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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2237 Waifu? Husbando? Edition
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● DN was a browser-based, manual simulator.
● YGOPro is an automated simulator.

Useful Links:
yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page (Wiki with a wealth of information for players, new and old)
yugiohprices.com/ (Comprehensive Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market)
ygodr.blog.jp/ (OCG decklists)
yugiohtopdecks.com/decklists (TCG decklists)
ygorganization.com/ - blog.livedoor.jp/maxut/ (TCG/OCG news sites)
yugioh.party/ (Hypergeometric/Probability calculator)

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Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: 20th Rival Collection (July 21st)
●OCG: Booster SP: Destiny Soldiers (August 6th)
●OCG: Extra Pack 2016 (September 10, 2016)
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Machine Dragon Re-Volt (September 24, 2016)

●TCG: Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (July 22nd)
●TCG: The Dark Illusion (August 5th)
●TCG: Dragons of Legend: Unleashed (August 19th)
●TCG: Structure Decks Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba (October 21st)

BEFORE asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Read the cards please.
● Google your Deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.
● Remember to playtest and try suggestions before you trash them, even if someone recommends a weird tech choice. You don't know everything.

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first for tellars baby


That's a man.

You're waifu a shit.

Fifth for marrying Puddingcess.


Sevent for based Frogs meta ft Frog the Jam.

At last he's at home


synchro shokan

just kidding synchro will never be good again
kill all xyz

Here for setdek petdek, Subterrors and Treatoad degeneracy

Xth for SUPERIOR BUILDS until I try this Metalfoe build user posted.

Do you have a Ghostrick build? I've been out of the game for some time so I'm sure the ones I used to play have grown incredibly obsolete by now, given how often Ghostricks change builds.

I'd climb in her trap hole, t b h.

>not using Treeborn Frog ft Kirin

This isn't Frog Stuns.dek, this is just Treatoad Turbo. And all these topping builds have come out within like, the past day, I just got home from work and started looking at shit I missed.

just pull down the pants enough so that xer sex parts are covered and fuck them in the butt

Did someone say waifus?

Can you possibly cut down on anything famiglia?

just make use of sandstorm mirror force and endless trap hole along with swords of concealing light

>July 12, 2014
>July 16, 2015

You guys hyped for the next banlist in a few days?

4th eternal reminder that Red-Eyes is best DragonBro

Mines has a few memes, be wary
I side Xyz Universe. I'm always flip flopping on if I want the xyz universe memes or Giga Brilliant into Corebage meme in my extra



Yes, Monarchs will finally be kill

>synchro will never be good again

Hoping they don't do anything to Strike before I can sell my copy for big shekels.

Fuck Monarchs, Kozmo and BA

I just hope they don't ban Monkey and limit Sorc too like in OCG since Pends aren't much of a threat anymore.

don't most decks just use ultimaya to get him out now? that just makes him a glorified r5+

But almost no one synchro it
It usually gets ss by Ultimaya

Is like saying fusion is good because Cyber Stein can summon Last Warrior

Is there a reliable way to get this guy out?

Yes. Cyber Stein.

Zaborg + Miracle Synchro fusion

So, how do I deal with monsters that can't die to card effects? How do I deal with monsters that negate your monsters' effects?
I can't post my deck list because I'm on my phone, but I posted an early build of it in the last thread, its the silly animeme one with 3 cyber jars.

Unban when?

run miracle synchro fusion in your infernoid deck and summon tierra

D/D/D in the OCG has no problem properly summoning him.

After what is doing in OCG, it's a guaranteed never

The japs might even hit it at some point

Use effects that spin or bounce to get around things that can't be killed by card effects. Things like Compulsory Evac or Castel. Things that negate monster effects should be killed with S/T or just run over with big bodies.

why the fuck is he riding a scooter?

>using banned cards
Gee, if only there was a banned Jar that could do a non-targeting shuffle.

Because 90's nostalgia is back in style.

What are the absolute cheapest functional decks to build?

If komoney wants to sell the new D-heroes they better unban him

its not like I force people to play with me, from the get go I say that I will use banned cards, and they should too.

It takes twice or thrice the usual time to get a game like this, but I enjoy them more.

Thanks senpaitachi.


The meme is becoming real.

It's not that, if you want to play with no banlist then more power to you. Hell I play no banlist myself sometimes.

But have you tried actually looking at the banlist to see if there's a certain banned card that could solve this issue of getting over indestructible monsters AND fits with your deck's theme?

>Sea lancer

I already run 3 fiber jar senpai.


I am become death

>no Soul Charge

Don't even need it

>implying Rulers are as strong as EMEm
Cock Master gg no re negrobabby ;^)

Sphere Mode ;)
Droll and Lock ;)

45 is so I'm less likely to banish important shit with Cupidity. Same reason I run a lot of non-essential spells.

Oh, also I forgot to remove the MoR in that screenshot. Here's the true current build.

Have you ever faced a duel where you were constantly hitting a brick wall? guy burned through 3 god damn strikes in 1 turn and lake waiting for me AND raigeki the next turn.

3 fiber jar, 3 card destruction, & 3 soul release. :^)

There are zero ZERO Z3R0 CERO NADA - 0 -


Rock-type tuners

Yes. I'm just gonna repost my story.

>"Dude don't quit, I'll give you an amazing show"
>Ok, let the kid have his fun
>Synchro spams for a solid 3 minutes or so
>2 Quasar 1 turn move
>Already know I'm fucked, might as well take the risk and play Paladin of Felgrand to get my dragon to the grave if it gets destroyed and set two Breakthrough Skill so that I can have at least one chance at this
>Immediately Twin Twisters me and doesn't even let me summon, negating and destroying my Paladin with Quasar
>Ask him to end the pain
>End Phase
>Doesn't even attack
>Try the same thing this time with Guardian of Felgrand, equip a dragon and get it to the grave when it is destroyed
>Gotta get rid of his Level Eater, I have to make at least ONE move in this duel
>Quasar negates and destroys my Guardian before he can even be properly summoned
>"Sorry that's what yugioh is now unfortunately"
That's why everybody closes the program on you, little shit.


Huh nice, I guess I can see how this all works out then

As soon as i see they could end me and don't to toy with me i just surrender, fuck that shit.

>tfw there is a depressingly low amount of DR doujins

Yep. The whole idea is just to have access to Treatoad via Frogs AND Bahamut. And everything is meant to support the other parts. Bubble/Tin/Torrent are all Water discards for Swap, or shuffles for Moray, and targets for Salvage. (Torrent is also an Aqua for Treatoad.) And Bubbleman has 4 searches (or up to 7 if you run AHL). It's the most consistent Treatoad build out of all I've tried. And it's my own creation, so I'm biased to use it more so that I can feel speshul and creative.

>24/16/0 ratios

>no vanity
it;s like you enjoy losing.

How petty am I to not really get into yugioh because of the artstyle? Don't think they look bad quality wise just a lil turned off by some of the more sillier, "kiddy" cards like preformpals. If I did end up getting into the game, I'd probably end up playing Monarchs cause of the edgier art/designs. I honestly think a lot of it stems from me being self-conscious about what others think when they see me play.

Pretty much the exact same reason why I can't see myself playing Force of Will, mostly cause of the pretty pervy art on some of the girls.

shit I missed the threads when the OCG list was announced, will Super Rejuvenation at 3 mean that Exodia FTK is viable again? fuck that shit.

I like this one personally, the other's are ok I guess exhentai.org/g/622843/08bc9525e0/
I know lad, too bad it dies to Crimson Nova ;)

But in all seriousness it looks like a good build that uses both treatoad engines well

The one time I've faced Cubic with it we tied due to Nova's burn.


Any others? Already got monarchs.

If it triggers you more, I play MtG because it's more normie friendly.

Well if you don't like some the artstyles in the game that's fine, but just know that nobody gives a rat's ass about what you play. I've seen dudes with borderline-ecchi waifu mats playing shit like Madolche or Traptrix and nobody bats an eye. Also like you said there's bound to be a deck with an aesthetic that suits you. Hell I think you'd love the designs of the Evilswarms or Amorphages, even if they're not great decks in terms of playability.

I know, the topdecks were real, hope you saved those replays
What does a result of 1-1-Tie mean for the overall match though? Is it just a matter of LP and Time at events?

then go back to your "superior stretejick cardo gaymu" and dont look back

When posting on /dng/ you're retarded by default so don't worry.

If you Tie at an event, it counts as a Tie, which is more than a loss but less than a win. So if you went 2-2-1, you'd be better off than someone 2-3, but not as high up as someone 3-2.

>more normie friendly

Really? From my experience I was always under the impression that people have a hardcore nostalgiaboner for Yu-Gi-Oh. If somehow the subject comes up and I tell them I still play the game they're all like "Holy shit that's still alive? That shit was awesome back in the day!"
MtG seems to just be lumped in with WoW, 40K and other "generic Tolkien fantasy stuff for nerds" (not shittalking MtG, WoW, or 40k, just saying that's how a lot of people seem to think about them)

When was the last time a Duel (no less a Match) in a serious tournament ended in a tie? I thought that ended with Ring of Destruction and Self-Destruct Button.

Have you tried taking out the Graydle spells and replace them with Aquarium Stage?

That pseudo battle immunity is pretty fun with Barrier

Same thing with me, I can't play mtg and hearthstone because of their non-animu artwork

that nostalgia boner shrivels up in an instant when they learn of the extra deck now

All the time, due to Time. In real events, people go into time often. For example, if you lost Game 1, and went into time during Game 2, then won, you'd be 1-1 with your opponent, and the match would be a Tie.

Game mechanic wise, the only thing I can think of would be mutual deck out, or Crimson Nova.
I should try Stage again, Impact is actually bricking me a lot lately.

Not saying the game is bad by any means, just making note of the fact that I'm being a self-conscious autist over it.

>MtG seems to just be lumped in with WoW, 40K and other "generic Tolkien fantasy stuff for nerds"

Honestly you are pretty right on the money with that. Wizards has been tapping into the mainstream "nerd" culture and riding it hard. *cough*Jacetice League*cough*

Also, thats new to me. Never knew people felt that way towards Yugioh, of course it's probably different from place to place.

Not much of a fan of the superserioustakeusseriouslygameofthrones artwork I take it?

Funny enough I explained Synchros to one of my non-Yugioh playing friends and he actually liked the idea since he always thought Fusions were bullshit with how hard they were to actually summon.
It's Pendulum that gets people scratching their heads.

Seriously, people are all about nostalgia nowadays. Look at how popular Pokemon Go is. Once I told a friend that Yu-Gi-Oh is still kicking and the next week he bought that Yugi's Legendary Decks pack for shits and giggles.

You know it

What is your favourite Secret Rare?
Mine is Treatoad.

>one xyz monster was all it took to make frogs meta.
Why don't they do this for other archetypes? Give everything a tutor from deck, omni negation and floating.

Still waiting for that Gravekeeper's Xyz that searches any Gravekeeper or "Necrovalley" card

Pot of Cupi- I mean, Desires

The thing is Frogs had a solid maindeck already, it's just that their Extra Deck choices pre-Treatoad kind of sucked (and the Treeborn tribute engine got powercreeped).

Loads of decks are like that. Gem-Knights are the perfect example.


Maybe no one will notice that I stole 40 BOSH boxes

Seraphinite is not nearly as good in Gem-Knights as Treatoad is in Frogs.

The very first time I've heard of Synchros and XYZ summoning when Yugioh entered my radar again, I was legitimately impressed. It made the game a whole lot more deep and interesting, as well as a design space/game mechanic that is entirely unique to Yugioh and no other card game. It's certainly a vast improvement compared to what it was like when I first played, witch was goodstuff.dec and dumb monsters butting heads with other monsters.