/evog/ evolve general


>What is Evolve (stage 2)?
Evolve uses an asymmetrical structure where five players, four playing as hunters and one as the monster, battle against each other in an industrialized alien planet called Shear.
Stage 2 is the transition to Free To Play + a lot of gameplay changes.

>I heard the game was dead?
It was (at least on PC). 100-200 players and little to no updates from the developers. If F2P can bring it back is unknown, but as of right now 18k people are playing it.

>Should I "get" it?
It's free. 18GB. Download and test it out.

>F2P Model?
Copy paste:

Every week, four hunters (one of each class) and one monster will be in the free rotation. There are currently 24 Hunters and 7 Monsters in total, though some are variations of others. By playing the character tutorials, you unlock one hunter (Markov) and one monster (The Goliath) to keep forever.

Additional monsters, hunters, perks, and skins are unlocked by earning silver keys. Silver keys are earned by playing the game, leveling up, or getting login bonuses. Currently you can't actually buy silver keys, presumably so they can test the unlock rate, but that's coming later.

There is also a monthly login bonus punch card. You get one punch for each day you log in. Beyond silver keys, this can directly award new Hunters and Skins.

None as of yet.


Other urls found in this thread:


First for wrath is the sexiest

>Still nothing in the OP mentioning how to buy a founders key and the bonuses that come with
>Same fucking OP picture to boot

>discordfag makes new thread literally just to shill
i fucking hate Veeky Forums

fuck off with your discord shit you retard

Capacity on markov is good yes?

t. steamgroup owner

is blitz markov better than the regular one?

Blitz markov yes, regular markov no

With good players and a competent team, including yourself being a good player, yes.

Otherwise no.

How do I into Maggie?

Holyshit why does waste land maggie exist?

Well I just wasted my 27k on a bunch of perks all I need now is to grind out reload speed

Wouldn't Bohrium Battery be better for medics than rocket king? In fact better for pretty much all characters?

>challenges are broken
>earlier daily is gone and the periods one as well
>can't get a new one

is this happening to anyone else?

working as intended

Capacity is really good on Hank and Tech Sgt. Hank and probably Sunny so if you ever play those you'll be ready.

also Blitz Markov is really good, even if the monster forces you to move or disengage some times, so you might want to pick him up or get a key from G2A or w/e and get the founder's pack.

well fuck I had restart the game for a new one to appear

this better not be a new bug so I don't have restart every fucking time

by picking griffin instead

>play normal Goliath
>Get lvl 3 pretty easly cause they sux at traking
>Fight Hank + Val
>Hit everyfucking skillshot and m1 on Val
>Shield heal shield heal shield heal
>Focus Hank
>Shield heal shield heal shield heal
And i don't even talk about the snare

Yeah i see why they make a "new" Goliath, this piece of shit can't get a single kill vs Hank

What do you guys take on Val? Capacity or recharge rate? Or damage reduction? Or jetpack recharge?

So, is there no way to get founder bux if I bought Evolve on console?

when it launches on console yes

you'll get it when it actually releases f2p on consoles soon

Why is he better?

anybody have a 970 and wanna share how it runs on it?

Crow master race.

Does torvald's damage indicators not reflect total damage, or is he really only dealing like 8 damage per shot?

>why is griffin the best trapper in the game

gee i dont know maybe play the game and find out


constant 60 is possible with a phenom ii and a two year old AMD card

you'll be fine. im so glad they optimized the game

The hook nosed jewrats make it so fucking expensive to buy new characters that I'd be blowing an entire night of evolve shekels buying just one.

can kraken still cheese people really hard by LOSing behind structures and knocking people away constantly?

don't forget to hook up with your fellow hunters



I mean, on PC. I don't want to play on console anymore. I know I linked my 2k account thing on console, pretty gay that it doesn't see that when I linked on PC.

Who do i focus medic or support?

If i focus support its just constant heals from the medic and self shields cant kill him

If i focus the medic it's just constant shields from the support with the self heals

The fuck do i do?

just pay 15 bucks on g2a and get ez founder status

griffin is the best because he slows the monster the most and most consistently, if you are good.

he's much more difficult than say, crow or abe though

>Hey user, do you have a mic?
>Hey user, wanna join discord?

Will you niggas bully me if i don't use a mic?

oh, probably not then

i believe founder status comes from having the cd key linked in your steam account.

2k were the real jews. TRS just has problems with priorities

970 here, maxed out easily 80fps+, but i'm 1080p 60hz so mileage may vary if you use inferior resolutions to the golden standard of gods amongst men

i7 6700k or some shit. 4ghz

>Be crow
>Monster escapes with very little health
>Spot it in the distance
>It leaps across my field of view
>Shoot some charged shots
>It dies with full armour

>All Founders will receive an additional 27,000 Silver Keys when this update launches
>Daily Challenges
>Reward increased to 150 Silver Keys from 50 Silver Keys.

Is Turtlerock finally leaving Judaism?

I have special eyes.


most importantly because you ARE the poon trap as griffin so you can reposition yourself for maximum effectiveness, with a nice secondary effect of it not breaking to the monster's random autistic flailing since you should be pooning him in the ass every time instead of some random spot on the front of his body

secondarily the poon is manual and instantaneous so you can time it to waste the monster's traversals and leap/charge abilities

also with reload speed perks you can fire the poon and generally hold the poon much longer than maggie's traps can

also sound spikes are better than maggie for tracking

pretty sure his damage output is higher but i could be wrong and that doesn't really matter anyways since you should be pooning the whole fight anyways

yeah we're in the same boat apart from monitor
running 144hz so I might lower some things until its about 100+ stable

Depends on the hunters

>level 22 medic is on the team

welp.. another loss incoming, I'm too lazy to search for another party again

Did they just add more perks?

>level 22 medic
is that a problem or something?

wraith is easy for people who aren't noobs. don't engage the decoy, keep your eyes open. wraith is a literal pubstomper / noobkiller

>update queued

>they just sort of threw on a health nerf to behemoth




Patch notez

Because his lava bomb is apparently doing double damage to hunters.

Keep in mind that even with that hes still the worst monster in the game

Someone give me a kissy please :(

>gorgon spams ants while it avoids us at all costs
shit dude, fighting it was zero fun

Anyone got to test the new jetpack perks yet ?

Are they worth the trouble ?

>People still leave cause of Wraith


>Bullshit to kill
>Somehow people don't want their time wasted on a fight they can't win

Seriously though, what is the go-to build for a level 1 wraith, and how should I evolve throughout the game as it progresses?


Steam Group.
Put it in the OP next time, please.

>lower krakens health a little
>buff his mines



That mass AoE attack is fucking lethal. Our team was split up, but it still managed to bring us all down on our knees.

Yeah but it doesn't exactly take much to bring you to your knees friendo


>obnoxious decoy that takes forever to die and does massive damage
>spammable AoE and fast burst movement

truly a mystery

just lost the match because of the medic mainly

I didn't check who went and domed the wraith when it got to the relay but I bet it was them... the wraith escaped to regen armor and got us, otherwise it would have died


and then the medic actually said it was a shit game when it was his fault the team lost

>People are still this bad at the game even after every monster was nerfed

Uninstall, any time please. Queuing and ending up with any of you people on my team is worse than dealing with any monster at any point of Evolve's life.

>Play monster
>Takes 5 minutes to load into the game
>By the time the monster eating animation finishes i'm domed with half health.

Why the fuck is this happening i've lost 3 games now.

>first fight against another behemoth
>playing battle grand,a
>14k damage in a stage one victory

It was over with in two domes.

didn't read your post here but calm down dude it's a video game

>Vs Meteor Goyim
>Medic never heals when we fight
>'Medic will you fucking heal us already?'
>'I'm friends with the monster under my bed :)'

We got close to killing him a few times but medic realized she could pull dome down again by holding F.

Having a friend on the hunter team when you are the monster is an instant win on the monsters part - always.

What medic should i get first?

k lol

the nerfs did nothing

the health pool was never the issue and adding a whopping 2 seconds to the decoy's CD isn't going to make it not gay

How do poison and acidic rounds work? Is it just applied with an attack and then re-applied when it runs out or is it inflicted with every bullet? Wondering if they're worth it on Slim.

Me and a friend always duo and every time I get monster (not often) I always head for them and smash the shit out of them first.

It's fantastic.

EMET is the last medic I need. Is he good? I play slim alot

How do you get the elite/prime skins?

Val Caira is pretty good too if you can aim for shit

Don't get slim/EMET they belong in the trash

get to level 40 with them

the wraith needed a damage nerf, it can blitz through shield and health like it's nothing within seconds

it refreshes on hit

any diference between val and rogue val?

Do the Damage bonus perks work with Bucket's turrets?

The kraken fucking sucks
he's slow as shit
his moves are shit
everything about him is jsut shit

>these patch notes
What the fuck are they doing to this game?

OG val has a trang gun, a weakpoint sniper and a healing burst that heals her team

edgy val uses a poison gun, a sniper rifle, and her healing boost only heals her but it passively heals her team when it's up

Appealing to casuals without addressing the actual issues

dont look at people
seriously people should never be in yourLoS with vortex and banshee mines

Noticeable on her 4th Skill, it gives passive healing buff for team on short range but no AoE heal when you activated it.
Instead you got self heal with 75% boost, good for saving yourself when the monster cornered you.

perks for robot grandma of many punches?

What are some good perks to invest in guys?

>Added Afterburners, Focused Thrusters and Overthrusters.
>This series of perks gives Hunters extra distance with each jetpack dodge.
>Note: These do not stack with Sunny's jetpack booster.



probably dmg and speed/jet booster so you can keep up with trickier monsters

Why would anyone want to play Hyde when Grandma does so much more damage at almost the same range?

because they don't have grandma

Consistant damage. Gradma gets reset if focused or facing an AoE monster.

>Get a win with this monster that you don't have
You can't have a daily quest of something you can't complete.