Primitive Technology has now reached the Iron age

Primitive Technology has now reached the Iron age

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I can't even begin to fathom how people of the past had the patience to do all this tedious shit to just get by

Makes me appreciate modern conveniences though

why is this dude shirtless in every video even when anyone can see from his tanning that he's usually wearing a t-shirt outside? is he some sort of exhibition fetishist or some other pervert?

He's got a pretty hot bod

He doesn't want to mess up his clothes. He actually has an office job somewhere, at least he did before his channel got big.

Where the fuck is he how does he find so much fuckinc clay


Oh that explains everything, abos never reached the bronze age afterall

copper is rare, and requires a rather precise mixture with other ores to obtain bronze.

iron became dominant because of its ease of production and strength.

that's why i (and most normal people) use some random crappy clothes while doing dirty stuff, he's probably too when he's off-camera. that dude is exposing himself on purpose.

Maybe when he is in the woods he likes being shirtless, maybe he likes the maneuverability of being topless, maybe he likes people looking.

It doesn't matter, he is doing more than you and being recognized for it.

t. primitive technology

It feels liberating I suppose.

Why of all things to notice you notice that he's shirtless? Who cares if he's not wearing a shirt?

k and?

i'm actually doing lot's of pretty similar stuff and i'm well known character in local bushcraft/primitive weaponry scene. difference is that i'm not a pervert.

are you a muslim by any chance?

You are pretty motivated to get shit done when the consequences are being left out in the rain or starving.

Mission to Mars when?


crafting is fun .

funny thing is, they had more free tme than us.

no. i'm OK with casual nudity but he's literally showing his body off, not just not-covering it.

show us your tools.

The same reason he's not wearing shoes. Its primitive.

I have this book. I've barely read a page though.

no. i'm just ranting anonymously here.

Congratulations. We are all very proud.

You're displaying one of the main symptoms of autism, obsession over trivial detail.

No one cared about your opinion and only you care about him being shirtless. Kill yourself

>when the autism hits hard

not him but define autism

It's hot in Australia

why doesn't he wear some fucking animal skins or somethign?
may as well go all in for authenticity if he's trying to live like primitive people did/do

rather autist than deranged sodomite.

>guy takes his shirt off while working in intensely physical labor in a hot climate
>he is a deranged sodomite.

Hunting is illegal in Australia

>Jungledwelling peoples wore leather
Ayy Lmao.

look at his tan. he's clearly going half naked only when there is a camera around.

Yeah but youre a fat fuck and his body is dreamy.

t. person who doesn't take his shirt off pools.

his body is not dreamy, he probably never went to a gym in his life

not saying it's bad either it's just mediocre

A social disorder in which the sufferer experiences difficulty in understanding social ques and context. The brain however better understands patterns and repeating sequences and has a rigged understanding of the world. This can come in the form of an impulsive obsession with pattern and order and a rejection of anything that doesn't fit in with preconcieved idea of the world.

When presented with a situation when this pattern is not met, this can cause great distress and confusion in the sufferer.

In this instance, this fucking autist can't handle that a man is topless for whatever reason.

i'm quite slim. maybe not as fit as him but fit enough that it's not about body issues. he's just attention whoring exhibitionist.

>all these people mad he is shirtless

Holy fuck are you guys ever sheltered, he's not wearing a fucking loincloth and his videos are neat, stop getting autistic about a dude who doesnt wear a shirt

>difficulty in understanding social ques and context.
like why it's not cool to show your parts for whole internet just for the sake of it?

Actually it was one guy getting mad, and the rest shitting on him because they think it is funny

This meme needs to die

Only on this fucking board could there be an entire discussion about a man not wearing a shirt.

Because that's fucking hokey. Are you trolling? He's doing his thing in the elements with minimal clothing, that's the whole fucking point.

Free time might be the wrong description, but since they spend literally all their time focusing on their survival, yes they had more time to do these things than we do

No, you're the only one who cares as we're not autistic but you evidently are.

End your existence

It might be right though.

Its fucking ridiculous that i want to try this stuff that people did thousand years ago but its (officially) impossible nowadays unless i make shitload of money and buy land like he did

Aren't there any public forests near you? Surely not everything around you is privately owned.

Maybe you can join an African / South American tribe, maybe you can apply on their websites

You can always lost go to the amazons and lost yourself there for a few weeks or so. Just watch out for the cartels tho.

Not true, I live in a Canadian city of around 1 million people and there's still homeless people who set up wood huts in the river valley

Just avoid areas near trails so nobody calls the cops

Well sure you can do that, but my issue is that its officially illegal. I mean, even "skinning" a tree for ropes in a public forest could theoretically get me behind bars.

He lives in northern Queensland, shit get's hot.

>to do all this tedious shit
To them I'd wager sitting still on a chair infront of your computer screen for 10 hours a day shitposting because "why not", would be tedious

Is he doing this the historic way?

Yes, he researches the type of project he wants to do and then builds it. He doesn't do all one culture though, ie he has a video of him making a celtic-style stone age and also has video of making tropical huts.

stone axe*

Time to do a colab with ahmad to build CPUs

This guy has literally done more than the whole of Africa in 2000 years

are you serious?

To them, that was the reality of the world they lived in.

I grew up in the third world and handwashed my clothes and thought nothing about it. I...still live in the third wolrd, but have money for a washing machine now and then all hat time among basins of water looked tedious.


>yfw the Nigerians independently invented steelmaking and we have no idea when or how because they didn't have writing yet

How would we know this guy did all of this stuff without this camera he purchased? Sub-Saharan Africa couldn't just order a camera from Amazon.

It's pretty crazy to think that people do this shit tens of thousands of years ago directly caused me to be able to shitpost on a Malaysian image board in my underwear on a Saturday

It really makes me think.

Thank you based ancestors.

calgary or ottawa

They didn't become "impatient", because there wasn't much else they could do anyway. Spend time with your family, fuck an attractive adult of the opposite sex, beyond that.. not much.

This whole "gotta fulfill my potential as an individual" and "live life to the fullest" is a modern meme.

Also, as says, in places where a lot of food was readily available in nature (tropical settings especially), work weeks were shorter than ours.

>in places where a lot of food was readily available in nature (tropical settings especially)
This meme again.

I still don't understand how the fuck something like internet is even possible

It's true. Low populations can afford to be sedentary without consuming all ressources of the vicinity, or follow strategies to preserve them and/or facilitate their regeneration over the years.

Not everything is the middle-east.

when the roman army would travel they foraged and hunted most of their food as they went along.

can you even imagine a modern army doing the same thing? it's unthinkable.

You said tropical at first (which was wrong) but since you brought up population, we cool.

Was gonna comment on the tropical thing because our ancestors in the Philippines did not have an easy time living here at all despite the tropical settings, and so did our other SEAsian neighbors.

Funny how so many problems disappear overnight when you have a low population

Generations of the most extreme type of nerd imaginable.

I can't even imagine the kind of human mind that can produce a working program in binary code, or out of punch cards.

Why would I not be?

When you understand how it works, it's still impressive, but it stops being otherworldly impressive. This is true for most things related to computers. Many times, you think "Oh.. sure, why didn't I think of that?"

military/war + smart people = unthinkable innovation

there is something about threats that elevates the human capacity (at least among some people)

>he wrote himself that he invented the thing was his own invention and you didn't bother to read it
>"celt" is just a type of a primitive axe that's mounted to it's hilt in certain way and has nothing to do with celtic people. it isn't even pronounced in similar way.

>invented the thing was his own invention
maybe it's time for a bed

>it's an "english-speaker pronounces celt like kelt" episode

>Thought I was going to see a thread about our based primitive God.
>Nope just bitching about a shirt
I hate you guys

Welcome to Veeky Forums, the worst board on Veeky Forums.

I still don't understand how picotech works. But when you understand how quark resonance bonding works it is still impressive, but stops being otherwordly impressive.

>quark resonance bonding
>google this
>wikipedia article contains more words that don't make sense in the order they're in

This is why I consider STEM people to be my superiors.

>Buying land
>"a shitload of money"

Yeah, nah.

Is this a series where he starts off from nothing? If so, where do I start?

He starts off with a knife and those shorts.

Everything else is taken from the woods.

>Liking to look at nice male bodies
>Makes you deranged.
user it doesn't even make you gay. Artistically calling him a pervert for being comfortable in his own skin is literally degenerate.


No shirt =more clicks

Notice how it's only men doing these kinds of experiments? kinda like that bear grylls show with male and female teams stranded on a remote island and the females always lose lol

>Mr Shekelstein told me to come to work on Sunday and Saturday.

Why did no one correct this retard

you need to know the basic before you can attempt to decipher it and the people who wrote the wiki page aren't making it any easier.

That's the reason he gave in his wordpress for not getting leather or using his bow to kill shit.