>What is it? Pokemon Go can be described simply as the Geocaching of Pokemon. Grab your smartphone, get some exercise, catch some mons, battle some people - the usual Pokemon gig.
>Some questions answered pastebin.com/spEFYmPw Fresh with updates! Feel free to add more to the pastebin, keep it in the OP though.
Basic info: As you traverse the real world, as represented on the in-game map, you'll occasionally run into tufts of rustling grass. Approaching these will end with a Pokémon appearing on the map, and clicking on it will initiate a battle.
Battles aren't between two Pokémon, though. They're between a Pokémon and your ability to swipe a Poké Ball in their direction. When you engage a Poké Ball, a colored ring will appear around the opponent. These change in size after each capture attempt. Throwing a Ball during a smaller window seems to be more effective, based on our time with the game, but that's a part we're still trying to figure out. Going near water will attract water Pokémon. Playing at night brings out more nocturnal creatures, like Clefairy and Gastly. Hatching Eggs: Each Egg displays the number of kilometers you must walk for the Egg to hatch. In general, the more kilometers required, the rarer the Pokémon that will hatch. A notification will appear when the Egg has hatched. Make sure you have the Pokémon GO app open while you walk. Kilometers walked when the Pokémon GO app is closed won’t count toward hatching your Eggs. Gyms: Fight at your team's gym to train and increase it's reputation. Fight at other team's to decrease their reputation. Tap your opponent to hit them, swipe left or right to dodge attacks, once one or more blue bars are filled, tap and hold to power up your secondary attack, release when the smaller blue bar fills up. Take over other teams' gyms and put your mons in to defend them.
>tfw you just want to meet people, but nobody is out every time you go
Chase White
why is it always so awkward to meet people at lures?
Jack Powell
ayy brisfags you up?
Juan Young
>tfw only 2 Gyms and 2 Pokestops in the entire town
Asher Wilson
>tfw meet people regularly >tfw they're always cool and easy to communicate with
Cooper Myers
Its only awkward if you or the other people are awkward. I've met tons of people just fine and made more than a few friends at them.
Joshua Sullivan
ooh bb >tfw still no pikachu
Jaxson Morris
>Use incense >Leave the game open >Not one pokemon arrives in 30 minutes
Is this because I didn't pay for it?
Nathan Watson
Servers fucked for anyone else right now?
Nolan Kelly
>243 cp >over halfway past the bar
Don't worry it's trash you'll use for pikachu candy anyway
Jordan Collins
Is it safe to spoof gps with a rooted phone?
Nolan Fisher
incense gives you rare spawns, but not more spawns.. i think so you still gotta walk about
Brayden Miller
is combat based solely on cp? what's the deal with the # next to attacks that doesn't change based on cp
Brandon Nelson
I don't want to go outside
John Richardson
Not true, incense just makes a pokemon spawn every 5 minutes
Obviously if you move around you get the pokemon from the incense plus whatever you'd get from walking around
Julian Long
>2/3 gyms are still bugged
Fuck this.
Christian Gomez
Is this game fun? What is the fun part about it? I've played it for 30 minutes or so and nowhere has fucking wifi so im just standing there like a fucking moron.
Lincoln Morales
guys no memes pls does lures also attract qts?
Jordan Ramirez
>Team Valor at my university is so goddamn tryhard that for three nights straight, they have gone out gym hunting between the hours of 3AM and 6AM >constantly driving and longboarding around town to "beat up" on anything not Valor >their highest-level player specifically researched and played Ingress for months to "practice" for the GO release >has so many 1.5k rare Pokemon that literally nobody else can compete, constantly holds gyms for other Valors to stuff
The fuck is wrong with people.
Joshua Allen
Going to my local forest today which apparently has a lot of pokestops. I missed a parasect, golbat, sandrew and pidgeot cuz no pokeballs. Feelsbadman.jpg
Colton Lee
Believe or not but the chance of attracting a qt is about the same as encountering a shiny pokemon in the wild.
Alexander Wilson
Looking around, there a quite a few of those blue things.
Should I go for it?
Ayden Sanders
>tfw still not available in your country
How am I supposed to hunt with normalfags if I use the pirated version?
Kayden Nguyen
>this PokeStop name
Andrew Cruz
>yesterday during adventuring >see a fucking starmie >take a pic for posting here >camera start freaking out >GAME CRASHES >restart >starfag is still there >CRASHES AGAIN >RESTART AGAIN AND IT HAPPENS AGAIN AND AGAIN I'm still mad
Liam Sanders
That's actually pretty incorrect from my experience.
Finding someone that's both attractive and single, though, is definitely like trying to find a shiny.
Ryder Wright
Liam Harris
Nothing a ski mask and a collapsible baton can't fix.
Aaron Thompson
So what's the sterotypes for each team
Jaxson Evans
Last thread died, Im not sure if anyone answered my question. If anyone can help id appreciate it
So i downlaoded bluestacks and watched that video, did everything to a T. Rooted, luckypatcher, GPS installed everything modified so that google will not pick me up. Whats going on?
Im on windows 7 and i have no sensor devices, I cannot seem to get the location to work. I just get location error or gps error every single time.
Anyone know what to do? I am doing everything exactly the way its suppose to be. I simply cannot get this spoof to work. Iv tried mulitple times, im running windows 7. Any help would be nice, I recently damaged my calf and its extremly painful to play this game.
I really like the concept but i dont wanna be left behind, all my friends are attaining pokemons at 1000cp and im still lvl 4. The only time i get to play is when im in a car and thats not so fun.
Jaxson Smith
they're all autists who play a children's video game
Wyatt Gutierrez
just assemble a mystic or instinct team and take revenge
Valor: Autistic and tryhard Mystic: Autistic and tryhard Instinct: Autistic and tryhard
Charles Long
My only awkward experiences with people at lures were ones at awkward locations, like there were two set up at busy playground at a park nearby our house and it was kinda awkward for that but besides that the people were cool.
Nicholas Wood
Valor - Normies Mystic - Fedoras Valor - Loners
Any team you pick is the same honestly. I met several people at the park today, everyone looks neet lol
Charles Martin
>capture 3 gyms that are close to each other >walk past a gas station nearby >clerk inside with phone in hand gives me the stink eye
Logan Garcia
>tfw was considering a new phone so I could play this game >Have 1st gen 4g MotoG >DL APK and try it >Runs fine
Apparently the 2nd gen Moto G sucks at running this game. Played for an hour and there was any battery or data usage, no overheating.
I did download my local area to google maps so I don't know if that helps.
Leo Adams
David Walker
Nolan Evans
Adam Gray
the same way you would with a legit version?
Chase Gray
hey guys how do a catch a nincada in this game
Joshua Green
See, the problem is that I've seen Mystic try that before. You can put a chink into what Valor holds but within an hour or two, they pull up in mobs and take it back through sheer numbers. If you do it later in the day to try and avoid that, they do like they have the past three nights and literally Gym battle at fucking 4AM.
Nicholas Green
then wait and beat them up i'm just waiting for PG to start gang wars
Michael Parker
Valor: full of people who ironically take the team thing with the fervor of a trump fan or an internet commie. Mystic: try to be levelheaded, end up being fedoras. Normally tries to get on the good side of instinct because they think valor is autistic. Instinct: hipsters
Jaxon James
should i wait with all my evolutions for when i get the lucky egg drop or is there no point?
Austin Barnes
>tfw this is from sitting at my desk at work >tfw there is a gym above my apartment
John Walker
I'm with the same problem. Somehow it works normally in my notebook but i keep getting "failed to detect location" in my PC. Things that apparently may fix it for you >download "developer option tool.apk", install, run it and turn it off, before opening lucky patcher or pokemon go >open pokemon go, log in, then go to lucky patcher and put your location, come back to the game and it should be fixed
Evan Flores
Lads which team is Veeky Forums??
Joshua Wilson
jesus christ i'd upload a pic of my stuff at work, but there is literally NOTHING on the map and I can't even catch any pokemons
Jordan Stewart
All of them.
Kayden Smith
We are all yellow
Angel Foster
Liam Phillips
So I just read the updated pastebin and I want to figure something out. It said leveling up increases the min/max CP for every species, but does that include already caught 'mons? I was under the impression that each pokemon you catch has a set in stone min/max and it never changed
I also haven't gotten to catch a whole lot so it'd take a while to test that theory
Wyatt Ross
Newfag here.
So when you leave Pokemon at a gym do they stay there? Do you have to go back to get them if they're knocked out?
Robert Lee
So transfer all XS pokemon?
Nathan Kelly
Samuel Price
When they get beat they are automatically returned to you with 1hp.
Oliver Green
>does that include already caught 'mons? No.
They return automatically with 1 HP remaining if they're beaten.
Nathaniel Wood
> Nowhere has fucking wifi
Get mobile data, idiot.
Easton Cox
I just 2x xp evo leveled 50 pokes from 19 to 20.5 and holy shit does the xp needed rocket up.
Xavier Cooper
The closest pokestop to my house is a mural which no longer exists.
Isaac Martin
>I've played it for 30 minutes or so and nowhere has fucking wifi so im just standing there like a fucking moron.
Fucking moron, you need mobile data.
Robert Rodriguez
Please tell me you are from Norn Ireland and its some IRA/Ulster one?
Samuel Peterson
John Bailey
>does that include already caught 'mons? >No.
So basically, level anything before reaching max trainer level is a waste?
Hunter Gutierrez
So is the level cap still assumed to be 25? Anyone got to it yet?
Owen Howard
Anyone else experiencing issues on Pokemon Trainer Club account?
Bentley Harris
Not if you need them to just a bit stronger to beat a gym. But in general, yeah.
Josiah James
Kek I have a mural pokestop near my house too. NI?
Aaron Butler
Noah Russell
I love team drive by.
Henry Myers
Yeah, I switched to Google account because of this.
reminder leddit's official team is mystic for the euphoria of intelligence
Mason Reed
grind pidgeys
Robert Bell
Is there some kind of fix for the freeze issues? Almost everytime I catch a mon the game freezes. Having login issues as fuck as well.
Alexander Roberts
Grind your trainer level.
That's it.
Liam Reyes
I caught 2 Drowzees, one is 78 cp and one is 76cp
Am I right in thinking I should turn the 76 into candy. They are both at the same point on the arc thing.
Am I right in thinking that if the arc is less full, its better as it means he has more room to improve?
Sebastian Allen
I don't play for the battles, but just the fact that you run around with your phone trying to capture pokemon is pretty fun.
The localisation doesn't seem that bad, went in the forest near a small lake and i found the fish, the baby frog and the jellyfish
Aiden Rogers
Dammit, that's lame. Sounds like I'm better off saving my stardust and candies than leveling anything ever. And my starter will always be trash
Jace Evans
>tfw Valor and Trump fan Do you guys just not get how much fun it is to exaggerate and take things more seriously than they are?
It's like waifu wars for a single cour harem.
Juan Ramirez
you are wrong about the latter. All mons have the same max potential at the same trainer level, with minor variance. mons that come with higher pre-training potential are better. period.
Cameron Thomas
Xavier Williams
>terrible combat system >gyms are a waste of time, your gyms will be taken over within an hour and the defender bonus is shit compared to just catching pokemon for stardust >leveling pokemon is a waste of time, you'll catch/hatch high level pokemon later anyways >no PVP >no trading >no breeding >literally no reason to meet with other people IRL unless you want to talk about the game and fellate each other over whatever team you're on >don't even bother playing unless you live in an urban area >buggy as fuck >gen 1 pandering >literally the only fun part of the game is catching all the pokemon, which is getting old fast
Anyone else dropping this shit after they "catch em all"?
Kevin Rivera
>tfw still no jolteon >tfw only catching pidgeys, weedles, and rares now >tfw suddenly even CP 50 pokes are breaking out of regular pokeballs
Bentley Thomas
lads is it safe to say niantic and pretty much everyone behind this, completely underestimated how popular it would be?
also can they even reasonably have servers good enough to handle this amount of peeps??
Michael Baker
To the people who lives outside of a city, how do you train ur pokemon?
Looks like i'll be taking a virtual trip to LA tomorrow.
Kayden Reyes
>And my starter will always be trash
Might as well turn your starter into candy now. The game doesn't work like traditional a pokemon game where your starter ends up sticking with you till the end.
Camden Cox
mystic team ftw
Juan Brown
>can't install apk files on bluestacks
Alexander Nelson
i drove 40 mins tonight to a port and ended up having a good chat with about 5 guys and their gfs. we even got the people sitting in their cars to come outside and hang out/
seriously user stop being autistic. there does need to be trainer v trainer though.
Dominic Turner
>tfw plane Who wants to see me fly
David Torres
I would like to add, don't be a try hard faggot.
Evan Turner
After extensive research and analysis, I have come to this unrefutable conclusion.
Prove me wrong.
You can't.
Easton Gray
I'd rather just go to a bar and hang out with people. Do you seriously need a dumb mobile game to be social?
Luke Rivera
>All mons have the same max potential at the same trainer level >mons that come with higher pre-training potential are better. period
so which is it?
Is the max potential the same for all pokemon of same name at trainerlevel (meaning the max potentital increases for already caught pokemons)
Is the max potentital locked to when you caught a monster and catching a new one is better?
Brayden Young
>teleporting miles away
Enjoy being hit on the first ban wave like ingress.