What was the good low-rank set? Mix of Bullfango and Jaggi parts?
Tyler Lopez
Joseph Walker
looking for a black bull to fuck my wife while we play monster hunter
any takers?
Tyler Scott
Forget this it's not in there any more for some reason.
It's 0000185b.
Hudson Gomez
James Jones
Bullfango head, arms and legs, jaggi torso and faults. Head is gunner, btw.
Wyatt Clark
does this thread have a discord?
Ayden Nelson
Monster hunter cross-eyed
Landon Price
Aiden Hill
Read the OP, dumbass.
Matthew Hill
maybe you should check out the pastebin
Julian Long
sure does come hang out with
Jordan Jackson
Kevin Howard
different person, but how do you actually join it?
Luke Ramirez
>for some reason Because it's not officially released yet.
Levi Watson
It's full of gay talk. Don't go there.
Cameron Hall
Ian Bennett
Xavier Edwards
I don't really use discord though. Just copying that link may work, not even sure at this point.
Chase Mitchell
What gather points give yukumo wood in misty woods? I can't seem to find any
Benjamin Watson
But it was there on the day of the leak and the info was correct so why remove it and make me look stupid?
Daniel Sanchez
Up on the ledge in the area with the vine bridge.
Parker Howard
can I not join from typing it into the app?
Isaiah Martin
4U crown turns or anything really 53-8504-4138-6880
Will abandon solo hunting if anyone joins.
Nathan Myers
Seregios one of the three good things out of 4th gen.
Eli Richardson
Has anyone been banned for going online with the EU/NA leak? Can you even go online?
Colton Martin
Adam Powell
nevermind I got it sorry I'm really tired atm
Ethan Jenkins
Put up a room for HR4 Gens instead and I'll join!
Jason Robinson
What did he mean by this?
Daniel Young
i want to swim with lagiacrus!
Jace Scott
That's amazing, user. Be sure to post it again in the next thread and the one after that.
John Ortiz
Don't play Generations then!
Christopher Ward
i will!
Aiden Evans
Me too, user, me too. Really wish that underwater came back.
Brody Williams
>shit with Hammer >love the different designs it gets
Is this the game where I become a Hammer god? Any tips for someone learning it?
Liam Young
>so many generations rooms up >all euros
Kill me please.
Christian Bailey
Mason King
Walk up to the monster's face and press X three times
Colton Howard
yea git gud you faggot
Hudson Long
Any of you named Isaiah or is this a random?
Jonathan Stewart
je suis desolee...
David Lee
Europe is obviously more lax with its release "week".
Aiden Baker
>tfw you've played for over 200 hours with a weapon without knowing 2-3 of the main core mechanics/moves
Wyatt Cooper
But won't I get in the way of the SnS guy who is doing all the KOing if I do that?
Jack Thompson
You wouldn't have to ask if there was a password. If there's not one, it's as good as random.
Brayden Taylor
got your tip right here boyo
Connor Bailey
I want to walk Lagiacrus!
Austin Brooks
MHG demo SnS was fun as fuck so I'm getting into SnS on 4U after barely touching it all game. What's a good skill set to go for? Should I go offensive skills or defensive skills? I'm good with the weapon but have no idea what skills are ideal.
I'm considering going defensive mode and trying to get guard+, guard up, and constitution if I can. But I'm also tempted to make a build to maximize elemental output instead by going for enlightened blade with elemental crit or something. Thoughts?
Jaxon Adams
I miss the old Quest Complete theme.
Evan Powell
Dude is playing offline though. I can see him on my friends list. If you're from here make a room.
Lucas Moore
Bentley Hughes
I want to give Miss Cat a big, wet adult kiss!!
Asher Richardson
Jack Ortiz
Honed blade, speed sharpening and challenger +2.
Isaac Ramirez
SnS is all about elements and ailments, so you're gonna want skills that increase elemental damage or ailment success chance.
Nathan Powell
>defensive sns
do it
Zachary Hill
I can fucking hear them all going "EHHHH?! Sugoi!" in my head.
Anime was a mistake
Jonathan Clark
Which one? It's different in almost every game.
SnS is a raw-focused weapon, like every weapon except LBG and element phial CB.
Nathaniel Baker
will disable 3D give me a better framerate? This is fucking ridiculous, sometimes it drops to like 10fps
>year 2016
Carter Cooper
Jack Mitchell
The most defensive way to play SnS is to go full hame with para, speed setup and flashbangs.
You can't take damage if the monster never moves
Carter Miller
the mhg edition 3ds gives 60 fps stable
Dylan Cook
>hunter named nig nog >uses gunlance
Straight to the list he goes! I'm gonna have this thing filled up before the official launch of the game at this rate.
Caleb Phillips
>Le blacklist meme XD
Elijah Taylor
>yuri gets a KO >LS user says you're welcome DO THEY EVEN KNOW WHAT GAME THEY'RE PLAYING
Weakness Exploit is the go-to skill for Hammer for me, simply because as a Hammer user you'll always wanna go for the head. Other than that, Hammer doesn't have many skills going for it. Your basic X combo can be comboed after the final hit with a charge (as in the R button), so you have an infinite combo if you ever have the opportunity to wail on a head for an extended amount of time. The charge attack, whatever level it is, that's a dashing uppercut, I sometimes use as an evasive move so keep that in mind if you ever wanna try that out.
As for Styles or Arts, I can't say much.
Cameron Bennett
Guild hammer unless you're fighting something that's absolutely obnoxious to stand in front of, adept hammer for those.
Christian Morgan
nig nog are you here who was this I'm going to flash bomb his ass
Oliver Peterson
This guy using the Gunlance is so fucking bad. Like I play GL a lot and I'm thinking of blacklisting all future GL players right now.