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give him some broken card

with all this crying about priest being underpowered, it will become the next class to get power creeped to tier 1 soon.

The same thing that happened with paladin and shaman,

second for living game!

Í Play C tun/N Zoth priest and it have some good matchups
But almost every shamane and Hunter ist a lose.

He at least will be broken control deck instead of broken aggro deck


you dont understand. It will be a broken midrange/aggro deck, just like paladin and shaman decks are now.

Check out LoE
>supervalue underpriced removal that wins slow games by itself
>AoE that clears the board and fucks with aggro card draw denying its comeback
>supervalue early drop that lets you have multiple copies of legendary cards

It was your set and you missed it.

Is this what priest imbeciles believe?

i want to fugg sylvanas so much

funny, priest has all of LoE right now and they're still trash

maybe you should check out the classic set some time and compare\

lol shield slam, execute, brawl, winaxe in standard forever

>supervalue early drop
yea cause what priest needs is MORE greed, right?

You want broken cards? Priest has them. It's not enough to carry the class. Look at shaman, it got shit ton of goodies before jumping to the top.
From what I see and hear from priest players and their shitty OC, it is what priest needs. More unrestricted greed for turn 9.

>turn two war axe from now until the end of time

>Amazon coins are the same price as usual
Fuck, I was waiting for their stupid Prime Day just for that.

All I want is a 2 mana minion I can put down on turn 2. A flat 2/4 would be perfect.

>lol shield slam, execute, brawl, winaxe in standard forever

Funny how no card in hearthstone still needs a nerf except these four.

>A flat 2/4 would be perfect
Argent Watchman. Because Ben cares about you :^)

Yeah, and if it also had conditional taunt it would be more than perfect. Too bad it doesn't exist.

>You want broken cards? Priest has them. It's not enough to carry the class. Look at shaman, it got shit ton of goodies before jumping to the top.

I don't get what your point is. Yes Priest has a couple of good cards. No it's not enough good cards, they need more, like how Shaman got more good cards and are now viable. That's exactly what Priest players are asking for.

Priest doesn't have anywhere near as many broken cards as other classes.

aww she's hot

You're actually correct, priest has no broken cards.

They have annoying cards.

Priests are annoying but that's about it.

>start off with good aggressive tempo
>lmao your 3 attack is gone
>drop a big guy
>throw out a legendary for combo
>entomb lol

why are you intentionally being a contrarian smug shitter?

we're obviously talking about control priest, aka "the only reason people like priest", not dragon priest aka "shittier version of every other tempo deck, which is why no one plays it"

let me make it simple for you: people want control priest to be good, it doesn't even have to be top tier - post LoE level would be fine, but right now it's complete trash

this is why they're suggesting early game / OP cards

>priest has no broken cards.
>They have annoying cards
That actually makes things worse

>people want control priest to be good
I don't. I enjoyed dragon priest and even mech priest was fun if not so good. This game doesn't need more 30 min games, it needs better midrange priest deck or two.

There's no discount this year? Well that sucks some major ass.

they are 80% off in Germany

Wait, what the hell is up with these prices, they're basically the same on both the US and UK sites ($4.75 or £4.80 for 500 coins)
Damn it Amazon.

Really? Maybe it's because I'm not in Germany, but they're displaying at 4.80 euros for 500. These lazy fucks didn't bother adjusting the price for different currencies, they just kept the same number.

With a body like that, there's no wonder she's no time for gays.

Mind Sear: 2 Mana, acts like "Curse of Rafam", but damages the enemy's minions at the start of the enemy's turn. Costs 3 or 4 Mana to stop.

I'm in a game where my yogg has helped me and then bounced himself back to my hand 3 times now. Based Yogg.

Make it hit a random minion and we have a deal.

The 4th time I cast him he killed me. Aint even mad.

Apparently you can buy the 5 euros for 2500 coins deal from outside Germany (enough for, say, BRM and 2 packs, or 2 hero skins and a couple packs). A hell of a deal for that price.
Haven't tried it so I can't confirm.

Here's a guide.

Tavern Brawl where at the start of each turn you draw until your hand is full


Yogg giveth and Yogg taketh away.

I think a Yogg tempo mage might be my next deck build just to fuck with all these control players I've been running into.

1 drop city



>warrior wastes his shield slams on your 5 drops
Thats when i knew they didnt know how to play their deck and i could be really greedy

>It was at this point, Jackson knew....

Make it 7 cards and start the game with 5 mana and its a deal.

>Get best quest WnL
>No friends online

D..Does anybody want to be my friend?

Cbspike#1537 N/A

Sure, I'll go for it

Priest is like an overall less effective, but infinitely more annoying fedora warrior.

Most losses vs. priest occur because of all the shit you need to play around which results in you making sub-optimal plays or passive plays. And the only deck that can win against nigger priest by being passive is fedora warrior.

I embrace that wacky shit.

Yogg decks are the only way to have a semblance of fun in a meta where every deck is a tank up tard, "midrange" shaman, or some copy and paste C'Thun build.

Blizzard made Zeta quit priest holy shit

What can I cut to make a more resilient n'zoth Board?

kek, Priest is shit because it's only option is control

once they give priest tools for aggro/midrange it will be good

Savjz was playing a fun, yet not good, reno priest yesterday.

reminder that the last time Priest was top tier was with undertaker deathrattle priest.

Blizzard will never let control priest be good

>running resurrect and museum curator in the same deck

how often are you getting a useless 1/2?

I play this and only bad matchup is hunter and Shaman.

cut Anduin

>draft 2 good legendaries

I don't think Legendaries have ever mattered less in Arena than now. Tempo uber alles.

Depends alot on the legendaries. Some are tempo incarnate, like Dr Boom. Soggoth won me several games. Deathwing is a no brainer.

fucking hell all you cunts cry about agro metas but it sure as hell beats sitting through 20minutes of warriors playing with their dicks

>"yeah just give two more classes commons that turn them into fucking tempomonsters, that'll even things out"


At work, can't watch. Is he being more suicidal than usual?

He examines every possible choice he has each turn but x10 you are used to. Though EVERY play by him is subpar compared to what his enemies do. It's a pitty because he is such a good player and explains a lot. He would have reached legend 1 if he played warrior,druid or shaman. Damn when priest gets the shaman treatment zetalot will wreck everyone, one day my friends...

Nooblet shit here. I was recommended botting 100 gold until I can get all the cards I need for a simple deck because I have NOCARDS.

Playing is cancer but no jew money spending they said. Is botting the way to go? Which one?

He played a minion AND a spell! That's a load of bullshit. How dare he play around my ebin inner fire combo!

Don't bot if you care about your account.
The initial quests/achievements and the free packs are enough for you to build a very basic zoo, which will get you way above 15, maybe 5.
Basic cards are enough to beat the quests. You pretty much only need to clear quests every 3 days.
If, and only if, you really enjoy the game, cough up some dollaridoos for adventures.

Somebody help, I'm getting goofed on by a video game
Both numbers just keep going up in tandem

Okay! I had no problem paying dollarydoos, 20 bucks or something. I'm not poor at all so I wouldn't miss it.

Again, make sure you play the game for a good few days before you decide to drop money.

Is miracle the hardest deck ever? because auctioneer decides your fate?

>passive-aggressive salty class fanatic
>bitches about opponent's plays and topdecks
>doesn't comment on topdecking second Entomb right after warrior played Cthun
He is a priest player alright

>tfw played the game for only 1 week and spent $100 because i mad that i cant win with basic mage deck a year ago.

Been a couple weeks now, here and there. It's mostly overwatch but sometimes nice to wind down with my friend Rexxar.

>have no quests active
>get 10 game winstreak
>have quest for the class I'm currently playing
>get only matched against my counter and a 6 game losing streak once I'm 1 win away from completing it
Can't make this shit up. Blizzards didn't even try to make this shit subtle.

Where was blizzard when you got 10 wins in a row?

The opponents got screwed then. ;^)

What sucks about priest is their hero power interacts with minions but they have no minions to stick and make use of. Warrior can at least stock armor on dead turns.

Their removal being so expensive is also a problem it leaves little room to play anything else afterward, another thing warrior has no problem with thanks to their 1 mana single target and 5 aoe removals + weapons.

Priest will never catch up with the other classes unless they all lose something big in rotation and this gains something. Shaman had potential before loe with all the cards they got in tgt, priest has complete shit throughout except loe, which ends up rotating next year so it's going to have nothing.

haha fuck my life man

last guy was a mage who killed me with 3 arcane missile and a fireblast when i had 6 minions

i dont get arena

whats inside I wonder?

>mulligan away big cards
>get even more of them
I hate you too, game

>three 2 mana minions
>three 3 mana minions
>"three" 4 mana minions (kobold, seriously?)
>double hellfire when your deck is all about having board
Draft a better curve next time.

gureto daze

this was the best there was for me, I dont really need salty dog

i'm shit though so what do i know

Arcane missiles got me just before I could use my summoning stone + rafaam artifact combo

The man just had his entire life ruined (not saying its not sad to make a videogame your entire life) I think we can give him a break on whining if Kripparian can whine about everything even getting to use the best classes and cards in the game all the time.

You guys scared me for a second there, but it seems like he's the same as always right now.

Thanks for reminding me Spawn of n'zoth and tentacle of n'zoth are utter shit in a n'zoth deck
>There will never be a tribe expansion as big as gvg

>relying on combos in arena
Arena is tempo, value and reach.

What happened?


Muster is the real loss buddy. Hell, I'd take Coghammer over Minibot.

Blizzard will keep shitting broken 1 drops with 3 health by the looks of things, I doubt Minibot will be any good for long.

>turn 7 questing adventurer prep shadow strike coin Van Cleef conceal

Where's your C'thun now, bitch boy? That dark aracuck won't save your ass.

>Yogg casts double mind control
Hmm, Well played :)))))

>Yogg in C'thun Druid

Forgot to mention this wasn't rank 26. My bad.

My friend, don't be discouraged. Arena is VERY slight and quite difficult. Just watch some streamers, ask for help, play Zoo to get good at trading, and try again. We believe in you!

>3/4rds of decks are C'thun

Stale meta is stale. Fucking bullshit no skill decks on every class.

I havent played in a while, and started playing a couple days ago

I missed out on the free packs

the only legends i have are reno and icehowl

I am too jewish to spend real money

>cant counter babies first comp deck
Reevaluate your position

Is HS down now?

How do you imagine healthy meta then? It's diverse actually.

>Counter a deck that you can play like a retard and still do 15 damage on turn 10

Sure I can play toxic zoolock or something but druids dropping constant 6+ hp minions is annoying

Aggro shamans are the scum of the Earth and should be rounded up and shot in the back of the head.

The most fun to bad had in Hearthstone is shitting on a Warrior with a mage deck full of Spellbenders and Counterspells.

It's amazing how hard a Warrior gets fucked by Spellbender due to the dependencies of Execute.

>implying thats not half the decks in the game
Others do it more effectively too.