OT: fucking teitch edition
39 hours until aka6 continues working on MF's contest pic on stream!
OT: fucking teitch edition
39 hours until aka6 continues working on MF's contest pic on stream!
Other urls found in this thread:
what happened to kekko edition
Would League eventually be a better game if the just removed items completely?
I'm starting to think bork-Titanic is the best Xin combo. The problem with items like Guinsoo's or Wit's is, while they do make you Tankier, they don't give him a lot of burst. Titanic gives raw damage, tankiness, plus an auto-reset which synergizes well with his Q. Need to test this further.
Breast waifu
Where the fuck are the useful links?
Uhh... LOLBABS??
Xth for Annie's panties should be an MR Item of plus 30 and smell like spaghetti O's
Yeah you can look shit up by yourself. Like I said, several people tweet him about It.
Quit making me look stupid by saying something fucking retarded mirroring my typing style while responding to a post I would likely respond too.
What would you do with your gold?
Go away Susan
What champion should you play if you're literally a fucking retard but want to win anyway with no work
half the time my mouse seems to poll at like 0.5 hz but i still seem to win cause lolshieldslut
supports in low elo
id assume you arent but there are retards in high elo so, meta assassins or irelia style tank/triforce champs
What am I reading here
At least I can trust some of you guys for following the rules
Omega good job
Which gets calculated first, %Armor Pen or flat Armor Pen?
I made it out of hell guys.
>leave to play overwatch for a bit
>turns out it's a garbage game and gets stale fast
>come back to this turd of a game because it's shit but it's the only thing worth playing right now
uhh... lolbabs?
Please stop trying to tarnish my good name on this board.
I have been building up my reputation for years now.
eat a cock autistic piece of shit
>got bored of overwatch
>but didn't come back to this game
I am free!
>High Bronze/Low Silver
There's a surprise waiting for you at Silver 1.
Silver is just polished Bronze, which is a polished turd
I asked in the last thread about positions where Akali would engage in delicious /ss/, someone suggested flexibility so I did some research, please help me pick:
1. The bridge blowjob while another boy fucks her pussy: i.4cdn.org
2. Pounded sideways while showing her leg flexibility: gelbooru.com
3. Feet behind her head while fucked from the front: gelbooru.com
4. Legs back, one boy fucking her pussy while another one licks her ass: gelbooru.com
There is no escape.
You are merely in a deeper layer.
>Still shitposts on Four Chan
Joke's on you
It's not hard to follow basic knowledge
Go play in traffic, retard
>this mad because some people decided to be nice for once
top kek
>protobelt on Diana
This shit is proper busted.
>Duo buddy leaves League for Overwatch, constantly shills game
>Keep telling him that he'll eventually grow bored of it and come crawling back sooner or later (which he denies)
>mfw he hasn't played Overwatch in a week
>mfw he tries to casually ask me what new changes are happening in League
Reduction > % > Flat
Okay boss, I'm sorry.
>403 forbidden
Like Xin passive?
>Breast waifu
>not MF
Oh fuck. I can't hotlink gelbooru
2. gelbooru.com
What champs build Runaan's? I love Runaan's
>it's "another slutty skin for herpes-infected MF who has 15 skins instead of Jinx who has 1" episode
the hotlink worked for me
>Jinx who has 1
Pls someone post the fucking teitch pic
I will suck your dick if you do
Jinx has 2 skins friend, but Mafia sucks a load of dicks so I forgive you.
>Breast waifu
>rank 7 Gnar
How do you play him? I've never seen a rank 5, let alone 7. What items do you build, and so on?
So, I'm almost level 20 and still can't stop feeding the other team.
Is there any general advice to git gud?
she has 3 retard, mafia, firercracker, and slayer
On your knees slut.
No, but it would be if they just outright removed runes.
There is no debating this.
Man I completely forgot about Slayer.
Probably because it sucks a load of dicks.
Firecracker best.
firecracker is hot garbage son
slayer is her only good skin, and that's only because her minigun makes a chainsaw noise when you switch to it
god i fucking love teemo. after level 6, i was completely ungankable. my shrooms completely made up for any ward shortages. and my damage was of the earth.
why people like shitting on him so much? why "gg we have teemo ff at 20"?
It's Pool Party. MF is undeniably the sexiest champion in the game, riot saying sexiness is her literal character. You're wondering why a giant tittied sex symbol of a champion got a swim suit skin before Jinx, whose literally wearing less material than PP MF on her classic skin?
Click into your browser bar then hit enter and it should load again.
Sankaku complex does the same thing and it's an easy work-around. You just can't hotlink from external sites or people think you're flooding.
>ruining what little diversity is left
Soon my friends.
If by "sexy" you mean "most likely to take cash in exchange for sex" yea
People shitting on Teemo is both a meme and the fact that he is bad at teamfights
That's clearly morgana though
Runes are ok, what they should remove is the necessity to buy them. They should all be freely available.
>implying MF needs to pay
her lore literally says she's a slut
>people shitting on teemo is a meme
Then I must be a meme connoisseur.
Opinions on the new ryze?
>mfw playing him for the first time today
This guy is shit at everything except looking cool.
I dont even know if he has 50%dmg of the old one
Runes do not add diversity. They add very little, if any, strategic decision to any champion. Most of the time there is ONE set of runes for a champ and that is basically it. They are a positive grindfest.
If you make them matter then you can browbeat opponents not with skills but number boosts, if they don't matter then why have them at all? They were put into the game as IP burns when Riot was a small company that needed it. That is no longer the case. Just give the champs the stats they need to function if it so bad without runes or put them on starting items. Let's not even touch the garbage that are runes pages that have NO business near a competitive game.
Even theoretically they are "hidden power". Raw number increases with little input once the game starts. Mirror matchups should not be decided by such garbage.
If you want "matchup specific" options, that is what items and, more to the point, masteries are for. There is no good reason for runes to exist and if they were outright removed entirely from the game no one would notice except literal autists that think there was some value in min maxing that garbage.
Is Soraka really broken or just really fucking annoying
I play her for waifu reasons and people act as if she's the most OP thing in the game
Has more. There.
I'm re-reading her lore and not seeing it. Where?
If you're you're playing against common tank bruisers I.E Garen, Nasus, Riven you build: Cleaver>Randuins>Mallet.
If you're playing AP Tops such as Ekko, Teemo etc. Build Maw>Banshee's>Randuins.
If you're facing hard counters such as Irelia, pantheon, Akali, Gangplank etc. build: Mallet>Sunfire>Randuins/Thornmail>Spirit Visage, basically tank items from there on. You can't fight these type of champs, they will kill you unless they just fuck up and fight you under tower or some stupid stuff like that. The only thing you can really do is beef up and hope for a possible jungle gank.
My most Common build so far is usually Cleaver>Mallet>Thornmail>Randuins>Banshee's>Boots.
For boots I usually go for Swifites because of the movement speed and being able to stick to targets better, but if they have a team with heavy ammounts of CC say 3 or more stuns+slows then I buy mercs.
I've also experimented with Bork a bit but I haven't perfected when to try and build it, but if you ever feel like you want to put some Life steal just build death's dance.
As for ruins and mastries? If you're starting out on him I'd say use grasp of undying to you get the hang of him, until you learn how to trade against people you can use Thunderlords for that highburst damage when you feel confident in trading. I've seen people use Fervor on him in higher elo, but I'm not that savy with him to start doing that just yet.
Ruins are: 3 AS quints,9 AD reds, 9 flat armor yellows, 9flat MR blues.
I'm too lazy to actually bring it up and quote it but her backstory referred to her "surrounding herself with lovers"
What adcs can reliably jungle? I want to be able to hard carry my awful team in plat
Is there a clan I can join that will help me get better at the game by playing with them?
This concludes the list
I hear Quinn's okay
There's a challenger player who plays Jinx jungle, and Twitch jungle has gotten popular lately. I heard about Kog jungle too?
>not including Koggles
I got shit on by a blood razor draven jungle the other day
>picking adc jungle and expecting to carry
>in plat of all elo
You're hysterical.
>no one would notice except literal autists
>goes on an autistic rant
Why are difficult matchups so fun? Am I a masochist?
yeah? well at least I can fucking quote posts correctly you disabled piece of cunt
Right there
"In the years that followed, tales of Miss Fortune spread far and wide, each more fanciful than the last. She captured the Syren from a captain who learned the hard way what it meant to slip a hand where it wasn’t wanted, drowned the master of the Silk-Knife Corsairs in a barrel of her own rum, and dragged the insane Doxy-Ripper from his lair in the belly of a half-dismembered leviathan in the slaughter docks."
She killed someone for trying to cop a feel. What are you talking about?
Lettuce Hunter
kog does absolutely nothing until 3 items though
just because a champion can clear the jungle doesn't mean it should jungle
if you want bloodrazor so badly just duo queue with a soraka main and run smite in lane
>goes on an autistic rant
Its a rant against Judaism and Judaism that has no real justifiable reason for existing. Every few months there is a flare up about how they should be removed from the game, Riot distracts with unveiling a "new rune rework" or "rune page sale". Rubbing their hands the entire time.
>I want to pick adc jungle and carry my plat shitter teammates
>It's totally them, not me at all
>I'm plat too btw
She is actually top tier idk about op though.
You both need to sleep.
again you're replying to the wrong person. I was talking about MF's lore you stupid shit
>Miss Fortune spent the years wisely, surrounding herself with a small but loyal cadre of allies and lovers she would eventually use to lay her demons to rest.
MF pleases old men to put demons to rest!
>Hard counters such as Akali
Care to talk more about this match up?
>0/6 placements
On my way to Elo Heaven, bois
>gnar hits 6
>akali hits 6
>akali jumps on gnar
>chunks, backs off and repeat
That's pretty much how it is I'm assuming (unless he doesn't know the #1 akali counter).