/5N@F/ General

Itty bitty babies edition

>Previous Thread

>Links to purchasables
FNAF 1 - 4: store.steampowered.com/sub/80443
FNAF BOOK: amzn.com/B019HC4EQ2
FNAF WORLD: gamejolt.com/games/fnaf-world/124921

Official Site: scottgames.com
Asset Rips: s.rtag.me/freddy
IRC: #FNAF on Rizon
Fan Booru: 5naf.booru.org
Writing Archive: pastebin.com/fryFnrQ9
Voice Archive: pastebin.com/8mN8gJYP
List of Content Creators: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jwWC_R0jUW1c5k0BUTyStxd3bdP7XULeticRyDCYz2Q/edit?usp=sharing

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Okay, better.

Okay, never mind.

>Two threads

Great, fucking fantastic

How do we solve our shortage of memes?

We've got, like, 30 memes. That's plenty.


>you will never cum inside Rackham


The robot is cute, but I'm not into foot stuff.


>wanting to fuck an asshole
>wanting to fuck an asshole in his asshole

Michelle's big fat ass

>that other OP



>implying he wouldn't melt around you the moment you thrusted inside him
>implying he wouldn't apologize for being so tsun, as a gibbering, orgasming wreck, tears, saliva and lipstick mixing together


When are we going to get overpowered superhero animatronics fighting against the purple overlord?

God I hate anime like this.
How many times can you watch a super powered highschooler fight some giant evil dude with over the top magic karate and the power of love before it gets old?
I've seen more engaging and better paced action scenes in Popeye cartoons.

But they're not highschoolers

they're ninjas

Reminder from last thread. Drew a Toy Chica, its in the booru.

Also hi everyone.

They're highschoolers because that's who watches this. They fight some evil dude because the struggle of good against evil is literally the oldest one in existence. Over the top magic karate is cool the first couple of times you see it, and for most of the viewers that's exactly what it is. The power of love is just shorthand for the kind of moral these stories try to tell.

Hey Tired, how's it going?

That's a cute birb there

It's a shame Rackham's such a thirsty dick.

What a waste of a perfectly good cutie patootie.


games are 66% off, but I know you all already have played them right?

>that twist punch
>mfw Popeye used Rasengan
But Naruto isn't a highschooler. He was raised to fight. He's also the reincarnation of Ninja Jesus's son.

But as for highschoolers. Bleach is exactly what you're looking for.
Or technically not looking for.

I actually haven't, and I've been meaning to play them since day one.

Quite well, drawing sin. Just thought Id draw some fnaf stuff.

Thanks friend.

Naruto was also, like, 20 at that point in the story.

The show was about him going through ninja highschool. He had teachers and took tests and all that shit.

confirmed for never watching Naruto past the Chunin exams arc.

Actually I never watched more than a few episodes because it was really poorly paced and I didn't like any of the characters.
Also we're really off topic so I'm gonna stop now.


>But as for highschoolers. Bleach is exactly what you're looking for.
But that features a ghost highschooler. It's only almost exactly what he's (not) looking for.

The show DOES improve from the earlier ones

And when I say improve, I mean GOD DAMN!

I think you've earned the 'biggest nerd' award, congratulations

Nerds are hot yo



I love this place.


In the beginning, all he could do was see ghosts. Then he became a Shinigami, then he lost that. Then he got his powers back, along with Hollow powers, and then he lost both. Then he got powers he could use in his human body, which got stolen, and then he got his Shinigami powers back. Then when he was fighting the Quincy King, he awakened his latent Quincy powers on his mother's side of the family. There's only a few more chapters in Bleach left, and he's combined his Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy powers into a burst form.

I want the FNAF lore to be more organized.

How about that Bonnie eh?

I was referring to the fact that he's been dead since the start of the second arc. Even after everything he's been through, he's still technically dead, he's just been possessing his own body the whole time.

I wanna fuck her.

When does FNAF get an anime?

I don't really get it.

All the popular weeb stuff is really generic, like Attack on Titan or Naruto.

Like how in the U.S. we have Star Wars or the fourth Marvel event in a year outselling Hellboy or Goon.

I concur.

Only one I don't have is 4 because it looks awful. I've heard some people say it's one of the better ones or that it's the scariest, but honestly I've seen the gameplay and it really, really just doesn't appeal to me. Not a lot of strategy or system involved, it seems.

While we're shitposting about anime
>tfw David Productions is too busy making Jojo to make another season of Ben-to


Naruto could have been great, but there's so much wasted potential, forgotten characters, and power creep that by the end all it was good for was that Madara copypasta

Reminds me of Frankenstein's Army.

Man that was a great fuckin movie. Super underrated.

fuckin a

Eh, it's just just like every medium.
99% of everything is gonna be shit, because 99% of the audience is fine with shit.

Those guys are fucked up but also don't really seem that threatening. It's probably got something to do with the look on Freddy's face.

Huh, wrong image.

Crisis is drawing ninjas

The cool kind or the faggy kind?



Well damn

>ninja Crifox
Looks like it's the faggy kind.

Ninjas were just farmers dude, where's the squalor

And samurai were just hired thugs.
But if there's one thing Japan loves, it's underage girls. And if there's two things Japan loves, it's underage girls and revisionist history.

Do you people ever play this game or just post art and waifufag?

Wasn't Ghost streaming last night?

Upper-class samurai at least fit the image they're historically associated with, even if they weren't actually very honorable. Ninjas didn't have slick black costumes, that was based on their portrayal in stage plays.

I've beaten 4/20 mode in 1 and REFUSE to do 10/20 for 2


Quick repost because I forgot about American time zones.
This is also doubling as a request/suggestion post for written stuff.

I stream FNAF 2 a lot. I just like that one a whole bunch.

Is 2 the worst game in the franchise?

I can't get past Night 1 in FNAF 4 and don' feel like going back to finish Night 6 on FNAF 3.

>mfw Japanese people literally aren't taught about the fuckton of terrible shit they did in WW2
Japanese are just Asian dindus

There's also writefaggotry that nobody looks at (unless it has waifus or has some connection to art).

>Still has a hook
>Holds sword in hook
>Holding a weapon in another weapon

Thank you.

In order of my time played, 2>1>4>3
I don't like 3 much, and 4 isn't that fun. But it's the scariest one at least.

This is all just my opinion and should be ignored.


Are American people taught about the terrible shit "they" did in all the wars? Don't be retarded.

There was a 2 paragraph summary of the Trail of tears in my history 2 class back in HS

Sad, but very very true.

Don't be retarded.


Kill yourself retard.

Americans still know about the bad shit, or at least the existence of it. The Japanese government denies the existence of the shit like the Rape of Nanking, Korean occupation, and human experimentation. Ask any Japanese person under 60 years old and they won't have any idea about Pacific occupation. It's illegal to teach about them in school. Hell, government officials have been impeached before for claiming that the two atomic bombs were anything other than absolutely horrific and unnecessary.

Die in a fire. Your whole family has cancer.

...But the atomic bombs were unnecessary. There's no reason to bomb civilians, especially on such a huge scale.
As a result the Americans are responsible for even greater WW2 atrocities than even Germany or Russia, and yet they're garnered as heroes for it.

There's no need to be so upset Japanon. I know being Asian Nazis was pretty shitty, but that's in the past now.


this as nothing to do with fnaf.


You'll be thrilled to learn there's a modern day Holocaust in the United States then.

They be contemplating on free form jazz

Thanks bb

There were 3 options. Option 1 was using the atomic bombs, both as a way to force a surrender out of Japan and as a show of force to stop the Soviet Union from becoming Germany 2: Electric Boogaloo. Option 2 was sending in a ridiculously large invasion force, which would have resulted in the almost total extermination of the Japanese people and subsequently allowed the Soviets to push further into Europe than they already did. Option 3 was to back off and allow Japan to continue with it's quest to subjugate the rest of Asia.

Should've gone with option 3.
>No Chinese
>No Koreans
>No Australians
Everybody wins.


The Russians would have rolled over them long before that happened. They were just as scared of them as they were the nuke. Maybe even more so.

Man, we're super off topic today. Post birds or something.

We killed millions instantly and subjected many more to lives of radiation and suffering and we also started the Cold War but it's perfectly justified because America WINS AGAIN! USA! USA!

I can get down to that

How about instead of posting shitty art we instead, you know, play the game?
What are we doing on Veeky Forums if all we do is post off-topic art and never play video games?