Laughing sharks edition
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Laughing sharks edition
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>not even a reply yet
how do you get more chinese potatoes?
say you accidentally the only one you found on the island
Coop when
Bundled with Half-Life 3
You monster
My delusions
>green energy biofuel
>soylent fuel is sandsharks
I kek everytime I feed one of these things into the blender
r8 my sealab
Bond villain/10
Bonus for finding a cliff underwater
can you open cargo crates?
I'm up to 20 gold in a row from sandstone I think it's a bug
should I just cheat in the silver I need at this point?
>letting the old thread die
You all should be fed to the DOOK DOOKs.
Well there is a new one now
Also at 3 AM i am not bumping anything anymore
If you build power cell charges inside the submarine. Does it work? Does it trade 1 energy for 1 energy or is it actually worth it to do?
At the moment, yeah. They'll definitely fix this at some point. What I'm hoping for and they've mentioned is a docking mechanism for the Cyclops to attach to your base.
It looks like it's on a mushroom, not a real cliff. A for effort though
Yeah, I was looking for silver for 3 hours and I've only found one piece.
can you open these cargo crates all over the ocean floor?
I assumed that's what the laser cutter was for, but no; you can't open them. Cargo crates are just clutter.
>there are 3 different beds in the game
>and I haven't found a single one
Did you look through the junk and wreckage by the Aurora?
Does hammer in the fact that the player isn't inventing or manually designing anything, it's pre-programmed designs or nothing.
Aren't mushrooms breakable?
nuoh, 2spooked
guess I'll pass on over though
Is this game worth buying?
If you like spooks, like exporation, like building things, and don't mind early access, then yes.
Yea but you just missed the sale where it was like 40% off.
There's currently around 15+ hours of content, if you don't rush things. The devs have been pretty steady with updates.
what's the current most end-game zone that's finished?
The Deep Grand Reef, I believe. Or whichever one's above the Lost River.
Do you enjoy being underwater ?
Seeing nightmare fuel ?
Building comfy bases and submarines ?
Listening to creepy sounds ?
Early access ?
It's bretty gud tbqh familia, go watch some gameplay and make yourself an idea
Seriously, what is the deal with reptiles looking like theyre laughing any time their mouths open?
It's how their jaws are set up, the large area where the muscles attack give the mouth a slight smile.
>scanner range is shit
what do I even use this room for?with
take a screenshot because it's pretty then deconstruct because it's useless until it's fully implemented by the game.
the one thing that irks me about this game is sub pressure limitations
like really?
the cycops can't break 400 meters but I can swim to 1k on my own?
Giant glass bubble instead of some kind of sensible camera+monitor system.
they're planning on limiting the player's depth outside of a sub, they want to make it so you can splice your DNA to upgrade how far you can go.
I think giving you new diving suits would be more logical but hey, who doesn't want fish tits
They'll likely work on them, too. We have three variations right now, a fourth pressure-resistant one can come later.
I think different air mixes would be cool too.
Liquid-breathing would be the best way to handle swimming around in really deep areas.
>still no update
I mean I get it, but I'm still overcome by an irrational rage.
Don't rush devs, that's how things like Sonic 2006 happen.
>No big update until end of this month or early August.
Just throw me to the wolves
Pretty sure a reaper lives there m8.
I'm pretty close to the dunes, but I haven't seen one yet. you might be thinking of the mushroom forest bordering the mountains and koosh zone
All of the sub concept variations better amount to more than nothing.
>"This is an automated bounce-back from the Aurora. Your distress signal has been received! An automated dispatch has been sent to your location."
>"Estimated arrival time: 9999999999 hours."
>"This is trade vessel Sunbeam. Aurora, we've received your emergency transmission and your co-ordinates have been recorded. Wish we had better news for you, but we just aren't equipped to assist you at this time. We're anticipating arrival at the nearest starbase in approximately 461 earth days, that's four, six, one days. We will at that time pass on your emergency message to the appropriate corporate authority. You hold on in there, alright? Sunbeam out."
>not equipped to pick up one person
Maybe they think there's more survivors I guess.
So will there ever be any actual weapons In the game to defend myself with? Knives and stasis guns don't do jack shit when it comes to reapers
You have to hit the Reaper's head/front half for the stasis rifle to work, as well as other projectile weapons.
You're on a hippy colony ship in the far flung nu-future, they likely don't have any weapons schematics on board.
Besides torpedoes for the seamoth and exosuit, the propulsion gun in the experimental build can load and fire items from your inventory.
Reapers have a lot of HP, but 2-3 diamond knives should be enough. It's crabsnakes that I really don't feel comfortable knifing because they move around so much even inside the stasis field.
I haven't tried out the gas torpedoes yet, how powerful are they?
I prefer unconventional weapons like these than some kind of space gun that can fire bullets that still works underwater.
a real gun would take away from the experience where as a shooting crashes from a propulsion gun would add to it
I think a tossable harpoon/spear would be fun as fuck to use
>doesn't instantly kill
>have to gauge distance and throw with enough power most often while swimming in a panic
>have to land a direct hit that sticks out of the animal
>have to run while you wait for it to bleed out
>they take 3 or 4 spaces of inventory in a straight line
>reapers take an exhorbitant number to finally kill
yes this would please me greatly
>mfw swearing vengeance on the gigantic jet black reaper that took my leg
I didn't want my seamoth anyways
Using that logic, why is there a survival knife schematic?
following typical antigunner methodology, a knife is somehow less lethal than a rifle, despite contributing more deaths per year. because wifles are scawy and muh children :( you don't NEED a high capacity, babykilling, salt weapon when surviving the harsh wilderness. those animals are just trying to live as much as you are bro, no need to have an unfair advantage!
But fuck them, i'm a human. That makes me more important then any other living creature in existence. It's my God given right to have an unfair advantage!
personal firearms aren't being introduced into the game because they'd make the early game boring with no danger
You can already build torpedos for the leviathan and future bigger enemies.
We wouldn't have been born knowing how to use tools if we weren't meant to kill wildlife, after all.
I'm gonna follow up with this by saying that I support the choice to not have guns in this game. but for the love of Christ, don't support your decision as a dev with sappy garbage like "muh sandyhook" as the reason why you didn't put them in. I don't give a shit if it was just one dev, this one dev makes the rest of the team look like a bunch of limp wristed, skinny jean wearing, frap sipping, nu male faggots who have no mind for the real world.
>future bigger enemies
Just how big are some of the creatures in game? I just started playing and the largest thing I've encountered so far is the reefback and reaper
A knife has more practical purposes than a gun. I realize a gun is also a good tool but lets be honest a knife has more uses.
In an unprecedented period of our cultural history, gun violence in schools has frequently been attributed to the proliferation of firearms in video games. Removing firearms from your video game when they aren't essential is pandering to the lowest common denominator, and I commend UW for stooping to the level of AAA companies.
Jesus H. Christ, do you all ignore this fact just so you can shitpost?
it's very easy for one dev to speak for a whole development team
and very easy for one dev to be mistaken as speaking for a whole development team
Looks like silver is going to be part of the drillable resources, thank christ for that.
The other devs put in the Gas Torpedo over the whiner's objections.
I think it's more about the ship not having vessels designed for entering and leaving atmosphere
who was the whiner?
The dev who made those posts about guns destroying the world and America having daily school shootings.
Also, I disagree with his mindset, but I do agree that putting guns in Subnautica would indeed make the game less fun. It's not Resident Evil, and there are already plenty of tools with which to defend yourself with. Hell, the Exosuit can grind the Reaper Leviathan into hamburger with its drills and punch arm, and you're going to have to fight Sea Dragons in it to reach the Sea Emperor's Prison.
>gun violence in schools has frequently been attributed to the proliferation of firearms in video games
I think you believe school shootings happen far more often than they actually do
>b-but faggotdev said they happen every day!
>one dev says something
>this means all devs are the exact same as him
What needs to happen is this mindset going away, stop judging an entire group for one person.
subnautica devs please leave
Yeah when I first started playing I wanted guns but realized it would just trivialize the game. Having torpedoes and advanced sensor/graphing tools for end-game stuff seems super cool tho
in the professional world, the opinions of employees represent the companies they are employed with. if you can't handle keeping your garbage, poorly educated, melodramatic opinions to yourself for the sake of corporate professionalism, then you don't deserve a job greater than a fry cook, with the rest of the immature teens who can't keep a lid on it.
Less spooky when you get the cyclops, then you feel like god of the ocean
>mfw I got my first cyclops an hour ago
I know that feeling won't last though. Any tips for best cyclopsing?
Or you bitch-slap him and tell him to get back to work like the other devs did. They said "Fuck you" and put in the Gas Torpedo over his protests.
Now, I'm fine with there being no guns in the game, but because they would make it boring and pointless. Exotic weapons like the stasis rifle, propulsion/repulsion cannon, and torpedoes are far more fun to play around with.
I agree wholeheartedly. still doesn't excuse his faggotry, and it will forever mar the public opinion of the company.
Personally I think it's pretty disgusting that there are any kinds of weapons in the game at all. Weapons promote unhealthy views and behaviors in people, and I really hope the devs remove them all ASAP. It would make the game so much better, don't you guys agree?
Stop being a faggot who thinks one person completely destroys everything you love and hold dear.
you know you may have a point user, I value your opinion as one of our fellow anonymous brothers
you stop being a faggot who excuses juvenile business practice and misinformed, brainwashed opinions. the sooner we reduce the number of moronic faggots sharing occupy democrat blogposts as their source for gun control, the sooner we can start keeping ourselves safe from people who will just steal firearms if they're illegalized and use them on us.
and just like that, gun control killed /sub/
I'm so sorry I brought it up
honestly guys. ballistic weapons in subnautica is a bad idea.
Ethics and political stances aside.
It would require a completely rework of the early game enemies since you can completely trivialize all of them up to the reaper leviathan by just hitting wasd-wasd-wasd-repeat to infinity with minimal effort. It's actually kind of stupid. Giving guns to the player just let's players kill enemies off which don't respawn readily so it becomes an empty grassy plateau with nothing in it for you to scavenge through all that shitty red garbage to try to find shitty silver
tl;dr no1 cares about guns in subnautica
it's all about torpedoes and submarine technology although now they're doing this exosuite thing so ???
Guns are a terrible idea but i think we should have more ways to defend ourselves in the game, especially when they are adding larger and larger hostile enemies
We need weighted nets. Let us collect heavy stuff and lots of Creepvine, and craft nets to slow/catch predators.
>Basic Net (1 use before it breaks)
>Immobilizes Stalkers for 5 seconds.
>Wire Net (5 uses before it breaks)
>Immobilizes Sand Sharks and Stalkers for 5 seconds.
>Mesh Net (20 uses before it breaks)
>Immobilizes Bone Sharks, Crabsquid, Sand Sharks, and Stalkers for 5 seconds.
All can be loaded as torpedoes in the Seamoth, or thrown by hand. If it still has uses, you can pick it back up. All nets can be used to slow down a Crab Snake or Reaper Leviathan for a few seconds, though the net is destroyed in the process regardless of remaining uses. Nets do nothing to the Sea Dragon. Caught predators can be collected, and take up 9 inventory slots. They can be cooked or cured to fill you to full hunger instantly. You can't catch and cook the largest beasts.
that's not too bad an idea
still stand behind my harpoon idea though
>Throw a net at a Crabsquid
>Poon the fucker when it can't move
>Collect Crabsquid meat
This plan cannot possibly fail.
>not loaded on a net gun
y tho. Personal defense doesn't mean killing an enemy outright, but preventing him to be attacking you any further
>Dartgun Lethal/non lethal when with poison harvesting from drooping stingers/rabbit rays (their flesh is poisonous)
>Shock weapon when, stunning for a short while anything smaller than bone shark (doesn't work on DOOK DOOK, crab serpents, leviathans, etc)
Guns are shit underwater anyway, even guns specially designed for underwater use only have a range of a few dozen meters.
yeah but space guns from the future aren't shit underwater
Should I bother using the experimental build? Or is it too unstable?
>Can't put spikes on the seamoth then ram into a reapers mouth to stop it from trying to eat you