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hana song

>Junkrat didnt get shit from the patch


d.va's ult going to be way more annoying now, but that's fine since I enjoy playing her


Ana is trash outside of the ult

You could have at least included the new info people want to know



>tfw would still buy if it was on PC
>tfw Bungie is retarded

>janitor is deleting other people's threads so he can be the one to make the new thread

But to what end?

Is it because he's a feminist and the other thread have fanart of cute girls in the OP?

>Sleep dart Mercy in a team fight so she can't ressurrect and have someone headshot her after

Playing D.VA is the most fun you can have in Overwatch!

I want to cuddle with Reinhardt!

>no new skins
>no new maps

This is kinda triggering

when the fuck are the new skins then

Her sleep is good too.

>Competitive Play matches can now only have one of each hero per team

Thank you.

>play mercy when it's needed because apparently teams need 4 offense characters now
>called a fag
my dick slurping abilities have nothing to do with choosing mercy
I would be playing symmetra if you idiots didn't go reaper, tracer, genji, hanzo, and dva

Calm down fuckers


Good, that Swiss whore deserves all the abuse

>check ster stream for shits because his videos are alright
>sub mode
>20 second slow mode
>fucking r9k

and there is still 20k people watching this retard? blizzcucks are the fucking worst

I want pictures! Pictures of Ana!


What went wrong?


>Use defense Matrix to block some damage
>Have to drop it to let it recharge
>Get melted instantly because her entire model is a giant critbox

D.va is fixed guys! Blizzard did it!

Post-buff D.Va is literally the easiest and strongest character all in one. Any shitter can now shut down multiple high-skill DPS players.

>play D.va religiously
>Learn all her pathings, counters and timings
>Gain a 60% wr with her in quickplay
>mfw these buffs

Merciful > Shrike

>Sleepy dart Reinhardt or Zarya then go to town on their teammates

It's new patch time, what do you expect.

>Self-healing abilities now charge ultimate abilities


No, she's not. Look at , she's clearly young as fuck there.

D.va is so fucking good right now, hngngngngng

m8 its ptr
calm your fucking dumbass down
and its the first hero we're getting post launch
so again
calm the fuck down

>Symmetra didn't get the buff she desperately needed

What did Blizzard mean by this?

>tfw pharmacist

I feel like I should main Mercy so I can be a Pharmercyst

The GosuGamer and ESL tournaments showed them just how stupid hero stacking is when teams started throwing 5 Tracers at the point.


>d.va still does jackshit for damage
>still has a gigantic critbox
>blizzard expecting her to just be a shitty reinhardt

holy shit you're terrible

>Enemy winston goes bananas and ults
>Hit him with a tranq


I can safely say that if Zenyatta ships like he currently is he is going to break the fucking game.

This is pre-nerf McCree tier shit.

She's situational. I can see the anti-heal debuff making or breaking a push on koth. Otherwise, her heals will be inconsistent outside of her aoe grenade-thing. Also, using her stun gun while playing with an uncoordinated team will only lead to the possible pick-off going to waste as your teammates just keep shooting as opposed to lining up a headshot.

Ult is good tho if given to hard carry

Young Ana/Pharah SFM porn when??

Indeed she does. And they actually BUFF Mercy's ult in the next patch

Is Blizzard fucking retarded? She's already auto include in every team, and her ult is the most powerful in the game

it's actually bit tricky to land on non-big targets because of the delay

>someone picks the hero you wanted to play
>is useless the entire round

Why bother with competitive?

Holy shit that's fast, why would they buff the projectile speed anyways? I felt it was fine when playing him, this just seems like overkill. Not that I mind.

>I don't play Overwatch but I watch it on twitch lol

Posting an emote or word him or his wife don't like also get you permabanned.

It's a choice between him Moonmoon, the most autistic man on Twitch.

>dropped from placement at rank 55 to 48
>have won 21 games out of 41

I got my first internet connection in 1998 and started playing multiplayer games like starcraft 1 and quake 2 immediately, and in those 18 years THIS is the worst ranked system I have EVER seen.

Did they just use McCree to cuck 76 out of existence


>try to launch ptr
>game launches twice, one in current ver, other stuck at login screen


how to make cursor like that?

competitive is a spergfest where everyone takes it super serious and plays all roles
if you can't do so, don't queue up fag

you shouldn't bother with competitive at all if you're a mainfag.

t. Delusional D.va rank 40 shitlords

Enjoy your OP character :)

>politely ask them to switch
>they do
>you wake up

the situation you describe is not gonna happen nearly as often as you'd believe

>links previous threads

he can stay

I feel like a sniper support is going to be OP.

That's a problem with how they do overtime, not hero stacking.

At least Moonmoon can handle banter. Sometimes he's even funny.

I got perma'd in that chat for typing fucking Trihard man. Seriously? These TF2 washouts are the fucking worst, man.

the buff to the orb projectile speeds is really nice

be good with 3-4 heroes atleast and it's unlikely all of them are unavailable

way to miss the point of the buff
since you don't waste your matrix one time and end up helpless in the middle of 3 guys, you can selectively block damage and trade hits until your boost comes off cooldown
also get closer and land headshots, ya dingus

Giving him 50 more effective health AND that fucking discord travel is just plain fucking retarded

no they used Zenyatta to do it

New brawl: MOBAWATCH

-1 hero per team
-no switching

better than the support brawl

>Wanting retards like you to spam the chat with Kappa123, FeelsBadMan and LUL

So verdict on the Patch?

New hero seems good, should be a decent niche for both players and within composition.

D.Va is now good, if the pilot is.

Zen shield buff is the one I'm not happy with. I was hoping for more mobility rather than just a strait up shield boost. From what I've experienced on PTR though, he's shredding Tanks. The ball speed increase is actually pretty important.

Soldier has his ult up very, very quickly with self heals.

McCree was ok, but I've barely played him so can't say for sure.

If they do some tweaking, mostly to the Self heal/ult timers before it hits live then this is a good patch.

Same feeling her. I can't wait to use Defense Matrix to its full potential, and being able to stick around after my ult hunting fleeing enemies down while defending the payload.

It's her time to shine.

>tranq key enemy (Mercy to stop rez)
>dumbass teammates wake them up

Its going to happen everytime, I guarantee it

It's a problem with both, they addressed both. Double Zarya was also dumb as hell.

it is completely overkill, he's now a top tier offense hero with utility and a "NOBODY IS EVER GOING TO DIE HERE" ultimate

which also charges stupidly fast by the way

t. complete shitter :^)

Was it Widow Ana was targetting in the video when she couldn't take the shot?

Why do you think so many people who spend more hours watching overwatch on twitch spend a lot of time shitposting on owg about their wrong opinions?

I mean, the game isn't even expensive they can easily just buy it and play...

sudden death should always be KOTH

prove me wrong

post tfw this track begins to play


tfw I'm a shitter that didn't back up my reaction pics


they gotta make it so you wait for everyone on your team to load before picking. If you got a slow pc the others already picked. How am I supposed to young hanzo otp if one of the faggots with wolf skin steal him from me.

Just get an SSD and load in to the match before anyone else does, then you can get the character you want.

Is the HUEHUE nigger the worst support now?

Competitive sucks, I only play ranked when my friends are up for playing. If you're solo, just better to play quick play.


A new character is already a lot of work and I'm sure they're designing maps as we speak. It's like you don't even know that programmers, artists, and riggers spend sleepless nights on just getting something working.

Man, this update sucks.

No new maps, no new skins, Ana is a fucking sniper so say hello to another twat on your team who can't aim and doesn't push the fucking payload.

D.Va buff is a letdown as well .The ult buff is nice, but changes to her defense matrix seem extremely situational. I was hoping for an increase in mobility or at least being able to shoot while boosting.

>implying aimhack ult the character will ever stop being played

Guys which one is Japanese.

So this is the power of the PTR


Miss Poo in Loo still exists, so no

worst support will always be Symmetra

but HUEHUE still has a position as solo support/KOTH king

>Game crashes whenever it tries to load Ana's model


i don't see how the matrix change is situational, it's a straight up buff

Ana is pretty fun, I think she will be good due to the potential of her ult with other strong ults.

D.Va is great.

Zenyatta is ridiculously overpowered, I doubt he reaches live as is. They wanted to buff him and ended up buffing too much and too hard.

McCree buffs were very needed but he still has the issue of his RMB being 100% useless. If you have good aim he's great.

S76 nerf was also needed.

pajeet is the worst support

How would a Sleep Dart affect an Omnic?

>no new skins
>no new maps
shit update
when will they delete hanamura and volskaya for better maps

Ana/Genji/Zen is the new cancer.
Impossible to stop with an uncoordinated team.