D2g - Dota 2 General

Edgy Commander Edition

Latest patch: store.steampowered.com/news/22385/
New players: purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: blog.dota2.com/
Lore: dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: d2armory.com/
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page
League shitter who wants to join dota?: dotabuff.com/learn/lol

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: yasp.co
Hero stats: devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

livestreamer GUI: github.com/bastimeyer/livestreamer-twitch-gui

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i fucking hate this game

every teamfight goes PERFECTLY for them and NEVER works out for my team. it's absolutely not fucking fair.


Friendly neighborhood Linuxbro here.

Stay away from Pokemon Go, the handheld botnet. Stay safe.


thursday. classic dota big update day.

day of the rope when

in the pit


Does LC literally have a young Wukong as a shota sex slave?

I hope pitlord is reworked when ported, because holy shit is he trash in dota 1.

Wow this comic didnt even have any quirky one-liners. The reason you even read this crap.
The art have gotten even worse. LC looks like a dyke.

fuck i laughed


>LC looks like a dyke.

no shit she has far more testosterone in her system than you do


Is having a techies support good for a naga on the same team?

>something something about "the three" when you beat legion questline

Pugna, Underlord...who's the third nether demon? I don't think it's Viper as he and pugna are enemies

>Is having a (...) techies good?
no, it's not.

so let me get this straight, you have to pay like 200 for a desu cape?

no one is that retarded right?

Shadow demon, Doombringer, Underlord
Shadow fiend is merely a collector of souls.


she's not black, she's meant to be ptolmeic greek or egyptian type ethnicity.

>got ~90 fps on spring weather immortal gardens 6.88
>vulkan update
>125 fps

fucking nice valve.

no, those are hell demons. you can tell from teh green that underlord is an abyssal demon, like pugna. two totally different factions/sources of power.


maybe terrorblade?
i know hes from double hell but still

>overwatch releases
>anime shitposters and erp fags disappear almost completely
really makes you think

Tresdin's squire is canon.

I've just looked my old nick up on google and noticed that the forum that I've posted in in 2006 is still online with all my extremely embarassing posts. jesus christ.

t. playdota metaforger

i started reporting them and making threads on /qa/ and in feedback. i dont know if it was just coincidence but hopefully it helped

is also getting a lot of attention

also a hell demon

pugna and underlord are nether demons(?) and viper is an animal from the nether. soooo

nice quote lad

>LC, a black, defends law and order in the lore and protects her city
>blacks in real life contribute nothing to society and commit murder, rape, robbery

>Sven, a swede, is manly, honorable, alpha and has a blonde hair blue eyed CM lusting for his dick
>swedes in real life literally wait in their cuckshed while Mohammed fuck their wife

Can someone explain this?

teaser for new hero after 3 years
>implying we will get a new hero ever

Quick question. Can you equip cosmetics with an arcana? I never see people equip any cosmetics with them but lately I have been PA with the new collector's cache skin on top of her acana. I dont know if this is a glitch or people just want to show off their arcanas.

i fucked up lol


It's almost like individuals and individuals in fiction don't represent generalizations or something.

You know what to do.

Meh, doesn't really mix all that well,



vulkan isn't shit now lads, getting 120fps even with weathers

>Kunkka, a white, is noble and civilized
>whites in real life eat mayonnaise, shoot up schools, and make right-wing shitposts on video game boards

so did empire qualify for TI?

What is it with /pol/acks having nothing original to say?

its the only PA set i have, i want that one that EE used when he did his autistitic PA benge with it but honestly i rarely play PA

t. niggers

Mayonnaise is a good condiment.
Blacks shoot up more schools due to gang violence.
Most civilized people are right-wing. You don't see any college age republicans blocking traffic or attacking political rallies.

How was
a "nigger" statement?
The initial question is fucking retarded. Someone who makes a fictional character can make whatever they want of it.

>tfw we get a shitload of Dota comics in exchange for the TF2 mini-series never, EVER finishing

I don't know how to take this.

>tf2 story ever ending

rofl lad

tf2 characters aren't interesting, were overexposed in a way that reduced their qualities, and are passe

You just accept it, like the fact that we'll never get a 9v9 comp system, nor a Source 2 port.

So how do you play Legion Commander?

Or a game size that's lower than 16 fucking gigabyte.

>tfw at least 9 of those gigabytes are useless hat shit, PASS Time, which nobody ever fucking plays, Mannpower and MvM.
>tfw at least one of them could've been the scrapped classes, or the ability to have more than only 2 teams playing at once.

wow, whos the qt mate?

>tfw your waifu is pure

>proud warrior who is controlled by a small hook nosed fellow that creates wealth without contributing to society and puts dangerous chemicals in the water supply of those under him


what is vulkan?

does echo memeer go on chaos knight?

You rush your Blink Dagger, find the most retarded person on the enemy team and beat his ass in duels until you can carry the game.

>Queue Euro with "Donald Trump" as my name.
>Discover that every dota-playing European is an expert on American politics, and that I'm a jingoistic jar-head.
Every time.

desu, i really like Echo Sabre on CK.

Even though the illusions dont receive the double hit, the sheer mana regen it provides allows CK to stay in the field for MUCH longer periods of time. CK prefers to be farming heroes rather than creeps, so the sooner he is in a position to roam the map and gank, the better.
It mostly comes down to Echo vs Drums, admittedly.

It's not the yuros fault they've been programmed since the age of 6 to believe certain things without questioning them

No more /pol/ dog whistle posts please

echo saber goes good on literally every str carry currently

>Be Peruvian
>Put MAGA 2016 after name
>Suddenly, I am white

How the fuck is Morphling balanced lmaooo

>use jewish letters as IGN
>suddenly i'm a kike and should be blamed for every loss


the jews are to blame for all bad in the world

fuck off reddit cuck, almost every change in the past 4+ years has sucked.

haven't played for about a year, what's this vulkan stuff?

>LC cosmetic locked behind paywall


ass blasted avatarfag and or /pol/ack detected

what do you build on him?

>you have to pay for a cosmetic
how is this new?

some shit that makes dota run better for some pcs

That's my usual set.

Just a new feature that comes with the drivers for newer graphics cards. It's suppose to be a hefty performance boost for most modern pcs.

>b-but girls need to have longass hair!
Not if they are tryhards in fights like LC is.

ya thats what i want, not worth the money for a hero i never play though. the only reason i even have the arcana is cause my GF got it for me

What would fucking her astral pussy feel like?

How do I activate it? Launch options?

hehe sorry I've been busy lately.

On Friday I can resume our usual programming: Doturds and the Cute Anime Girls Who Post Them

Also, she's in an army...meaning days, possibly weeks, between bathing opportunities. Even if you stumble upon a stream or something, it takes habitual cleansing to really keep long hair clean without hot water.



Does that mean in medieval times all cute girls had cute short hair so it would be easier to wash?

Amazing. Although I do worry that you'd gaze into the abyss, see another astral PA pussy. try to fuck it, only to feel the all too familiar jab of your own dick in your ass.

I spent the money, so I will autistically spam PA whenever I get the chance. Fun hero this patch, get your use before they give her the nerfbat.

-vulkan after right clicking game going to properties selecting it in the DLC or whatever

what was the TB nerf afain?

Metamorphasis is dispelled on death/aegis reincarnation.

Metamorphosis no longer persists through death/aegis, also costs 100 mana now instead of 50.

No. It means that they bathed regularly. Europe had bath houses in that era, and you could always just stick your head in a river.

>dying while morphed

noone does this right?

pro teams regularly suicide into rax while they have the big dark demonic army doing stuff

>one racks down
>rest of the team just sits in the fountain instead of trying to fight in one of the most comeback friendly patches of the game

Didn't realize I was playing fucking League.

you dont have the cars mod installed? you never heard anyone say: me go GT-R mid or blow rod?

you never flamed anyone for not investing cash points into engine oil when they pick a fucking rx-7 and start roaming?