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Tropos edition

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>here (You)
>replying too
Are you illiterate or just a third-worlder? Or...both?


>rank 140
>invited to Paci Stan finale
>immediately invited to their crew
>asked how much I want for percentage
>"I'll take 15 but 20 is nice"
>Get kicked

haha oh wow.

Dank memes

Tropos is kawaii, if only you could blink the headlights.


>all these updates and fixes
>neglect to increase payouts for associates
>neglect to make crate missions more profitable
>instead release a bazillion new cars and shill shark cards

fucking jews

I think you are there son.

Matchmaking is broken, I keep getting put into games that already started as a spectator.

>Half the time it's just some nob being afk or playing the game like it's freeroam ignoring the objective

CEO update is old news, asshat. Why would you care about associates or their payouts, or crate missions? DO OUR STUNT RACES USING CARS YOU BUY WITH OUR SHARK CARDS HOMOFAG.

Hopefully the fact they figured out how to make a car with working pop-ups means we might actually see the Hakumai return
I really hope R* makes a tuner DLC at some point, I want a coupe Stratum

Shark cars or not, the only thing of high value that was actually worth dropping millions into was the Yacht. Makes me smile every time I spawn into it.

>neglect to increase payouts for associates
Anyone who thinks that they should get paid more is a fucking idiot
The CEO gets more for a reason, he's putting in all the money and taking all the risk. It's like heists. If you wanna give your associates money/want to get more money as an associate start up CEO work inbetween crate runs.

Well this is not all bad, the new update is forcing my minmaxing faggotry and my autism to clean up my garages and trim the fat. And I still have 10 free slots per character before l even start.

Considering how long ago the game came out, all the regular people have moved on and only the die hard fans remain, and those would be more willing to buy the cards to keep enjoying the new content. Makes sense from a business standpoint

>the only thing ... worth dropping millions into was the Yacht
I can taste your buyers remorse from here.

Wasn't that the low rider update or do you want more NFS?

I am where? Please think for half a second before typing these nonsense replies.

FAF&F part two soon. Expand warehouses into Blaine County so you can travel twice as far to get crates shithead.

My yacht? No I actually love my yacht, It's the apartment I regret buying. That and Toro boat which came free with it a couple of months later when the yachts were released.

>removing the roof spoiler on the tropos makes the traction go up

Lowriders aren't really tuners, I mean JDM and shit like that.
The only update we've got that could be considered a tuner update was the one in January that added the Banshee and Sultan mods at Benny's

>let's convince 3 people to waste their time helping me collect crates so that we can do an entirely separate mission to actually make money for them before switching back to a mission they have no incentive to accomplish.

As a CEO who has a lot of trouble finding people to help him collect crates, I see no reason why their payout shouldn't be higher considering they can make way more money doing literally anything else. The whole mechanic will be dead soon because of this flaw. Stop being such a complacent faggot you have no reason to object to something that benefits everyone.

CEO work isn't as profitable as spamming the pacstan finale, this game's decision is literally ruined by this pathetically obvious shark card bullshit. They don't want people making money and it's bullshit. They'll allow gamebreaking glitches and other bullshit to last for years before patching it, if ever; the second a glitch appears that could potentially damage shark card sales, it's patched immediately.

any custom spoiler option that isn't the default gives you the traction bonus

same as the spare wheel on the stirling gt

it's pretty dumb

>New update
>No new music on the radios
>No vaporwave station



>meme music
Dumb frogposter

Omnis or Tropos?

I only have enough r* bux for one

Lmao this kid actually does CEO work in public lobbies and looks for shitters to be associates with him
No shit it's not as profitable as spamming pacistandard (which is patched as of the latest update btw, so you'll need to go through all the setups now) when you probably get half your shipments blown up by some underaged jetshitter.
Do CEO work and crates in a solo public session and you'll have so much money you won't know what to do with it.

What do you listen too? Radio Los Santos all the time? I've played long enough to have heard everything thousands of times.

>mfw seeing the etr1 cockpit

i think the omnis is the better one performance-wise but for the love of god just get the one you like best

why did I ever think doing the same 5 or 6 crate missions literally hundreds of times in a row so I can make less money than pacstan grinding was a good idea? Why did I think doing like 200 buy missions and 4 sell missions just to make my money back on a basic bitch office and warehouse was a sound investment?

I do it in public lobbies and I've literally never lost a shipment. Not one. dozens and dozens of people have tried to destroy my shipments and I've killed every single one of them without fault and secured the package.

Also I don't feel liking going through all the trouble of messing with my firewall settings just to get into a solo public lobby.

Asking this or the Trophy truck vs Desert Raid is hard as fuck, they're all excellent vehicles.

>grinding crate missions alone by yourself for hours and hours
>implying this is a fun way to make money
>implying this is a solid foundation for a progression meta
>all while defending shark card sales

>only music that exists is memes and dadrock

Go listen to your eurobeat and nightcore faggot.

new bike is fun



Did someone say yiff?

Someone's angry. Why so angry?

>it's a trying to stay focused on crates and make money but I end up distracted by /gtag/ shenanigans and join the neverending free roam deathmatch that surrounds bl8er episode


Freeleech is going on for the next 9 hours. That is all.

>total spent


i wasn't aware there was even 81 billion dollars worth of content to be bought in this game

Need For Speed: Los Santos

Rsheckel took ALL my money when they were trying to fix the car sales bug then gave me back a portion of it.

This general can be cool sometimes. Thanks.

sorry, i didn't realize being rude was being angry.

So does the glitch where everyone leaves end premium races?

>defending shark card sales
Never did that tbqhwy

> using the what.cd of porn trackers

What does empornium have that can't be found on pornolab?

new truck is fun

Get out of my fucking general right now.

When you pop a wheelie on a boost pad it gives you a very strong boost in speed and torque.

Has me winning pretty much every bike race. Even preventing falls like this one.

by implying that solo crate missions are a decent way to make money, you are implying that they are in fact not bullshit and designed to make shit money to entice people into buying shark cards. Because they are in fact shit money, by defending their current form, you are by extension defending shark cards

Would it be criminal to put lowered suspension on the Desert Raid?

>implying there's anything wrong with 3D
>implying empornium doesn't have hentai on it

wew lad

>R* will never go back and give the ruiner and coquette classic popup headlights

it'd be fine. not like it's going to turn into a lowrider all of a sudden

>join stunt race
>custom vehicles on
>i have no custom supers

is there a way to filter and get races with it off?

>solo crate missions are bullshit designed to make shit money
Are you just really bad? Because they're literally the best way to make money right now.

>can't change the sides of the fiat
>stuck with ugly black bolted on shit


I was disappointed too, just embrace them and go full tuner


doing pacstan even without the glitch is still better money.

Also you can do it with friends and not have to resist shooting yourself in the head as you spam the same

But that van mission is one of the easiest ones. You literally just pop open the quick menu and checkpoint the crate.

Trackify is the only bullshit one.

So is the Elegy confirmed OP in the stunt races

I which is funny since I'm sure they can. They have moving parts on a bunch of vehicles like the T20 and X80.

>also you can do it with friends
>implying this is not also a downside because you need to have people constantly available to do it
>there are 5 vans and you have to find the right one!
3 max, and if you weren't bad you would know that A) when you need to find them via minimap you can just quick GPS to the correct van and B) when you need to locate them via Trackify you can wait to see the delayed third blip which is 100% always the correct van.
You shitter.

no. stunt races have way too many straights in them, and the bends are too weak for the elegy to be competetive in the top tier.

I'm not saying you can not win races with it against absolute fucking retards, but I don't think that's what your asking here.

Massacro is still king

>grinding missions by yourself for hours every day
I might be a shitter but you're legitimately autistic

I wanted to embrace my inner suburban housewife with a small dog

All I'm hearing is another poorfag whining about how hard it is to make money when he doesn't even know the basics.

>only 10 million cash left
>the excel sheet tells me I'm gonna need another GTA$4,821,330 to buy everything l want

>the excel sheet

There's still the issi

and all I'm hearing is a fag with modded money pretending like everything is fine because he doesn't actually have to make money to buy anything

>have $13M
>buy all the things I want
>still have a mill left over in the bank

totally worth it to be honest

Well you have to have 1 million at all times so the safe in your office always shows as full.

Post forgotton mememobiles

All my cash is legit but even if it wasn't so fucking what? I thought you were against shark cards.

>I wanted to embrace my inner suburban housewife with a small dog
Then you best get over here and start servicing my BBC

the point is that it is a strange game, and the only winning move is not to play. You are either a hacking script kiddie, an autist grinder, a shark card fag or a filthy pleb. There are no more heroes.



I dont even care about that
I just care about having a bunch of cars that are cool and fun to drive





this is the only meme i fell for and regret.
despite pretty much knowing they fuck me over with it.

This one is the sweetest
>costs a fortune
>ugly as sin
>drives like shit
>irrelevant a few weeks after it came out

Is there a faster car now?

Why Rockstar? It barely had a chance to shine.

all 3 new super cars are faster.

The three new supers are all faster

there are three to four

about 3-4 seconds faster, cost the same or even less

Literally all the new 3 supers btfo it.

Best new car is the mazda thing