>go to doctor
>takes blood and has me talk to a specialist for 20 minutes
>get a bill for $1400
>try their financial assistance because I'm minimum wage
>they deny it
>appeal it
>have $48 to my name
What do I do? Just let it fuck my credit?
>go to doctor
>takes blood and has me talk to a specialist for 20 minutes
>get a bill for $1400
>try their financial assistance because I'm minimum wage
>they deny it
>appeal it
>have $48 to my name
What do I do? Just let it fuck my credit?
>They took you without seeing if you had insurance first
Needs more details.
I'm part of a medical group through a family member but they only cover anything after I've paid the first $7000.
Your deductible is 7k? Are you sure?
I have never in my life heard of such fuckery. Every Obamacare is better.
Obamacare is what fucked it up that bad. It used to be a $500 deductible but when Obamacare came out the price for that plan skyrocketed so hard no one could afford it so they stopped offering it. Only reason my family keeps it is for extremely reduced prescriptions, which is cheap.
I am a doctor, and let me tell you... I don't even go to the doctor.
I was having insane mood shifts that had me getting pretty close to suicide so I went in and found out I'm bipolar and needed meds to balance my fucked brain.
The meds they gave me actually made it far worse and I almost did kill myself. Ended up going to a quack in a box where I get all that stuff for free and managed to find meds that worked for me.
I don't even use the medical group anymore but they still want their $1400.
lol americans
Just don't pay. FICO 9 credit score is coming out soon and it doesn't factor in medical debt as much (at all?) compared to FICO 8/current score. Next to the scores that each bureau makes in house, FICO is probably the most commonly used credit score.
Other option is, first negotiate it down for a cash payoff (insurance would probably pay $700 for it, for example - so cash price should be $700ish). Then offer to pay $20/month for the next however many years to get it paid off. Make an effort to repay and they'd rather that than nothing.
This poster is basically correct.
The new economy requires us millennials to barter for healthcare.
I own my own business and just gave
FICO 9 reflects this pretty well. They are pretty based in general.
>doesn't factor in medical debt as much (at all?)
"As much". But some other shit has happened.
I think if you pay off medical bills in a payment plan, they are treated as "loans" and not debt.
This can cause your credit score to skyrocket.
Mine is currently at 830, when two months ago it was 730.
I might even refinance some of my medical "loans" for an even higher credit score.
>Other option is, first negotiate it down for a cash payoff (insurance would probably pay $700 for it, for example - so cash price should be $700ish). Then offer to pay $20/month for the next however many years to get it paid off.
The first only works if you have that amount on hand in my experience, still OP, try it.
Ask for an itemized list of each of the charges.Challenge every item.
The second is ideal, but make sure it does not exceed $50.
If that doesn't work: Don't pay. They'll send it to a debt collection agency and it will disappear off your record in 7 years.
Or you could work with the debt collection agency using the exact same techniques as above.
>Ended up going to a quack in a box where I get all that stuff for free and managed to find meds that worked for me.
Always go to quack in the boxes. All my doctors are in fucking strip malls. They are more desperate business and less shitty.
I go to my quack in the box psych, tell him I want these drugs, and I get them.
$200 out of pocket every three months.
Shit didn't finish my sentence at the top.
I own my own business, and medical insurance isn't worth it. Period.
>What do I do?
Realize that you should have sucked it up and become a doctor instead of looking for an easy way out.
mental illness is a mem
jus b yurself, lad
Yea United States medical care is insane. They try to charge you 1000$ just to walk in the fucking door.
>minimum wage
There's no reason to pay; you can't afford to use credit at the minimum wage level anyway.
We need to take this fucking country back. Medical care should be a public service.
>see a urologist that's in my network. Minimal copay
>get blood drawn at his office
>get $4,700 bill b/c the blood testing office is not in my insurance's network
>implying I'll pay them a dime
I don't even fucking care anymore. I have other unpaid bullshit medical bills and my FICO is 770. I don't understand how this system can function.
It sounds like you're going to one of those insurance scamming clinics.
I didn't have insurance for awhile and I had some blood work done and talked to two specialists and it only cost me $300 out of pocket.
You have to do your research to find health care practitioners that know how to handle self pay.
Most of them are just so used to sending gigantic fraud bills to insurance companies and medicare that they can't fathom the idea of someone paying with cash
Like the guy above said, fuck it and just don't pay it.
I hate the idea of socialized medicine, but if these businesses and insurance companies are going to collude to fuck you over, you might as well give them the finger.
>I don't understand how this system can function
Kinda like this
>Send Patient's insurance a bill for $4,700
>Insurance company says "LOL no"
>Insurance company says it will only pay $800 and if the practice doesn't like it, he can fuck off with nothing
>Practice raises its rates even higher next time so that it will get more when the insurance company undercuts the price
>Repeat till you have $500 for a single Tylenol and $4,700 for blood work
Same thing with medicare/medicaid.
You made me feel good living in Germany. At least only Ahmed fucks us in the ass
American cucks
>be american
>get shot
>cant afford medical bill
t. Australian who had FREE ass surgery (twice)
>fucked brain
You mean fucked *mind*. Bipolar is not a diagnosis of a physical problem. It's a diagnosis of a mood pattern which could very well (and in fact, most likely) has emotional causes. Not a physical one.
So you run your own business, pretty successful then, but you take psych pills.
Do you like taking them? Have you ever thought "maybe it would be better to solve my mental issues another way"?
I've been on citalopram and fluoxetine and I come from a family where my dad has been on fluoxetine for 20 years constantly, and my brother is on mirtazapine and has been for maybe 3 or 4 years constantly.
Basically, my opinion of pills is negative, since they don't solve your problems, they just stunt your mind so you don't have to deal with them. I only took those drugs for 6 months, maybe a bit longer, now I've been off for 3 years. Perhaps you have something serious, but since you run a business I assume it's not too serious.
>mfw I go to my brother, his mentor, or my mom's doctor friend if I have a medical issue
Healthcare and insurance are a huge racket.
Stop bullshitting, you massive Drumpf shill faggot. If your deductible is $7000, it means your in a high-deductible plan that allowed your family to tax shelter thousands of dollars specifically earmarked for payment of medical expenses. It sounds like your family member is fucking you in the ass by reaping all the tax benefits, but not using the savings in the manner required by law.
Fuck you for blaming the law, Obama, the Affordable Care Act, or the world for your shitty family. It's not the president's fault you come from a trash environment.
Please go back to the faggot containment board:
You live in spain and get it for free instead of being a cuck.
>Not a physical one.
everything is physical
You're a man right? Stop acting like a little bitch. Shave it.
Typical Drumpf shill. Hurls insults and memes, but screams for a "safe space" when anyone actually challenges him.
>$0.50 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for Manufacturing the Record.
I was in a similar boat as you with "pills change who you are, and fuck with your mind and physiology, it's better to have therapy and coaching than mess with your body like that."
Your post almost made me irate, because it's on par with "mental illness is all in your head, just snap out of it"-types.
I don't know what your dad and brother are like, but it's possible they need the "medicine" more than you. Before I got in-patiened for depression, I really didn't know how serious other lads had it. There was a guy there who was a legitimate schizophrenic and would randomly get violent (there really was no rhyme or reason to it, nothing would set him off, it just happened) without taking his medication. Therapy and group-work didn't help him out at all because he was too far gone. Hell, even then I didn't really fathom how some people needed medication to function because it never got that bad for me. I could usually "tough it through."
Now a few years later I find out my problems are from ADHD and the only reason I went to see a psych for it was because it became literally debilitating. I was a 1st-year HF analyst drinking tons of coffee and vaping 28mgs to keep up productivity, but all of sudden I started getting less and less able to focus. A few months of that and I couldn't read a single page in a book without forcing myself through it (and not remembering anything of what was on the page). I got pretty depressed because I couldn't do any-sort of work, keep any of my relationships, or even stay focused on relaxation. I got dropped hard and it took me some time to work up the energy to go to a psych, get diagnosed, et al.
Adderall's a life-saver. Is the neurotoxicity and heart-stress gonna hurt me in the long-run? Yeah. Is it gonna severely reduce my quality of life anytime soon? Nah. I'll be around 55-60 when the sides start catching up to me, but I probably won't give a shit, the medication has improved the quality of my life significantly.