonable list of reasons that can get you canned you might not think about.
> Trying to get friendly with the boss (with or without sexual connotation)
> Being a black, middle eastern or having a hard to understand accent
> Talking a lot at work, especially with much swearing or non work topics, like sex, drugs, or what you and your friends do
> Talking about what you want in the future
> Saying any form of the phrase, "Man, I hate..."
> Talking too much about money
> Poor performance
> Resting bitch face
> Talking back to management
> Poor addittude
> Ask for a raise without an increase in responsibility before standard evaluation time period.
If you don't do any on this list, self evaluate better.
They can mean the same thing, but I suppose the difference here is being laid off and fired. Like was OP terminated for being a shit head, or did they say we don't need you at the moment, but when business picks up we'll call you back.
If he worked retailed, being fired would be the good bye, and being let go or laid off would be the whole seasonal worker thing.
>> Talking a lot at work, especially with much swearing or non work topics, like sex, drugs, or what you and your friends do
>> Talking about what you want in the future
>> Saying any form of the phrase, "Man, I hate..."
>> Talking too much about money
>> Poor performance
all of those are check
Fired generally indicates bad blood. They thought you were unfit for the job, never use on your resume in future.
Let go generallyon means that the could not afford to pay you. Either there was a layoff or they realized that some projects completion meant that you would no longer be nessisary. This situation, the employer will often write you a reasonable review if you ask them to.
Often there is no distinction in minimum wage work however.
Okay it was fired then
Then stop doing those things, work hard and get back in there, champ. I believe in you. Now don't get fired this time or you'll just prove your parents right when they call you a failure to your aunt winny.
Based on quick research: "A pool party organised in honour of black men married to white women"
Figure out why you are being fired and fix it. Minimum wage jobs suck shit, but that doesn't mean they don't reflect on your broader work ethic.
Also, are you in college? Or are you a career part-timer?
career part-timer i guess, whatever that means
I just can't get motivated to work cuck-tier jobs for shit pay
No idea how some people do it for like 40 years, i'd go insane if i did
Alright, even though other people have already analyzed this, sounds like you're a total piece of a shit.
You can't hold down the most basic jobs in society, seems like you aren't educating yourself for anything more advanced. I don't think you're actively trying to improve yourself either.
Get your shit together.
We'll, if you haven't gone to school it is likely you've never been motivated to do anything and been told to follow your passion too much. Unfortunately, this attitude is not unique. Everyone else feels like a cuck toof, but that's what happens when you have no purpose. You can continue to skate through life or you can wake up and make a change.
1) take resposibility. This shit IS your fault, bit that's good, because you can fix it too.
2) realize that you can always make a change. People lie their way through interviews for good jobs all the time and figure out how to do the work afterwards.
Now go do something useful and stop shit posting here
I keep getting fired
should i be applying for better jobs instead?
What kind of jobs have you had?
all kinds of minimum wage cuckjobs
>better jobs
>with a shit (or non-existent if you omit) work history
You have to "master" some kind of shit work before you get anything worth having.
Throw out some names, nigga
can i just skip that part and get started on the good job?
With the right connections, anything is possible, but dear God are you whiny! Like other anons have said, SERIOUSLY evaluate yourself and work on what you come up with. I don't mean think about once on a day off and never go back to it, I mean seriously write shit down and go to a therapist/career counselor if it's bad enough.
Without serious change, you aren't going to like what comes next.
>protip: it's more of what's been happening
>I mean seriously write shit down and go to a therapist/career counselor if it's bad enough.
what am i suppose to tell a fucking therapist?
>Yes hello doctor I need urgent help, I'm tired of being a wagecuck and I don't want to be one anymore!
I'm starting to see why you've been fired.
Yes, it's possible to get a job your experience doesn't qualify you for, but you have to be able to really wow them on the interview, which it doesn't sound like you're capable of. Sort that shit out first.
Before you lash out at my suggestion, you should look up what a CAREER counselor does.
>Yes, it's possible to get a job your experience doesn't qualify you for, but you have to be able to really wow them on the interview, which it doesn't sound like you're capable of
I'll make up a completely fake resume, with a bunch of fake experiences and all this shit and then practice it in front of a mirror and record myself to get good at answering the typical questions
Get an apprenticeship my man- Viper
Yeah, good luck with that chief.
i will
I will get a fucking upper management or at least middle management position entirely by lying.
Going to be buying a suit soon and fabricating years of experience. Gonna fuckin practice this shit until I believe it myself, all the lies, all my responsibilities, at the things I've learned at my 6 years of various management and leadership experience. all the made-up clubs and activities I've been involved with in University and highschool
And when they ask for references they can call? Or cross reference your employee number with your SSN?
> employee history
>Or cross reference your employee number with your SSN?
Don't think that exists
>And when they ask for references they can call?
I'll get someone to be my reference. Most don't check references anyways though
> Don't think "x" exists...
Dude... we live in an Internet age. That information is out there. They can check that shit.
> most don't check
This is true for cuck jobs... This is false for real jobs where your references matter and cannot be your mother.
>They can check that shit.
sort of true.
there is no database cross referencing ssn and employment history that an employer can legally check.
they can check your credit record with your permission though, and that lists whoever you've listed as your employer on loan applications.
Not employment history and ssn directly but they can figure out a lie on this scale.
most employers do call references where I'm from.
even if he manages to slide in he's not going to last a week in anything technical. Well unless he's Frank Abignail or whatever his name is.
>Talking about what you want in the future
Assuming this is an issue separate from poor performance and smack talk, I don't understand it. Would you really fire an employee for voicing their aspirations in the tea room, for example?
Only plebs whose biggest dreams and aspirations are working for the same company for 50 years are welcome
I wouldn't say to never use on resume in future. I was "fired" from my apprentice electrician job. I worked there for almost 2.5 years. Only reason they let me go was because I didn't want to bend over and be fucked in the ass any longer like the rest of the employees, some of who have worked there for 15 years. Not everyone who is fired deserves to be fired. Sometimes they are just let go because they employer is a huge asshat and doesn't want to deal with someone who goes against the grain.