League of Legends General - /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
why should I not play xin top?
Lissfag #BTFO
Xth for Vlad buffing Vayne with his pearly seed
i want to trundle trundle trundle's trundle
Quit making threads before the post limit, autists
Report and sage
Xth for Katarina
best and cutest girl
xth for Madlife
best support
you're the autistic one
I want to go swimming WITH Katarina and I want her to have COMPLETE control of my orgasms.
reported and someone make another one
>no u
Alright, next up is plat 4 :^)
kill yourself
>scripting to diamond
janitor, please hit this guy for abusing the report system
>ONLY AT 750
enough people post after one is made and linked to bring it to 750
I hope you arent so specific about minor detail in other things offline, or you may really be autisitic
>scripting on Soraka
ebin memes kid
Okay I got an eve better one
Choose one:
1) Missionary and this includes tit sucking if you were wondering but other than that it's just standard stuff with a creampie finish with Slutty Fox
2) Passionate first kiss with Slutty magical FIRE girl. She blushes during the entire thing and she closes her eyes too during the kiss and then slowly opens them and gazes into yours.
3) Blowjob by Lulu. She says things like "Off we go" and "Hugify!" while she's sucking you off.
4) Dominated by Fiora. You get tied up. Tons of butt slaps involved. If you follow her instructions nicely you get to finish in her hands.
Have to get my MR7 on kata now so I don't look like a band wagoner when project comes out
I mean I had to do it sometime soonish for my league fu anyways
>mfw third worlders will save League of Legends...
I have a dumb question. With Warwick's passive, let's say that it's at 4.5 damage and healing. does it scale up 5 or not?
First option
With the second girl.
>" Slutty magical FIRE girl."
Who !?
Also 1 Option probably
Bandle ?
>20IPs, 25posts
>since he answered, it must be the same guy!
how new?
Who is fire girl? Annie?
Tell me: What is the best item to get after Nashor's on Kyle? I can't decide between Wit's End and Rageblade.
Tristana is objectively best girl.
fite me
You are right, I don't see this game dying in my third world shithole anytime soon.
It's basically Ragnarok Online's successor.
wit's end a shit.
Best girl.
Best saliva.
Best wife.
nice try autist
Alright name the time and place.
Taliyahs cd/wave clear seems.... a bit strong.
165% gold efficiency tho
>CertainlyT didn't get fired over this
Are you saying it's gonna end up dying like RO someday?
I miss RO so much I wasted 8 years of my life on this game ;_;
Is there a word for someone who has a sexual attraction to guns?
>Forgiven goes back to H2K
Fucking team hopper
Wit's end is only good against tanky ap.
Ammosexual according to /k/
>Yasuo mains are people too, kind of
What did riot mean by this?
everything dies my man ;_;
The rioter who wrote that shit is probably stuck in gold and gets raped by Yasuo mains on a daily basis.
>announcing reports
>Support diagnosed with 67% effective CDR: "I am growing stronger"
as much as i love big tits miku, supports are getting way too strong in league
t. yasuo player
The free to play aspect is still very atractive in countrys like Brazil. Not everyone have 250 reais to pay for a game when the minimum wage here is 880 reais.
>counting magic resist
>on Kayle, the champion with invulnerability on a 1 minute cooldown
It's 117% gold efficient if you don't count useless tank stats on what is supposed to be a pure damage carry, and that's only when fully stacked.
Wit's End is a garbage item with the most muddied purpose of any item in the game.
>raka + lulu
that's one of the gayest comps i've seen
Best for beating :^)
hilariously enough the reason this failed was because CertT wasnt given FULL control over it.
He did like 60% of it thats why it came out a complete mess. We didnt get to see his full vision come to frutition.
CertT is actually a pretty based champ designers. The champions he makes might be broken but holy shit are they fun as fuck.
>implying its a bad thing
sona's gonna be cancerous as fuck next patch calling it
she already destroy most meta supports, tank supports are almost all dead and leona is gonna lose some of her burst next patch
>he hasn't seen the gayest comp that is lulu + tahm
rageblade retard, your 3rd item is the one you actually have a choice on
SO is the pbe getting updated tomorrow then?
>tfw blitz main
Oy vey
of course, being free + runs on toasters + play with friends = third world success
>people will disagree with this guy and call him a faggot even though he is 100% right
If it wasn't for CertainlyT and Xypherous this game would still be full of point and click nuke bullshit champions with no counterplay where the first person to press RQWE and Ignite wins.
>Tahm anything
Lulu/Karma/Janna/Koggles/Aoe Cc Jungler(or Kayle)
to be honest I'd rather have CertainlyShit than truly garbage designers like coronach
Well, I suck.
>tfw no more shurelia and her 2hu inspired champs
ashe's and ekko's look awesome
Kat's looks like shit
>that ashe
why is katarinas skin so fucking bad, holy shit, also same color as fiora?
kat looks like a man
You have no idea how broken Lulu is with those items. Her heal and shield bonuses are completely insane.
I have complained in the past, but CertainlyT's champ design is top notch. Thresh is the champ that I have the most fun playing. Unfortunately, the same champs that he designs somewhere along the line get these high ass numbers, that just make them total aids to fight against.
I wasn't there for release Thresh, and i'm not counting Zed, because he is kinda "meh" to fight against. But Yasuo, when I had to deal with his loaded kit + his synergy with crit and how simple crit itemization was at that point, was quite frustrating.
Best Frejord with Best Recall
lulu doesn't have a heal
they all look unfinished, kats the most
Vlad, Swain, or Cass?
Third item is always Phantom Dancer. There is no alternative here.
Yeah it looks way too similar to fiora's.
Hopefully it gets fixed/changed
Her ultimate is a heal, she also got Athene's effect. Are you even paying attention?
oh i know, i've played karma with that build
rito will need anti-shielding mechanics soon if this shit is not nerfed
this looks familiar...
Her ultimate grants bonus max health, not a heal.
>that lucian skin
She has a shield you fucking mong
fuck man they cancelled it why
they never saved/united w/ the mother
>Her heal and shield bonuses
Ekko is meta again, so give him a try
Not a single one of these champions was deserving of a Project skin.
>kat is monsoon
You're right, it's not a heal like the other guy says. It doesn't have the potential negatives of a heal. It's better than a heal.