/wfg/ - Warframe General

AutisticFX Edition
Previous Ded: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv (embed)
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png
>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg (embed)
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com/paste/by42s

CURRENT UPDATE: Specters of the Rail
> forums.warframe.com/topic/668132-update-specters-of-the-rail/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/649037-update-18120-vauban-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific livestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_666 (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:



Boypussy > girlpussy

dead updates
dead game
dead thread

My session crashed when dis nigga joined.

Sigh there has to be a fucking way to let me host a game, with me choosing, in public. For some reason I just can't go straight into the mission and let people join me in game instead of forming a squad.

Does the room setup of your dojo effect anything?

Daily reminder they haven't fixed this yet.

>sortie 3
>1000 cryotic
>group has literally no damage. trinity, nyx, frost, ember
>can't even kill the lvl 112 enemies that swarm us
>energy capped at 100
>finish it 20 cryotic at a time
>dera vandal receiver.

i don't even have a reaction pic for the shit I just went through. We were down 2 men by the end hiding in locker rooms until next capsule spawned, which a bolsa would instakill.

Serves you right for not ditching shitter the moment you saw what they brought.

Whats in the oven, /wfg/?

xth for stop fat shaming the mr scott :3





Everyone says Oberon is useless, yet everyone seems to have him anyways.

I knew SOMEBODY would say that eventually.

Still waiting for someone to post a good build for it.

>Reminder: There is nothing wrong with Fashionframe.

Having superior computers with marvelous injectors doesn't make us autistic.

It's sad you have to play with all those jaggies in 2016.

Haven't played in 2 years. Do I need to write a new story to get back into Warbros?

Dogs are cute! CUTE! Cuter than cats!

that's an unhealthy obsession with dogs after being btfo by the barkanon
you okay there?

Akjagara, Boltace, Equinox day, Equinox night, Forma, Jaw Sword, Kogake, Limbo, Mire, Mutalist Cernos, Saryn P, Stradavar, Trinity P, Twin Grakatas

Did you remember to lovingly impregnate your Nezha today?

No just log in and ask if someone on WarBros is online then you pretty much get in

Or you could join the better Warbros clans (Warbros Prime, Warbros Spectrum etc).

I have not seen a good looking cat yet.

They all look completely retarded.

Dudes can't have babies.

That's it, Steve. Hurt me more. Make me feel alive again.

They don't want to have to build him again if DE ever gets off their asses and makes him good. Which "might" happen since they buffed Mag and Mesa.

pussy is pussy nigga

>join Warbros Prime

>Warbros Prime

My Kavat is perfect, you piece of shit.

Why isn't there a Warbros Pleb for console shitters like me?


it looks like shit, senpai

are those natural colors? can i buy your prints?

>this faggot is back

Oy vey just create a username

>joining any warbros
That's already autism. I was just giving him info. If he wants to have autism that's his deal.

Not natural colors.
I get it. You don't have one yet do you?

How are we or I suppose to know its good?

>spending plat on 10o point fodder

What the hell are you talking about forum-shitter?

The fuck kind of defeatist excuse is this.

>You don't have one yet do you?
got two to 30 for meme points, they were both similarly ugly and have been thrown into space

>DE no longer releasing fun primary weapons
>Instead they release melee weapons
All I want are more lever action rifles.

Guys pls, I need some good looking ember colors, please post inspiration. No primes please

A good one?

>no prime
just throw it in the trash



I've been rockin' this color scheme since I got her back in like U5. Forgive me for the shit resolution, my game was crashing earlier and I never changed it back after I fixed the error.

>he doesnt breed boipucci anyway
out with you

I remember playing that when I was a kid.
Gosh, good memories.

I dont have a regular one


Cuck thread of the month.

Removed inflammatory comment by DE Danielle, probably OP was insulting the people complaining in the forums about the shitfest DE has brought upon us with the last update.

>mesa will never use lever action rifles in lieu of her pistols for peacemaker
why live?

is danielle a cute?

rip in pieces fb_miracle. He said 1 word too many

Judge by yourself

So now that Draco is a die, how have you guys found to get levels and credits without thousands of nulifiers everywhere?

>Removed inflammatory comment


I'd hit it raw

ceres interception is the new draco shh

>you reinstalled the game

me in the back of the edge

Yes. Console.

Do you want some face with that nose?

futa dix cumming all over ember's erect cock

have sex

So is War Within going to be pic related?

Why in the fuck am i gettin g another drop table when I put my relic?

Everyone in the team has a d ifferent relic and it choses from the total table it seems..

Anyone has any info on this?

No its going to be you vs tenshin in a lunaro match because you know DE are racist fucks making black people stereotypes

DE likes copying pop culture. War Within will be a rip-off of Captain America: Civil War. Titania will be released with an augment that lets her grow huge instead of becoming small.


sortie 3 is a bitch today

Oi faggets where do I farm credits now?

At least meganfags have one thing they can say.
Meg is a step up from Danielle.

Titania=Stark confirmed.

>"This transference is not the same, without you."

forgot to link user the discord in the last thread, here it is


>black people stereotypes are racism
>when black people literally invented basketball

Where do I farm oxium now?

No thx DE

>black people literally invented basketball
a white canadian dude invented basketball, in a noble, but ultimately futile attempt to keep americans from turning into human furniture

>Just read an article of how Digital Extremes was bought by a Chinese chicken meat supplier

How has this effected the game exactly? Are there chicken "easter" eggs in some maps? Is there going to be a chicken-based warframe?

>Is there going to be a chicken-based warframe?
ember is already in the game so no

>Is there going to be a chicken-based warframe?
No we have Ember already.

>inventing anything
good one


Did your frost happen to disconnect because someone activated more than one excavator?

>U19 was promised to release 2-3 weeks after vaubun prime.

>it's almost mid july and barely 2/3 of the update is out
>they are already talking about the next prime within the next 3 weeks
>after thousands of people petition against the unvaulted mag prime armor DE ignored everyone and priced it at $60 and people still bought it

Idk you tell me.

If you want in to warbros again just do the app again.
If you did it once, you can do it again.
Ignore warbros Sepctrum(of retards) shitters. And warbros prime barely recruits and when they do it's mostly from WBNFA or Friends of the members but they won't ever go over 30 members.

Its pwe. Game got ruined right after and grind got 10 times worse

Playing on AMD, are we user?




Oh that pic was photoshopped because the original just had a garbage aspect ratio so everyone made fun of it.

I hope to god that's not real. what the actual fuck.

>that moth looking frame
Have been off for 6 months, what is that?

why, that's amarinthia, user