Fighting Games General /fgg/
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A harvest person wants. All are mown in order to fill themselves's deep desire.
What is wished is for to an old friend hands. The souvenir to an old acquintance.
A far ground level is faced involving a high sky, and it follows through the deep time.
See unlimited fruits. He raises the point of a sickle keenly.
Transcending history
and the world
>tfw fighting games are becoming ineffective at filling the whole in my chest
i hope tekken 7 can get a hold of me like sf4 did
I love Guile!
should i play hilda or nanase
threadly reminder sfv is a masterfully crafted game
>Finally played Ibuki
>Expected an honest footies heavy character like in SF4
>Forced to play like a caveman because most of her buttons are so shit
What the fuck why does Capcom have to ruin everything
I love Nash. We should meet up and touch nipples.
mfw its freeleech day on emp
It's a fucking lot better than IV was in it's first year.
you are out of your fucking mind
I'm down. You going to Evo?
Wouldn't you have to play better footsies with her in 5? Since her shenanigans don't work anymore?
>Not making the pic something UNIEL related
wasted opportunity m9
How the fuck do I set keyboard or joystick to be player two in SFV PC so I can fucking play locally
>guys look white women are so dumb im gonna get paid for this
Filia is UNIEL related
She's the new Yang. A thousand gimmicky resets that don't matter.
Since there's no Yun, might be good enough to see some play.
In 5 she is 100% bomb shenanigans she is not balanced around doing anything else
Truly a low tier kuso character
Why don't they just actually put her in UNIEL[st]?
>still 40 days left
Can't wait for EVO this weekend. Hope there's a freeplay stream on Friday/Saturday like at CEO
This please. They already have guest characters. There's no reason not to.
Were Akatsuki and Eltnum in the original arcade release or added later?
Escapism can't fill it. You're growing up and realizing the futility of escapist media.
Mian is really, really, really, really, really cute
Nanase and Byakuya where the characters added in the consoles version.
What do you think capcom will have to show off at EVO?
will he be in KoF14?
Who is the most honest character in UNIEL
the swimsuits that got datamined. I really hope you aren't expecting anything significant this is capcom after all.
Yes. You have no idea. Stuff that's a death sentence against Gord or Eltnum is an unpunishable blockstring against him it's dumb as hell.
If you want to pick a low tier pick Byakuya or Chaos, the rest is outclassed by either Eltnum or Orie in their playstyle.
You realize that I already played with him right?
juri/urien proper trailers or s2 teaser
So there may be a precedent for a new guest.
Is our lad going to Evo?
Akuma revealed as a surprise free character released the day after he's revealed
I couldn't type this with a straight face
How would ingrid have to change for you to accept her coming back to SFV
Censored costumes
I guess that would be Hyde.
I hope so. I like my lanky chinese assassins.
Hyde and Orie
No, the roster's been known for months.
Surely user wouldn't lie to me on the internet
Unless you're Gord anti-air should really be a situational thing. If you're not sure your move will hit, use shield instead. Shield her divekick and you get a ground combo.
You replied to the wrong person you silly goose.
The US now has a chance
What is it about KoF and all of their fireballs being grounded/low angle energy waves?
Can you roll through the grounded ones.
the characters didnt lift enough so they drop their balls on the floor
you're forgetting takuma and heidern and ash and ryo and joe and countless other characters with different fireballs.
>you have a 6f 2a that reaches pretty far
You mean 5A. 2A is short and 5f.
It was for
>boot up sfv
>do guile's v-trig combo until max combo reached
>restart from the other side
>fail so terribly that the dummy laughs at me
;-; help
In today's episode of "characters people want back but played"...
*never played
He was banned
>tfw no ninja girlfriend to berate me while pegging me in SFV
don't worry user, think of it like this:
even if such a woman existed, she would never sleep with you
>48 character build for KoF at EVO
For the love of G*d can someone play Meitenkun
daily reminder that reddit is the superior platform, they gave us juri urien survival mod free colors and free fm
stay free
BASED Tier God is our boy
Violent Ken doesn't make any goddamn sense. Evil Ryu kind of does considering his affection with the Satsui no Hado, Violent Ken is like "hey, Ryu has a dark bab mode, let's give Ken a dark bab mode too".
There should be the next KOF Station soon so you can see that at the very least
as much as I don't care for reddit it's true
/fgg/ is a shithole. If you are reading this post I urge you to leave. There are better communities and resources available.
Violent Ken isn't even canon.
why are kof designs so homo
Hey at least we have some tripfags here.. Right?
>tfw i really don't like the majority of the sites I frequent
Anybody who uses their martial art is susceptible to the satsui no hado.
Even Sakura got it in one of the comics.
How the fuck can blazgreen pot bonus keep a general alive but sf and gg can't
>Even Sakura got it in one of the comics.
The comics aren't canon though (except for the one about Nash's origins).
they understand us
Actually I believe in Violent Ken's case he is apparently powered by Bipson's Psycho Power
Just an example. Canonly anyone who uses it can get it.
Gouken taught Ryu and Ken a less lethal altered version of it, because it was originally an art used for assasinations.
And Ken modified it even further, but it isn't totally out there for him to get an evil version.
Gouken taught ken and ryu Ansatsuken, the satsui no hado is not a fighting style, it's literally made up evil wizard shit that comes from the pursuit of power and negative feelings or some shit.
i can turn my stick with my fingers as in spin the entire thing clockwise or counter clockwise
how do i fix it?
I never said the satsui no hado was a fighting style. Just that using that martial art makes you susceptible to it.
If it's not bolted down I don't see why you couldn't
What about characters who don't fight with martial art like Rashid?
>tfw no evil Dan
He didn't teach them straight ansatsuken, like he didn't teach them metsu shoryukens and shit because those were the lethal parts of the style.
Akuma uses a purer version of it and his want to be the best fighter is what made him the way he is.
Or something, ask HBR. For not liking SF he knows a lot of the lore.
It's specifically the shotos' martial art that leads to that. So Rashid is safe.
So how's the unilel netcode
it feels like its spinning much easier now than it did before
Chen, I'm already a cuck
>tfw on a 20 game winstreak at 2950 lp
i'm too scared to play
Dan even has a reason to go evil, the murder of his father. Unfortunately he has been made a joke character, it would be cool to see him come back, That said I don't want an edgy Dan, I'd like a goofy strong Dan.
violent ken seems like such a boring concept only edgelords want
when are we getting kind juri capcom
People care more about points that they do at getting better. When did it get to this point?
>Bad/Evil characters going good.
this needs to be a thing.
Mika has a really cool design both gameplay-wise and visually. How do I play as her in an honest fashion? Or how do I play as her in general?
shit man idfk watch fuudo
or play gief
Isnt Juri good or at least neutral in V?
It takes a long, long time to get the confidence not to need external validation of your skill. It's always been that way, with pretty much everyone. He'll get there eventually. We all will.
she's just gay for Cammy like 50% of the female cast in this game apparently, including Vega